Finally managed to find a place listening to concerns over testicular atrophy, ache, health etc. Unfortunately it was a clinic and felt a bit like a candy store... Was hoping you guys could shed some light on their protocol and see if it needs some more tweaking to be closer to the norm or if i should follow as directed...
Most recent lab work: Pre-t shows blood work done the day I started HRT before Tx with Test-Cyp 200mg IM E14D/2 weeks and Nadir which shows my Nadir point taken 4weeks after starting Test on my last day before my third shot which subsequently caused my urologist to increase my dose to Test-Cyp 200mg IM E10D. After the change in does I began taking 120mg every 6 days since that works conveniently with my work schedule and split the does into two smaller does...
Pret initial labs: 4/24/12
Total Test: 326 (250-1100) ng/dL
Free Test: 70.7 (35.0-155.0) pg/mL
LH: 3.2 (1.5-9.3) mIU/mL
FSH: 4.3 (1.4-18.1) mIU/mL
Estradiol: 18 (11.0-44.0) pg/mL
Progesterone: 0.65 (range missing) ng/mL
Prolactin: 4.6 (2.1-17.7) ng/mL
Nadir Labs: 5/23/12
Total Test: 322 (348-1197) ng/dL
Free Test: 9.2 (8.7-25.1) pg/mL
LH: 0.1 (1.7-8.6) mIU/mL
Estradiol: 24 (3-70) pg/mL
Progesterone: 0.7 (0.2-1.4) ng/mL
After seeing this labwork as well as some other older lab work regarding thryroid hormones and trending they prescribed me with:
300 mg test cyp every friday
250 IU HCG every wed and thurs
0.5 mg anastrazole saturday and wednesday
Progesterone 100mg nightly for sleep due to low progesterone
and changed my hypothyroid medication from 75mcg synthroid every day to Amour thyroid 60mg BID.
On the surface seems great, they prescribed everything I could hope for and dug through old lab work and addressed my thyroid issue which I had wanted to change as well as progesterone which I wasn't even aware of. That being said am I wrong in feeling that 300 mg a week is way too high?
Dr. mentioned increasing my dose from their standard 200mg weekly to 300mg since my nadir point was so low after test therapy started and I was on too low of a dose for therapeutic benefits.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as well as possible suggestions for working this regimen out on an more shift friendly schedule. I work 24 on and 48 off and injecting on shift days are something i'd like to avoid if possible.
Would this schedule sound more feasible?
Day 1: 100mg Test Cyp
Day 2: 0.5 mg AI
Day 3: 125 iu HCG
Thanks in advance!