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Thread: 1 Year Transformation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    1 Year Transformation

    Before (last may) 140 lbs
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    Last edited by 07backbreaker; 05-04-2013 at 10:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    Looks like you have aged a couple of years in just one year aswell?
    Last edited by big_ron; 06-05-2012 at 12:45 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Good job man

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    Looks like you have ages a couple of year in just one year aswell?
    Why yes i have lol.... the one at the beach was last may. 17 yrs old The other one was the previous winter..16yr

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Good job you was a little fella big difference bro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Awesome! This was all natural? I'm interested in your workouts and diet. Care to elaborate on those?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Way to go bro keep it up!! And never give up!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    [QUOTE=stpete;6030775]Awesome! This was all natural? I'm interested in your workouts and diet. Care to elaborate on those?[/QUOTE

    yep ok
    Last edited by 07backbreaker; 05-04-2013 at 10:50 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    Great job man. Train your legs and you could easily gain another 30 pounds while staying lean

  10. #10
    Wow, we'll done mate. Your an example to all the younger generation who always think cycling is the answer! Good job mate

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by motorsportsz View Post
    Wow, we'll done mate. Your an example to all the younger generation who always think cycling is the answer! Good job mate

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by 07backbreaker View Post
    and NO sexual activity whatsoever..... (this may be a controversial topic about sexual activity....... Because the more sexual activity you have, the more test your testies produce.....which is true. ....but i say should abstain as much as possible ... BECAUSE... (in my worked for me) .... even though you body produces more testosterone after and during sexual activity.... your using most, if not all the testosterone produced - TO THAT SEXUAL ACTIVITY... ( i may be wrong.. but this worked for me) i came to the conclusion that the less sexual activity i have, the more natural test produced.. is available FOR my muscle building proccess
    Props bruh! I do the same thing when I'm lifting hard. Believe me, being young myself I know how hard it is to stay away! But disregard females, acquire gains. Then they come in flocks anyways because you ignore them and you're getting huuuge!
    Good job man! Keep it up. I look forward to more of your progress!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    I never thought that sexual activity had an effect on the muscle mass that we gain - Is there any scientific research done on this?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by Popeye's
    I never thought that sexual activity had an effect on the muscle mass that we gain - Is there any scientific research done on this?

    That's bro talk don't believe a word of that. Sounds pretty fcking gay if you ask me, working out with a bunch of dudes around and never go after some fine ass ***** once in a while? Get real!!

    Fck as many girls as you can as often as you can and don't ever think twice..ever
    and if your not fcking me better be watching some girl on girl action on the tube and still getting your jollies off. Life without release not worth living.

    Now having a hard time believing this 60lbs in a year without gear and you said you got Gyno from Nitro tech but had all this natrual test and igf and hgh in your system? LMFAO!! Cmon bro, good gains but at least be real no one cares if you used gear, it's a steroid forum, we all take them. Slfmade exempt he's clean, now a few holes in this story..and your before and after pics look like 5 years apart. You can't gain 60lbs in a year. It's impossible especially without growth, slin, gear and god knows what else. You just can't do it. and your 18? You didn't have the build to do it naturally. And to go further 60lbs on mass with no working your legs, even more impossible, your upper body is tied in with your lower body, you have to do the fundamentals like squats, deadlifts, leg presses and hack squats to make your upper body grown, infact many people grow more and faster in there upper body by training there core and lower body. And you gained 10lbs a month in the process?

    Ill use myself as an example. I been working out 15 years, since I was 15 so half my life I built a sold base clean base no gear except a shitty cycle of test that i did on a whim when I was 19 that really was not a cycle and fcked me up good for a while and didn't do anything except give me a bunch of acne cause I had no idea what I was doing. I think i did 250mg my first week 500 my second and 750mg my third week for 6 weeks no pct, thank god it didnt fck my htpa too bad. Stupid I got it in my mind oh lets go to TJ and buy some steroids, there were no forums like this, no one to tell me how it was so I just went ahead. anyways that was 10 years been working out naturally ever since till this year.

    Now Im 30 this month this year I put on 40lbs using everything in the book and went front 160 to 200. Ive shot so many hormones this year in my body i feel like i should be 225 already, but You can't go from no muscle mass to buff Jesus in one year on top of that 60lbs and your story just gets crazier and crazier. No sex, Gyno, researched gh, slin and steroids had all the side effects of them but didn't use way dude c'mon

    Any how good gains and progress but no reason to lie about things. Just keep doing what your doing, im happy for you its a great accomplishment however long it took and whatever you took to do it, but dont come into the lions den here and expect someone not to see the real deal here.
    Last edited by Razor; 07-11-2012 at 02:32 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    All over
    I have to agree with Razor, your story just seems much to good to be true. 60 lbs of fairly lean upper body mass in a year just isn't possible EVEN if you were to juice. Even if this honestly took you 2 years natty It would still be an impressive feat. The average person not using gear will put on 15-20 lbs of solid muscle mass a year so what this tell me is that u are 3 to 4 times better then average? I just don't see this happening sorry.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2012
    First of all.......No one has to believe anything... i told you the truth.....wether to believe it or not is your choice...

    Now as for the pics.... i wish there was a date setting on my camera. The one at the beach, i was 17, other one, i was 16

    As far as sexual axtivity goes.. theres been scientific research around the web how it states that it dosent affect gains...but im just stating what worked for me.... no one has to believe me. Or take me as a proffesional adviser. Im just putting out my worked for me...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2012
    As far as the gear goes........maybe i should have been a little more specific....i went up to 200 lbs of MASS. I just recently finished my one month cut.... im around 9 to ten precent bf..... and weigh a solid 185. So i gained a solid 40 maybe 45 t most lbs of muscle......

    I know this maybe hard to believe. But i assure you...i did not use any gear... didnt even know what kind of gear was out there eigher...i dont care if the whole world believes me or not. I know what happened and the ones who were there also.....

    -clarification....when i said 10 lbs in a month.....i also said MASS not muscle....

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Bro... point # 1 nice progress, there is obvious progress there.
    point #2...IF you say , you did not use any gear, then, we have no choice, but to believe you...
    Point # 3... Please don't tell us that's one year progress...we might have to believe, that you did not use any gear, because we cant prove otherwise ,BUT we are not blind bro, that is NOT a one year progress on the pictures, you do NOT age that much in one year...those before and after pictures are at least 4 or 5 years apart ( and i dont care if you say its not...its obvious it is).

    Is it still a nice progress IF those pictures are 4 or 5 years apart or IF you used gear???? YES it is , BUT come clean, there is no way in HELL you put on 40 pounds of SOLID muscle in one year WITH OR WITHOUT gear...i don't come here that often anymore, and i dont post that often, BUT dont think, im new to bodybuilding.... been doing this for 22 years, and your story just does not fit...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Either juice or larger time span, possibly both. Looking damn decent though!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by 07backbreaker View Post
    -clarification....when i said 10 lbs in a month.....i also said MASS not muscle....
    So you gained fat, not muscle, if mass is gained and its not muscle its fat and water weight, which again you said you didnt really gain any fat

    1. You didnt get Gyno from Nitro Tech...not plausible, I can relate to is too, I just got Gyno from no gear but I was injecting high amounts of growth hormomes and peptides at the time I got it. You can't just get Gyno from soy protein cmon!!!!!!!!. And you said you researched the gear, then you said you had no idea about the gear yet you use th terms igf, hgh and cortisol loosely which inclines me you used something.
    2. Gaining 10lbs of mass a month with no leg training, impossible
    3. You were a tiny 17 year old kid that looks 25 now in one year time frame.
    4. You had no base to build on to go have drastic weight changed like that.
    5. Last but it least you changed your story 4-5 times.
    6. At you 200lbs of mass, whatever that means,counts like you got fat, in one month you went from 200 and prolly 18-20% to 185 at 9%. C'mon man without gear, something to keep you anti catabolic like clen or primo or mast, you would not be able to do it let alone do it without it.
    7. Your not 9% your 15%
    Im 13% here and leaner than your supposid 9%

    How I know all this cause I've been in everyone of these situation and currently am in the 200 @13% trying to get down to 9% while taking t4, gh, clen, slin and peptides, you did good work man, but the extravagant story adds up to I used gear and had good results in more than a one year time period
    Last edited by Razor; 07-11-2012 at 11:26 PM.

  21. #21
    All what he wants is attention!
    C'mon little fella thats impossible to gain and look like that from 1 year to another.. Unless yu photoshop yurself! Lol

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by travaldavas_taz View Post
    All what he wants is attention!
    C'mon little fella thats impossible to gain and look like that from 1 year to another.. Unless yu photoshop yurself! Lol
    Simple its a 5-7 year spread with gear. mystery solved

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2012
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    Last June, been workin out approx 1 month 1/2 (started may)

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    This one below is one week into july

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    This one below is two/three weeks into august

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    this one below is late august early sept (cant remember)

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    This one is around november sometime

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    this one is around february after a little cardio

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    this was last year, from may up to this year, and my final transfomation pics in my first post, were from two months ago, ill update how i look now later
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    Last edited by 07backbreaker; 07-12-2012 at 12:09 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2012
    my gains were at peak around august and fall, they slowly tapered off towards the spring,,,,,i was still growing, just doing some running to.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    East Van
    Juice Monkey.............. jk.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Razor View Post
    So you gained fat, not muscle, if mass is gained and its not muscle its fat and water weight, which again you said you didnt really gain any fat

    1. You didnt get Gyno from Nitro Tech...not plausible, (do you mean possible? and i did get it from that protein..... as soon as i started lifting, i drank like 3 shakes a day with like 5k calories.... believe me, once i stopped taking that protein, gyno started going away.

    3. You were a tiny 17 year old kid that looks 25 now in one year time frame. (25?! holy crap. im 18! nov/4/1993 man, i can edit out my drivers licence private info and post it up, if you really dont believe my age.... i turn 21 in 2014

    4. You had no base to build on to go have drastic weight changed like that. (maybe not... but this is just my opinon ...dont bash me for this... i think that when you have no base like that... and you throww this amount of stress on the body for it to adapt.... it wil grow more than if you had a base before and was introduced to some stress before..)

    5. Last but it least you changed your story 4-5 times. (where?)

    6. At you 200lbs of mass, whatever that means,counts like you got fat, in one month you went from 200 and prolly 18-20% to 185 at 9%. C'mon man without gear, something to keep you anti catabolic like clen or primo or mast, you would not be able to do it let alone do it without it. (what i mean by mass is everything) thats what the word MASS means, it isnt muscle, or fat, or water, its MASS which is all three.)

    7. Your not 9% your 15% (i agree with you... i rushed when i said i went from 19 to 9.... i just meant to say... that i lost weight.... 200-180..(my bad) in reality im like 15/14... but i was way higher in those pics i have in the first post...)

    Im 13% here and leaner than your supposid 9%

    How I know all this cause I've been in everyone of these situation and currently am in the 200 @13% trying to get down to 9% while taking t4, gh, clen, slin and peptides, you did good work man, but the extravagant story adds up to I used gear and had good results in more than a one year time period
    ....... my reply in this post is in your quote above if you cant see it...

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Razor

    Simple its a 5-7 year spread with gear. mystery solved
    True story bro
    Yur the expert razor what do you think about this guy? Lol

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by travaldavas_taz View Post
    True story bro
    Yur the expert razor what do you think about this guy? Lol
    I think the expert feels pretty dumb right now

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by 07backbreaker

    I think the expert feels pretty dumb right now
    He is supposedly suspended thatz why he havent answer!
    Lol why? Yu miss him huh? Lol

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Well, that proves a whole lot of nothing. . .Who cares either way?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by travaldavas_taz View Post
    He is supposedly suspended thatz why he havent answer!
    Lol why? Yu miss him huh? Lol
    Heck yea i miss him lol, this is a interesting conversation he has goin...hes givin me a huge compliment along with everyone ekse who takes his side......i honestly dont care, i dont haveto prove anythin to anyone....this is just fun and im curious about the replies

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by 07backbreaker

    Heck yea i miss him lol, this is a interesting conversation he has goin...hes givin me a huge compliment along with everyone ekse who takes his side......i honestly dont care, i dont haveto prove anythin to anyone....this is just fun and im curious about the replies
    Well there yu go almost nobody believe yu and the other people dont care... If yu say yu gain that "60 lb" in 1 year well good for yu... And im just been honest

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