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Thread: A-Dex problems? Possible sides?

  1. #1

    A-Dex problems? Possible sides?

    Yesterday day I took my 2nd dose of A-Dex @ .25 EOD. I am just starting my 5th week of Test E only. No gyno sides at all. Just wanted to start it just in case. Anyway, I am feeling tired all the time, and HOT! Alsoe started to cramp up all over. Any feed back would be awesome!

    Thanks again!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    AI's can do that... Why are you taking an AI? Are you having estrogenic sides?

  3. #3
    No, but everything I have studied, and everyone I have talked to said it was a must and that I should have started day one.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Pachydurm View Post
    No, but everything I have studied, and everyone I have talked to said it was a must and that I should have started day one.
    I do not agree with that!! You should take an AI only when needed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    The only way to really know if you need an AI is through blood work. Go with a private online lab to get your tests. Quick and easy and not real expensive.

  6. #6
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    Well if you have a look at the top of this forum section swift says its better to run an AI than not to run an AI. Not just to prevent bitch tits but also to minimize loss of muscle due to estrogen effect .

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    The only way to really know if you need an AI is through blood work. Go with a private online lab to get your tests. Quick and easy and not real expensive.
    but if you are injecting high amounts of test you are going to have high estrogen. Now how high can vary but it will be above normal
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pachydurm View Post
    Yesterday day I took my 2nd dose of A-Dex @ .25 EOD. I am just starting my 5th week of Test E only. No gyno sides at all. Just wanted to start it just in case. Anyway, I am feeling tired all the time, and HOT! Alsoe started to cramp up all over. Any feed back would be awesome!

    Thanks again!
    are you sure you dosed it correctly
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    but if you are injecting high amounts of test you are going to have high estrogen. Now how high can vary but it will be above normal
    I totally agree with you gixx for most people. I have a friend that at 500 mg/week his E2 is right in the middle of normal. I also have a friend that needs an AI on his TRT dose of 200 mg/week. These guys are not the norm. But to be totally sure of what and how much of an AI you need to control E2 is to have bw. And there's no reason not to have it done because the private labs are very reasonable.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    I totally agree with you gixx for most people. I have a friend that at 500 mg/week his E2 is right in the middle of normal. I also have a friend that needs an AI on his TRT dose of 200 mg/week. These guys are not the norm. But to be totally sure of what and how much of an AI you need to control E2 is to have bw. And there's no reason not to have it done because the private labs are very reasonable.
    yes those are abnormal. And def agree with the blood work. I've done it before so i know where to dose mine now.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    Thanks for the input! I checked the dosage and it was right. I have lost water weight as well. I'm just now feeling human again though..Maybe it's just not for me.

  12. #12
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    I totally agree with you gixx for most people. I have a friend that at 500 mg/week his E2 is right in the middle of normal. I also have a friend that needs an AI on his TRT dose of 200 mg/week. These guys are not the norm. But to be totally sure of what and how much of an AI you need to control E2 is to have bw. And there's no reason not to have it done because the private labs are very reasonable.
    That was my point. I get elevated estro on 300 week... I know some guys that are on 600 week and experience few estrogenic side effects.. I know its pain in the ass but blood work is the best determinent. Obviously there are cases where you can be fairly certain that your estro is high, due to side effects common to elevated estro, without blood work. Then , by all means take a AI.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by M37H View Post
    Well if you have a look at the top of this forum section swift says its better to run an AI than not to run an AI. Not just to prevent bitch tits but also to minimize loss of muscle due to estrogen effect .
    Right, and Swifto is right. But I dont think he is recommending that people who are on 200 to 400mgs a week who have no estrogenic sides what so ever automatically take an AI..... I could be wrong.

  14. #14
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    Australia, Victoria
    Hmmm I read as in even if you don't have side effect you should still run an AI for other reasons , not just for gyno.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    I do not agree with that!! You should take an AI only when needed.
    You are wrong on this.You start your ai when you start your cycle.Read the sticky by Swifto.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    You are wrong on this.You start your ai when you start your cycle.Read the sticky by Swifto.
    Its only my opinion.... I believe that if your bloodwork indicates that your estro is normal, then an AI is not needed. Listen, Swifto is by far more informed than I could hope to be so by all means...go with his recommendations. I use Swifto as a resource myself. However, I know some guys that have run low doses of test along with a dht compound and there estro levels come back normal......

    The only time I will automatically run an AI whether I have symptoms or not is when I am running high doses of aromatizing compounds, hcg in my cycle or any 19nors. Those are situations where the use of an AI should be incorporated from the start.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Right, and Swifto is right. But I dont think he is recommending that people who are on 200 to 400mgs a week who have no estrogenic sides what so ever automatically take an AI..... I could be wrong.
    200-400mg/wk Test can increase estrogen dramatically. Therefore, an AI is advised.

    BW needs to be done to see where E is.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Its only my opinion.... I believe that if your bloodwork indicates that your estro is normal, then an AI is not needed. Listen, Swifto is by far more informed than I could hope to be so by all means...go with his recommendations. I use Swifto as a resource myself. However, I know some guys that have run low doses of test along with a dht compound and there estro levels come back normal......

    The only time I will automatically run an AI whether I have symptoms or not is when I am running high doses of aromatizing compounds, hcg in my cycle or any 19nors. Those are situations where the use of an AI should be incorporated from the start.
    Some need AI's on HRT, others don't.

    Again, BW needs to be done.

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