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Thread: Bromo question.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Bromo question.

    My next cycle

    1-12 Test Enan. 500mg/week (1000mg frontload)
    1-11 EQ 500mg/week
    8-14 Fina 75mg/ed
    8-10 HCG 500iu/day
    15-18 Clomid 300/100/50

    I plan on getting a prolactin inhibitor (bromo) and was curious how exactly to use it. Do i use it when i see symptoms or do i use it when i start running fina. I will run 20mg nolva a day throughout the cycle. i will also run B6 but not necessarily as a prolactin restrictor.

    Also on another note. My balls haven't completely recovered from my last cycle (test enan. 10 weeks 400 mg/week.). Did i do something wrong (yes i had clomid but no HCG). These might be chilish questions, but i did research and i found insufficient answers. Thanks bro.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    sorry bros i will be taking HCG for 2 weeks not 3.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    i don't like to bump my own threads, however if i knew the answer, i wouldn't ask the question

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    The only progestin you are using is 75mg per day trenbolone acetate. If you think you getting a build up of progesterone from that - just stop using the frickin' steroid. It will be down to negligible amounts in a day or two... unlike Deca (nandrolone decanoate) that takes 2-3 weeks for blood levels to become minimal. Plus progesterone has its own benefits - and less side effects then estrogen. Don't run Bromo with this cycle.

    Recovery is totally user dependent. Some recover faster than others. Some can acually esperience a rebound effect. Recovery can take 2 months or upward to a year or so depending on what was used, PCT and most important - YOUR endocrine systems ability to cope with exogenous use of androgens.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    My next cycle

    1-12 Test Enan. 500mg/week (1000mg frontload)
    1-11 EQ 500mg/week
    8-14 Fina 75mg/ed
    8-10 HCG 500iu/day
    15-18 Clomid 300/100/50

    I plan on getting a prolactin inhibitor (bromo) and was curious how exactly to use it. Do i use it when i see symptoms or do i use it when i start running fina. I will run 20mg nolva a day throughout the cycle. i will also run B6 but not necessarily as a prolactin restrictor.

    Also on another note. My balls haven't completely recovered from my last cycle (test enan. 10 weeks 400 mg/week.). Did i do something wrong (yes i had clomid but no HCG). These might be chilish questions, but i did research and i found insufficient answers. Thanks bro.
    I think that looks fine. I'd start PCT 3 days out from Fina.

    Bromo is a good thing to have tot he side. It will likely have negative effects on appetite so I would not use it untill needed. The B6 at 600mg should work at keeping prolactin down.

    I'd also do HCG from wks8-13 500-1000iu's on Mon/Tues

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Asshole Capitol
    You should definitely recover as fully as possible before starting another cycle. The longer you go without full recovery, the more likely it is that the inhibition and atrophy will be permanent.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok

    Also on another note. My balls haven't completely recovered from my last cycle (test enan. 10 weeks 400 mg/week.). Did i do something wrong (yes i had clomid but no HCG). These might be chilish questions, but i did research and i found insufficient answers. Thanks bro.
    FrkyBgStok did you have your test levels checked? That will tell you where you are on recovery. Always have bloodwork done before, during and after a cycle to make sure all is OK.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    thanks for the replies, i actually have an appointement for bloodwork this coming monday.

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