What do AI's do when taking with deca?
Will it limit gains if taken with deca?
Is it necessary ?
What do AI's do when taking with deca?
Will it limit gains if taken with deca?
Is it necessary ?
If you mean gaining from bitch tits, then yes... it will limit.
AI is aromatase inhibitor
So will deca work with an AI?
do some reading.
well.... you are using test, right???
Yes I am using test, test 400 with deca 450..
yes then, you need an AI. And probably Letro for your deca.
What are your stats and what exactly does your cycle and PCT look like??
Well I need help building a good pct,
But so far I have test 400, and deca 450.
Iam 5'8- 170lb - around 12% body fat
I would appreciate it of you can help me better my cycle ?
Any addition on what to add, the dosage and for how long and what else to take?
And as well as for pct
Drop the deca if its your first cycle. first cycles shoudl be test only. and a CLEAN DIET. try test enanthate 250 mg twice a week. you need an AI such as arimidex, as well as clomid for PCT. you should run the cycle for 10-12 weeks. what type of test do you have? ar-r.com can provide you with the AI and PCT supps. dont inject it. drink it. LOL. someone just did that...you should have a look at the steroid.com home page and read up on pct and steroid cycles. Please dont start your cycle until you have the AI and pct already, if you have already started, get them right away.
Lol bro I am not stupid either, ive been having this gear for a Month now and I haven't started Becuase I wanna make use I do it right ..
And this is not my first cycle, I've ran test before alone , and tren..
I just need some advice on my pct and any addition to my cycle..
hmm well if you dont know about AI and PCT, and you have cycled tren, thats probably why your sperm count is low. As you stated in your other post.
sounds strange to me. didnt call you stupid but "I wanna make use [you] do it right".
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