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Thread: Australia and Steroids

  1. #1

    Australia and Steroids

    Hey brahs,

    I live in Australia and our customs here are so effing annoying it's a joke. Stingy Australians. So I am not asking for a source, just asking a simple question. Do you think that it would be best if I tried to find a local source either at a gym or a dealer, or a respectable online source? I just fear that even if I find a source online, that it wouldn't even be able to get into Australia and that I would be sent a notice or get in some serious trouble. Some of the websites claim that they send it in discrete packaging, but that wouldn't stop the stingy Australian customs from discovering the contents inside would it? Good god you Americans have it much easier than us. And I don't really feel like spending more money on a trip to Thailand like Zyzz regularly did. But I suppose if that is the only way, then oh well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    if your worried about customs, then go local brah.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    if your worried about customs, then go local brah.
    Is it possible for the online purchases to get through customs? In your opinion do you think it is too risky to try and get them online?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    i get "stuff" online, they've all come through so far, but there is always a chance that it wont, also over time, depending on how often you get "stuff" its more than likely that you will get a package seized. but also depending on where you live it may be cheaper to buy local or vise versa. i live in Perth and the local prices here are fkd up.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    i get "stuff" online, they've all come through so far, but there is always a chance that it wont, also over time, depending on how often you get "stuff" its more than likely that you will get a package seized. but also depending on where you live it may be cheaper to buy local or vise versa. i live in Perth and the local prices here are fkd up.
    Yeah I here you man. I live in Brisbane and even some of the prices here are ridiculous. I think some of the dealers around here put their prices up knowing that they are only one of a few people who actually have AAS and know that people will want to buy off them. Stuff that. That's a joke. I guess I'll have to try and find some decent online sources.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharmabrah View Post
    Hey brahs,

    I live in Australia and our customs here are so effing annoying it's a joke. Stingy Australians. So I am not asking for a source, just asking a simple question. Do you think that it would be best if I tried to find a local source either at a gym or a dealer, or a respectable online source? I just fear that even if I find a source online, that it wouldn't even be able to get into Australia and that I would be sent a notice or get in some serious trouble. Some of the websites claim that they send it in discrete packaging, but that wouldn't stop the stingy Australian customs from discovering the contents inside would it? Good god you Americans have it much easier than us. And I don't really feel like spending more money on a trip to Thailand like Zyzz regularly did. But I suppose if that is the only way, then oh well.
    Hey Bro,

    I'd definitely go a local dealer hands-down aye

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    100% local, trust me I've tried the other way and eventually got f*cked, real bad... You can listen to who ever you like yeah it might get through, yeah it might get caught and nothing or maybe a letter BUT the day the decide they feel like following it up you will be sorry, you'll need a kick arse lawyer which will cost a fortune and expect severely high fines and a criminal record.

  8. #8
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    To save a few hundred dollars here and there I think importing is the dumbest thing anyone could ever do and like I said this is from persOnal experience

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Kronik where abouts in perth are you n what gym do you go to?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183 View Post
    100% local, trust me I've tried the other way and eventually got f*cked, real bad... You can listen to who ever you like yeah it might get through, yeah it might get caught and nothing or maybe a letter BUT the day the decide they feel like following it up you will be sorry, you'll need a kick arse lawyer which will cost a fortune and expect severely high fines and a criminal record.
    Yeah i've had shitloads of seizure letters years ago when i was doing it, had to go to court and do the whole deal, lawyers, barristers you name it, i didn't do time over it though. Since then i found a heap of connections and not once have i had to import anything since then and i don't plan on importing anything in the future as well I have access to everything i need now so yeah things are pretty good

    Quote Originally Posted by hsvcraig View Post
    Kronik where abouts in perth are you n what gym do you go to?
    You guys all from perth aye?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Yep Perth here too

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Yeah from perth, Gosnells. I train at pure fitness, canningvale, killa gym!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    You guys just need to come up with a way of smuggling gear inside the country. How often do they search sail boats?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    ahh no worries, i'm in nsw, i tried to pm you's but can't cause of low post count lol

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    You guys just need to come up with a way of smuggling gear inside the country. How often do they search sail boats?
    Yeah sail boats lol! Last i heard only a really tiny percentage of containers from ships get checked..........and those containers are pretty darn big lmfao!!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leisure Suite Larry View Post
    Yeah sail boats lol! Last i heard only a really tiny percentage of containers from ships get checked..........and those containers are pretty darn big lmfao!!
    like a 18 foot sailboat can hide a lot of gear if you know how to hide it. I'm not going to give any names, but I've heard of somebody mailing a cheap bicycle from amsterdam with illegal substances inside the metal frame sealed up so it could get past the dogs and Xrays. you probably could do that with gear too.

  17. #17
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    Guys do you really think this kinda talk is a good idea on the open forum? I know you all are just speculating on how it could be done, however since you are talking about way to move a major amount of gear this is not a good thing as those in authority might really take this stuff serious.

  18. #18
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Guys do you really think this kinda talk is a good idea on the open forum? I know you all are just speculating on how it could be done, however since you are talking about way to move a major amount of gear this is not a good thing as those in authority might really take this stuff serious.
    You're probably right, but it's just talk on my end anyways.

  19. #19
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    Jul 2012
    i was thinking about ordering online to melb but i figured i better not, i was gonna get it mailed to an abandoned house with a pre paid credit card that way it can not get traced back to me, but i just went to a local dealer and paid ****ing shit loads for an 8wk cycle of anavar

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    like a 18 foot sailboat can hide a lot of gear if you know how to hide it. I'm not going to give any names, but I've heard of somebody mailing a cheap bicycle from amsterdam with illegal substances inside the metal frame sealed up so it could get past the dogs and Xrays. you probably could do that with gear too.
    18 footer, could probably fit a few hundred keys on that aye I wouldn't want to be sailing that boat though, ****en be as paranoid as a fruit loop the whole way, maybe end up having a heart attack from the stress.

    Did the bike get through okay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Guys do you really think this kinda talk is a good idea on the open forum? I know you all are just speculating on how it could be done, however since you are talking about way to move a major amount of gear this is not a good thing as those in authority might really take this stuff serious.
    Just speculation man

  21. #21
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Leisure Suite Larry View Post
    18 footer, could probably fit a few hundred keys on that aye I wouldn't want to be sailing that boat though, ****en be as paranoid as a fruit loop the whole way, maybe end up having a heart attack from the stress.

    Did the bike get through okay?

    Just speculation man
    Yeah the bike made it no problem.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by hsvcraig View Post
    Yeah from perth, Gosnells. I train at pure fitness, canningvale, killa gym!
    Few guys from P town here! I know a few people that train there.

  23. #23
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    Jhow about dragging a sealed item behind the sailboat with a quick release set up. Just saying.

  24. #24
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    Only thing about an 18footer, is i doubt that could handle rough seas on the way over lol, 18foot is tiny man, thats ony 6 metres lmfao! One wave a little too big will turn her right over

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    G,day mate. You are correct Australia Customs are C####ts . They will find anything. I hate them and the entire way that Australia has gone. Used to be the greatest nation in the world. Now its a shit house run by lying mangy curs! Brothels in Canberra first. casinos so politicians can clean their dirty money. And worst of all the scum called lawyers.

    Move to Thailand, its less corrupt and a lot more friendly! I tried to fight the system there its impossible. Vote with your feet! Good luck mate. If you can find a local source use it! Regards, John

  26. #26
    I don't mean to piggy back on your thread but I live in England and I'm coming to Australia for a year I'm flying into Sydney.

    What would be the best option for me?
    Buy local or is it possible for me to get some through customs when I fly in?
    Because someone mentioned that someone went to thiland to get some?
    Last edited by turn3r; 08-17-2012 at 06:47 AM.

  27. #27
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    flying from the ashes
    Quote Originally Posted by john andrew View Post
    g,day mate. You are correct australia customs are c####ts . They will find anything. I hate them and the entire way that australia has gone. Used to be the greatest nation in the world. Now its a shit house run by lying mangy curs! Brothels in canberra first. Casinos so politicians can clean their dirty money. And worst of all the scum called lawyers.

    move to thailand, its less corrupt and a lot more friendly! I tried to fight the system there its impossible. Vote with your feet! Good luck mate. If you can find a local source use it! Regards, john

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Got to love you aussies.. mangy curs! that's about like a right cvnt slap!

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    I would not try to fly into Australia with gear! Customs are serious arseholes and its a class 5 drug! same as heroin! Take the stuff back to England and its legal!!!!!!!!!! Good luck John

  30. #30
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    pro tip. maybe alot of you dont like high volume shots less mg per ml. BUt the amount of vet roids you can get all over Australia is huge. And lets be honest horses get the best shit. And before you argue human pharma grade.... i bet the horse gear is clearer then your average UGL .

    also, maybe look into the Australian UGL's there are a few, and order local through them. Or pay your 150-225 a vial through a ex pro at your gym, every gym has one.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    i go to next generation, bibra lake

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Hey guys,
    I'm a new member from brissy. In the same boat as all of you as well... I have never had a good supply.. Was considering that silkroad anonymous market place.. Have you heard of it? If not chuck it in google and have a squiz.


  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thats fishing mate, cant do that read the rules!

  34. #34
    Brisbane here aswell. Not keen on forking out 300 bucks on a cycle of test e

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkn
    Thats fishing mate, cant do that read the rules!
    Not sure how that is fishing mate.. I stated that I don't have a good supply here and was asking a what people thought of silk road... Not fishing as I know that source already exists.


  36. #36
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    Jun 2012
    Ordering stuff online or bringing it in is a really bad mistake. When I lived in Asia, I always flew out with a q or a half ounce of dope mulled up and taped to the arch of my foot and never got caught, but it's a stupid thing to do and I was lucky not to get caught. I was young and stupid. There are heaps of people selling gear in Aus. Definitely try and find one of those guys. In my experience, a lot of Afghans seem to be taking it and selling it. It's pretty obvious who is on the gear most of the time.
    For pct, you can order that online. Even if customs opens it, you'll be ok. Well clomid will anyway...

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tasmaniac
    For pct, you can order that online. Even if customs opens it, you'll be ok. Well clomid will anyway...
    Is that right? So clomid isn't a customs issue...? Why is that do you know??


  38. #38
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    When I got mine, customs had opened the package and put a letter in there saying that they checked what was inside and that they had no problems with it.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jozzy7 View Post
    Is that right? So clomid isn't a customs issue...? Why is that do you know??
    I got Clomid and Nolvadex from ar-r... customs opened it but let it through.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tasmaniac View Post
    When I got mine, customs had opened the package and put a letter in there saying that they checked what was inside and that they had no problems with it.

    I got my other stuff locally though, f**k ordering that online.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by The Kernal View Post
    Brisbane here aswell. Not keen on forking out 300 bucks on a cycle of test e
    you gotta pay that for a 10ml of test in perth ahaha. it sux here!

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