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Thread: Liver Detox

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Question Liver Detox

    Have a question for you vets...

    I had a blood test done a few years ago that showed that my liver does not remove enough of the toxens from my blood (bilirubens??) meaning i something look a bit yellow in the eyes etc. Not that yellow but not white either, like a misty color, sometimes, if you look for it. Like the way most get when they have alot to drink after partying all night.

    My question is, i was told that i should get some liver detox stuff from the health store to help me out, and that if my liver is working harder than it should, the supplements i've been taking might not be working as well as they should.

    Does this sound right?

    I alway feel run down no matter how well i eat/exercise and no matter how long i sleep for

    Could a detox help out alot

    Also i have never done AS before.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    just my experience but...

    i use milk thistle and drink cranberry juice alot when i'm on a cycle for detox purposes, but i don't feel a difference physically from it.medical tests may show a difference though. i would try both for 2-3 months then go back for another blood are showing any yellowing of the skin are you?? if seen alot of people w/ that eye condition after only being slightly well do you hydrate yourself? try the milkthistle, cranberry juice(if it's too concentrated cut it w/ water and chill it), and up your water intake. my theory is that if you are not urinating every hour then you aren't drinking enough water.good luck.i don't knwo enough about your specific condition from the post to answer anymore. keep me posted on your progress.i'm curious about this of luck, be safe bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    Thanks partyboy,

    i think i should be drinking alot more water than i am at the moment. I am just worried if i decide to do a cycle sometime down the track that it might be very risky to my liver, as with anyone but, considering that my liver seems not to get rid of toxens quick enough it might increase the risk of serious problems. What do you guys think?

    I guess taking X most of the time i go out doesn't help right


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    WEll Peeker, if you decide to juice, then you will probally have more liver problems, really depends on the type of gear you use. But mostly, any gear you use will have effects on your liver. If you have problems now, then you will probally have more problems. I agree with Partyboy, drink plenty of water. I posted something on the suppliments section, about Milk Thistle, I started taking it, cause I am taking alot of suppliments right now. You can buy it at GNC fairly cheap! About 20 bucks for a bottle. Works pretty good so the fellas on the board say anyways. I don't notice any side effects and or help. Course I don't have liver problems (not that I know of anyways). I just take it as a precaution. Cranberry juice, and Prune juice I hear work good for that. Cranberry juice is also good for your urinary tract to I believe.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte

  6. #6

    Liver Detox

    My friend, consumption of Detox stuff will help you to improve your liver health but it will take more time. As we are living in the polluted environment so our body including the liver gets infected very fast. It is very necessary to make the liver healthy and infection free so that it cannot create further problems.

    So for the fast relief and recovery of liver you should take an efficient homeoptahic medicine Liver Detox which is specially prepared with natural ingredients that can easily and quickly make your liver healthy.
    Last edited by Edina; 06-18-2010 at 07:48 AM.

  7. #7

    avoid the oral AS

    they are much harsher on the liver than the injectables. If you can find it, get a hold of Essentiale Forte N and do a course of therapy with it. It's considered one of the best for restoring liver health and function. Google it and check Amazon for availability.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    This thread is from a billion years ago....

    Read the sticky in the suppliment section

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