Well so it was pointed out to me that I may have said something on here at some point recently that was or could be taken as offensive or rude. I have no doubt that the advise I was given is completely legit and warranted (you know who you are). My wife tells me all the time that I speak to ppl, including her that way and she is surprised that I have any friends at all **scratchin my head wondering why I have so few friends**. I have a tendency to say what is on my mind without much regard for ppl's feelings or thought of consaquences. Boy has that back fired a time or two! I also have a twisted, dry sense of humor that often times requires that one know me before they really get it. But again it sounds good and funny in my mind at that moment...so out it comes like vomit after your 10th shot of Jager
I just wanted to take the oppurtunity to apologize to anyone who's feelings I hurt, feathers I ruffled or Cheerios I pissed in and to thank the individual who pointed out my behavior to me in an effort to help me get along in the sandbox.
So, I am sorry, thank you and back to your regular scheduled programming.