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Thread: Hodgkins Lymphoma

  1. #1
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    Hodgkins Lymphoma

    I just found out that my baby brother was diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma. He's only 24 for Christ's sake and I'm completely stunned. He found a lump in his neck a few weeks ago and when he went to the doc they wanted to take it out immediately for a biopsy, which they did. I just got off the phone with him and he asked me not to say anything to our parents until he talks to them. Can't believe this.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Sorry to hear that man...My thoughts go out to you and your family. Best wishes to your brother.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00
    Thank you for that bro.. It's definitely encouraging that it's the most curable cancer and they did catch it very early on. I guess it's common for young adults to get this after all. I feel terrible he'll have to go through chemo and he lives down in FL with no family close by. Feeling helpless.
    Last edited by Igifuno; 07-02-2012 at 12:07 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc
    Sorry to hear that man...My thoughts go out to you and your family. Best wishes to your brother.
    Thanks man. This definitely sucks. I just told my daughter because she asked why I looked sad. I watered it down a bit though and didn't use the cancer word.

  6. #6
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    Very sorry to hear this, my thoughts and best wishes also go out for him. Technology has come along way, tell him to keep his chin up and have faith.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    prayers with him man.
    my father was diagnosed with that when he was 21....

  8. #8
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    Thanks vette and JP.

    JP how did it turn out for your Dad?

  9. #9
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    passed at 39....

    however, it was in 1986, the way they attack it now the outcome would have been different.

    it will work out for him, he will be in my thoughts.

  10. #10
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    I was diagnosed with Hodgkins in 1984. Lost a spleen and a thyroid gland, but other than that life is good 28 years later. Treatment is better now. Your brother is going to be OK. PM me if he needs support, a phone call, etc.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN
    passed at 39....

    however, it was in 1986, the way they attack it now the outcome would have been different.

    it will work out for him, he will be in my thoughts.
    So sorry to hear that man. I couldn't imagine. Thanks for the encouraging words.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stickman123
    I was diagnosed with Hodgkins in 1984. Lost a spleen and a thyroid gland, but other than that life is good 28 years later. Treatment is better now. Your brother is going to be OK. PM me if he needs support, a phone call, etc.
    Wow I'm glad you're ok. Thanks for the offer of support Stick. How old are you now?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Shit man, he's my age Really sorry to hear that but I am sure he will fight his way outta it buddy

  14. #14
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    over here
    Keep your head up. High survival rate for HL, your bro will be fine.

  15. #15
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    It finds a way to reach out and touch everyone somehow. Hope he does well!

  16. #16
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    Thanks everybody. His attitude is unbelievably positive. He's young, strong and healthy so I know he'll be ok. He's just gonna go through hell getting there. Really appreciate all the support guys.. Means a lot.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Thanks everybody. His attitude is unbelievably positive. He's young, strong and healthy so I know he'll be ok. He's just gonna go through hell getting there. Really appreciate all the support guys.. Means a lot.
    Really sorry to hear but in bold should put him in good stead!!!

  18. #18
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    We got really bad news yesterday. My brother is in advanced stage 3, possibly stage 4 and his CT scan shows that it has spread throughout his neck, chest and stomach. They're extracting bone marrow as we speak to determine if it's in his marrow, and if it is, it is stage 4.

    In addition to chemo, they're now planning on some aggressive radiation which is going to be so hard for him.

    I'm a damn wreck, and I just can't believe this is happening to him. Whatever your religion, or whatever, throw him a prayer or positive thought. He's such a good kid.



  19. #19
    Join Date
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    ^^^I'm sorry buddy. Positive thoughts sent
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  20. #20
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    Sorry to hear that brother. I'm at a loss for words to say about the situation and it saddens me that such a healthy young man has to go through this. Best wishes to you, your family, and especially your brother. I am not a very religous man but I will say a prayer for him and keep him in my thoughts.

    If you need anything feel free to shoot me a pm.

  21. #21
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    Thanks guys. Just want to say a few more words about my brother..

    Dan lives in Orlando, FL with 2 of his best friends he grew up with in Maine. Works for Full Sail University, and loves life as any 24 year old man should.

    Although he is 11 years younger than me, I've learned so much from him, mostly just by watching him. He has always had the biggest heart to help others. Growing up he'd always befriend the underdog.

    Even now, he gives his time to a few of the homeless people he passes on his way to work each day. He knows their names and leaves early so he has a few extra minutes to stop and ask how their day is going. Sometimes he gives them his lunch if they haven't had anything to eat and either goes without, or spends extra to get himself something.

    He skateboards over 4 miles a day to get to and from work because he doesn't have a car and doesn't want to bother any of his friends for rides, even though they offer. He won't take any money from me or our parents (unless he really needs it).

    Yesterday after he went in to the oncology office and he saw people receiving their chemo, instead of saying how awful it looked or how scared he was, he just said that each time he goes in for his treatments, he will make a point to make their day better. He has a gift for doing that..

    I strive to be like him, and hope that one day I will be.

  22. #22
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    ^^^ He sounds like an amazing guy.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  23. #23
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    He really is gixx... I just can't believe how hard it is to hold it together right now. I dont want my kids to see me upset, so I'm glad I can come here and put some thoughts in writing you know?

  24. #24
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    I dont know how old your kids are and if they can understand. But dont be afraid to show your emotions either.
    But you know you have support here when you need it
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  25. #25
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    14 and 9. My older one understands but I guess I just don't want to scare them. Its not everyday that I get upset and I'm worried they'll know how serious this is if they see me upset.

    They love their uncle so much..

  26. #26
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    My daughter made this for him... This is my brother:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-3911505576.jpg 
Views:	326 
Size:	316.0 KB 
ID:	124702

  27. #27
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    He sounds like an all around great person. If we had more like him this world be a much better place...
    Very admirable for such a young guy

  28. #28
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    Thanks jasc

  29. #29
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    I was stage 3,too. I'm 41 now and no recurrence of Hodgkins since 1985. This is not a death sentence. There are much worse cancers to have.

    Sounds like the treatment is going to suck, but I'd be willing to bet you'll see the swollen lymph nodes start to melt away after the first or second treatment. Hang in there. There are support groups out there for not only patients but for families, too.

    The offer stands if he/you ever needs to talk.


  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stickman123
    I was stage 3,too. I'm 41 now and no recurrence of Hodgkins since 1985. This is not a death sentence. There are much worse cancers to have.

    Sounds like the treatment is going to suck, but I'd be willing to bet you'll see the swollen lymph nodes start to melt away after the first or second treatment. Hang in there. There are support groups out there for not only patients but for families, too.

    The offer stands if he/you ever needs to talk.

    Thank you Stick, it helps to hear things like this and I share things like this with my brother. I'm glad you've stayed healthy all these years. So you were an early teenager when you had it. I appreciate you bro and will definitely keep your offer in mind.

    I'm starting a fundraiser for him and people are already donating. Gonna talk with legal zoom Monday about potentially opening a non profit to help with his med and travel expenses (hopefully to avoid being taxed). A friend of mine does ticket resales and he's auctioning a pair of Justin Bieber tix on eBay for my brother. Pretty cool. He doesn't make a lot of $$ so we're also checking with the hospital where he's getting treatment to see if he qualifies for any medical assistance, which would be awesome.

    This type of thing reminds you of how precious life is. Be good to one another.

  31. #31
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    My brother is headed in for his first chemo treatment today and also finds out of he's in stage 3 or 4.

    He's bring pretty kick ass brave and even seems anxious to get this started. Hopefully, this is the beginning of crushing this thing.

    Watched the movie 50/50 last night. Would highly recommend it. Great movie (Funny as hell) about a guy who goes through cancer and how he deals with it.

    Good luck today, Dan. Wish I could be there.

  32. #32
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    will say a prayer for him igi

  33. #33
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    I send my best wishes to your brother, must be sucha scary thing to have been told.

    Always makes me think how life is precious and we need to enjoy everyday we have and not take things for granted.

  34. #34
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    Thanks ragin and well said stevy...

    Great news... Not stage 4!!! I believe your thoughts and prayers are working. Still advanced stage 3 and will still need radiation on addition to chemo but stage 3 is a hell of a lot better than stage 4 because it's not present in his bone marrow.

    Thanks to all...

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    Thanks ragin and well said stevy...

    Great news... Not stage 4!!! I believe your thoughts and prayers are working. Still advanced stage 3 and will still need radiation on addition to chemo but stage 3 is a hell of a lot better than stage 4 because it's not present in his bone marrow.

    Thanks to all...
    That's awesome man! Great news

  36. #36
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    wow ill hope your the best for you guys igi

  37. #37
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    I'm bumping this thread with a terrible pit in my stomach. My brother called me this morning with the terrible news that his cancer has returned.

    He has not been diligent in getting his quarterly checkups. He doesn't make great money and his insurance sucks so it costs him $400 for every check up so he's skipped the last 10 or so.. So that's 2.5 years. He reported symptoms a few months ago but they were far and few between so he ignored them. As they got worse, he got nervous and finally went in this week. His doc called him yesterday and have him the news.

    He called me this morning and told me. I'm just beyond devastated. I waited to tell my wife and kids until just about an hour ago. We had some things going on today and didn't think it was the best time to tell them. They didn't take it well, my parents are a mess.

    I can't believe he's only 28 and about to go through this sh*t all over again.

    They're not yet sure what it is. Hopefully it's HL and not NHL.

    I wish I could take it from him

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    I'm bumping this thread with a terrible pit in my stomach. My brother called me this morning with the terrible news that his cancer has returned. He has not been diligent in getting his quarterly checkups. He doesn't make great money and his insurance sucks so it costs him $400 for every check up so he's skipped the last 10 or so.. So that's 2.5 years. He reported symptoms a few months ago but they were far and few between so he ignored them. As they got worse, he got nervous and finally went in this week. His doc called him yesterday and have him the news. He called me this morning and told me. I'm just beyond devastated. I waited to tell my wife and kids until just about an hour ago. We had some things going on today and didn't think it was the best time to tell them. They didn't take it well, my parents are a mess. I can't believe he's only 28 and about to go through this sh*t all over again. They're not yet sure what it is. Hopefully it's HL and not NHL. I wish I could take it from him
    ah fvck man..... My family wishes him all the best! I hope they can get this under control quickly. We are here for you man..... I'm not far so anything u guys need me and the Mrs are available!
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  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    ah fvck man..... My family wishes him all the best! I hope they can get this under control quickly. We are here for you man..... I'm not far so anything u guys need me and the Mrs are available!
    Thanks my friend. Appreciate you guys and tell the Mrs. we say thanks as well. I'll connect with you soon man.

  40. #40
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    Keep the faith. Prayers sent.

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