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Thread: arm pain on chest day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    arm pain on chest day

    my upper outisde arm right below my shoulder hurts after i incline every chest day to the point where i cant finish my flys...anyone know whats goin on?

  2. #2
    I'm having same pain. Joined forum to try to find some answers. Hopefully someone can celebrity of us. My pain is worse on chest day, but also a dull aching all the time.

  3. #3
    Could be a rotary cuff injury I have the same rest for a few weeks and do some training on it to make it stronger people train shoulders and the three rotary cuff muscles don't get as much strain put on them then the other muscles in the shoulder and become weak and being to hurt

    Might be something else but by the sounds of it it's probably that go see you doc and get it checked out

    Hope that helps

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