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Thread: First cycle. Anadrol, Test E.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Lightbulb First cycle. Anadrol, Test E.

    Hey yall.
    Nevermind the italics to skip the boring.

    Someone who may, or may not be me...
    Weighed 145 lbs all through highschool rarely lifted and played video games that spent a couple years working then went to college. Jumped from 145 straight to 210 of pure fat...
    Needles to say, HATED being fat. Decided to lose weight the wrong way by buying into the new fat loss pill and some mild exercise and was getting nowhere.
    Then started replacing one meal a day with shakes and still doing mild exercise.. within 6 months had gotten down to a slender 155. Was happy being there... but wanted more.
    Got into heavier lifts and the world of body building. Doesnt consider himself a body builder now, its still a hobby that just takes up a good portion of "free time". Couple years ago a salesperson sold him a prohormone (when it was still legal) without really telling him what it was. Took it for two weeks and instantly noticed positive results then did research and found out what it was and took the precautionary milk thistle.

    Had great gains on that one cycle and was happy with my new 170 lb lean stature, until wanted more about 4 months later then found out that they were now illegal (just like anything else that works). Didnt think much of it for about another year, still made very slow progress up to 185. Then I started researching anabolics. Made an account here as a newb and introduced himself while respectfully and thankfully engulfing the wealth of knowledge on this forum.

    Made the decision of wanting to test it out and see if it was for him, but everything is just so dang secretive (for reasons he can understand) and didnt want to sound like a newb or desperate so it took almost half a year to finally find a hookup. Still just a friend of a friend of a guy that knows a guy, (not really but you know how it is). Anyway his friend is going to be doing this stack so he decided to pull the trigger and put in an order with him. So that leads me to this post.

    Age 25
    Height 5'9"
    Weight 185
    ~12% bf
    Lifting for ~5 years but only serious the later half
    Diet is pretty good, could be a tad better.

    Got 10 weeks of Test E.
    And some Anadrol. (Going to admit, this wouldnt be "my" first choice, but it was all "he" could find and friend said it worked very well for him)

    Was thinking of running 10 weeks Test 250mg 2X week.
    Anadrol: 50mg daily week 1
    100mg / day weeks 2&3
    50mg / day week 4

    But read that many people on here would advise against Anadrol all together and worst of all that it makes them feel like complete crap, so may just run 50mg /day for weeks 1-4.

    Don't really like working with the last few pounds while trying to cut the water and fat back when done seems how Abombs increase appetite and all the other things that run with it. So got a few other things to take while looking at what PCT to run. Picked up some T3 and Clen for the cleanup.

    PCT is the only part where it gets confusing because everyone on here has a dang opinion. Purchased the reccommended clomid and nolv. Just not entirely sure when to take it. Most say 1-2 weeks after test. And to take clomid halfway through?

    Other supplements taken are CLA, BCAA, ton of whey and casein. Not sure if any of these should be set aside for the time being.
    Also wondering when or if clen and T3 should be taken?
    Best time to pin about 2 hours before lifts? Best time to tab?

    Also have another supplement on hand and was wondering if it should be taken with PCT or during test?
    *cant post Link but it is Called Hemotropin by Nutrabolics, I assume the name drop is okay being that it is a legal substance. 4

    Gear is here and PCT/other necessities should be here tomorrow.
    Just wondering what yall think/suggest. I know like three of these threads pop up everyday so dont expect too much but appreciate any thoughts.

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    Will post pictures of self sometime this week once GF gets around to it. Also plan on posting weekly results in journal form on that forum.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Post your diet please.

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Cialis, Texas
    Im sure more will chime in. This is my sign off post for the night so Ill keep it short.

    Milk Thistle is not effective enough, lookup TUDCA.

    Don't stack for your first cycle because you wouldnt be able to identify what s causing sides. Test E is recommended for a 1st cycle @ 500mg weekly pinned twice weekly for 12 weeks. On cycle you need an AI/adex @ .25 EOD, pct 14 days after last injection of clomid and nolva. HCG recommeded on cycle at 250iu twice weekly.

    Good luck and Ill check back tomorrow.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Shsm View Post
    Post your diet please.
    Would love to but its kind of sporadic at the moment. New semester just started it its the last one so took a lifting class and... racquetball. Rball is in the morning every other day so would like to treat it as a semi-fasted morning cardio and try to stick to this schedule as I have been doing AND just started this week.
    Day 1:
    1/4 quart of eqqwhites and hashbrowns in light olive oil (otherwise it burns)
    2 scoops V-core whey in water
    Lift light or do cardio for class then go to more class
    Eat a sub at school (Yeah, I should prepare my own meals but its tough juggling school work and this)
    42g protein shake whey
    Do my actual lifting
    Steak or chicken, sometimes spaghetti with items from the organic section
    green beans it differs
    28g casein before bed

    I have about 4 alternating meals really and times of day I eat so its hard (not impossible) to be strict about it all.
    Somedays Ill pack a whey protein pudding snack I make at home with 0 sugar 0 fat pudding and whey,
    once a week about I make no bake protein bars with granola and raisins and almonds. Sometimes I run out of time and grab a chipotle bowl with chicken and brown rice with lettuce dash of chese and nothing else.

    I am not a body builder I am just trying be be healthy for the most part. I made a lifestyle change by no longer buying dairy products (when aside) almond milk if I have to, I dont eat sweets fast food ect... I notice it right away if I do. I could diet all week and completely ruin it in a matter of just a couple mistakes. I have stayed at 185 for quite sometime now. I may be forgetting some things as well, its really late and I was just lurking so I figured I would toss my stuff up.

    If I werent happy with where Im at now I would diet harder but I am vascular in arms and shoulders and like all my pants to fit one way or the other. I guess my goal is to lean bulk, which is why I purchased other supplements as well.
    I really pondered about jumping 100% in the body building lifestyle but I have just one more semester of college left then its game time. I would like to get one of those meal tackleboxes one of these days, would make it alot easier with class and work but I am doing what I can to still have fun with it for now.

    With that said... Gladly consider suggestions, got alot to juggle at the time being. If i were to focus more on body building I would lose out on sleep tremendously and that alone would cripple any gains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Yeah that makes sense. I just never know if/when I will ever be able to get another oppurtunity. Scared to order offline and was lucky to find someone that knows someone locally.
    That stomach bile.. i mean tudca (wikipedia takes you to some weird places) is kinda interesting. Nothing local carries it. Ill have to look into ordering it online.


    In love with DLB by the way... Roommate asked Rob for rights to make a full lifesize cut out for the livingroom. Never got a response :/
    Last edited by dev_man77; 08-29-2012 at 01:47 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    What were you referring to al/adex eod

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Aromatase inhibitor and arimidex is what she was referring too.

    Anadrol is pretty heavy for first cycle. I would try to find some d Bol instead or just don't stack at all like Austinite said. I ran 250mg of test E for my first cycle and saw great results. I did stack d Bol with it as well but the gains were immediate and the loss of gains was immediate as well until the test kicked in. Just not worth it for the water weight.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Was that your first cycle? I was planning on 500 mg of cyp per week. Btw what is the major dif between eth and cyp?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Difference is the Esther used. Which determines length in your system.

    Test E
    250mg weeks 1-10
    D Bol 40 mg weeks 1-3 ish

    I might have bumped the test E up to 350 towards week 5 And on. It was 3 years Ago so I can't remember that part. But I put on a good 18-21 and kept probably 15. I had a pretty good diet And a bad PCT be sure to have that already in hand and planned out before you start the cycle

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Oh ya to answer your question more fully. There really is no difference in the two. Test is test

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Yes planning proper pct . I have a good diet 1.5-2 g protein per lb 20-30% fat and 3-400 g carbs cal 43-4500 . I' m 6ft 240 25% bf and would like to lean out down to 15% on cycle just down want to lose muscle? I've been eating carbs w every meal except pre bed time I think I,m just eating to much No junk food but eat out quite a bit

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by rooftop
    Yes planning proper pct . I have a good diet 1.5-2 g protein per lb 20-30% fat and 3-400 g carbs cal 43-4500 . I' m 6ft 240 25% bf and would like to lean out down to 15% on cycle just down want to lose muscle? I've been eating carbs w every meal except pre bed time I think I,m just eating to much No junk food but eat out quite a bit
    Start your own thread and 25% bf is way way to high to cycle

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I thought this was original poster. Im delirious.

    Ya man listen to gearbox that high BF puts your risk way to high to use any kind of AAS

    make sure everything is right before you start bro. I thought I had everything down then gearbox pointed stuff out in my diet and now I'm holding off another couple weeks to get that right. And my bf is 13-15 percent So you really need to wait and get your BF lower and probably need to re evaluate your diet. And start a new thread lol

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sorry will start thread, and thx for the info

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Mad bro.

    JK, not really

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Would appreciate some help on a couple questions asked in OP. Other than that going to take pictures tonight for my weekly log.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Im sure more will chime in. This is my sign off post for the night so Ill keep it short.

    Milk Thistle is not effective enough, lookup TUDCA.

    Don't stack for your first cycle because you wouldnt be able to identify what s causing sides. Test E is recommended for a 1st cycle @ 500mg weekly pinned twice weekly for 12 weeks. On cycle you need an AI/adex @ .25 EOD, pct 14 days after last injection of clomid and nolva. HCG recommeded on cycle at 250iu twice weekly.

    Good luck and Ill check back tomorrow.

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