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Thread: Stanozolol oral only cycle questions

  1. #1

    Stanozolol oral only cycle questions

    Hi, This is my first ever cycle and would like some advise. My stats are:

    age 31
    weight 250 lbs
    height 6'3''
    BF 16%

    I am a fairly big dude, that definitely needs to shed some pounds and add a LITTLE muscle and strength in some areas. I want to start a Cycle of Stanozolol oral only. I know that most people would stack this with something else ( I do have Sustanon 250) but here is my only concern with that. I need to weight alot less for my upcoming job requirements, around 210 MAX. My brother was on Stanozolol with the sustanon and although he leaned out he put on massive weight (230 lbs to 264 lbs) I cannot afford to weigh any more then I do.What I need from my cycle is a little extra something to increase endurance ( red blood cells) and provide a small boost for muscle gain in my legs, core, and arms. With my proposed cycle work? Thanks everyone

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    So you want to gain LBM, drop B/F and increase cardio ability all from a couple winny tabs?

    This wont happen, even dropping the 40lbs is a big task

    Best thing you can do is hammer the cardio in a cal deficit and look into something like ECA

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    winny doest burn fat.
    how much of your brothers weight gain fat and water? and what dosage did he use?
    what you gain on cycle or loose depends on your diet.
    you are better of a low dose test cycle, with an ai and good diet.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    He was taking 50 mg of the stan per day, and 2cc of the sust per week ( one 1cc shot every 3-4 days) He is still the same size/weight. Some was fat some water I'm sure but the exact amount I could not say.

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