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Thread: Test Results - analysis anyone

  1. #1
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    Test Results - analysis anyone

    Hello all

    I`ve been back and forth from 4 different endo`s and now have seen the so called "specialist" a professor that everyone assures me is the best in this field.

    As no one else seams to be able to diagnose or treat me properly for my issues, I have tried a single dose of nebido but was taken off it because of fertile issues, I didnt benefit in any way whilst on nebido.

    I have never taken steriods before (had a single winstrol tablet and a couple of epherdrine tablets over 10 years ago but i wouldn`t of thought they would count) and I have a 5 year old son.

    The doctor says my biochemical profile gives an unclear picture, he said the obvious cause would be steriods, but as I have never taken more than 3 tablets over 10 years ago I very much dowt this is the case, and my test was fine in 2009 so it futher proves this.

    Anyway my results are :

    FSH 5.3 iu/L
    LH 1.6 iu/L
    TSH 0.90 mu/L
    Cortisol 244 nmol/L
    Free T4 17.1 pmol/L
    Oestradiol <50 pmol/L
    SHBG 31 nmol/L
    Testosterone 9.2 nmol/L
    Total chol / HDL ration 5.82
    IFCC 33 mmol/mol

    Can anybody translate this into something i can understand?


  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Need to see the ranges to give you an answer

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    What are the ranges? That's all the info I got from endo

  4. #4
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    What exactly are your issues? Is that all the blood work you have done? You really need more than that to make an accurate diagnosis. Thyroid, iron panel, vitamins, etc. And yes, reference ranges for the blood work is necessary.

    At a glance, your total testosterone is very low.

    I am not an expert on cortisol and you lack the reference range, but if this is measured in the morning, it looks low. Cortisol measured in blood is not an accurate measurement anyway, so you should try to get a saliva and 24 hour urine test as well.

    Nebido is a slow acting steroid, so it is not any wonder that you did not notice any benefits from one shot, since users of faster acting steroids usually takes months to reap full benefits. Users of Nebido typically reports that it`s after their third shot they really start feeling good.

  5. #5
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    I have what I gather are the usual issues of low test, no libido, no energy, fatigue, weight gain, moody, no errections the list goes on!

    I have had several blood tests, over the year I've been messed about by the 4 different endos in 4 different locations around the UK, this is the only time I've been able to get results tho! I have asked for other results but never received them for some reason!

    How do I obtain the ranges?

    This last test was taken mid afternoon after waiting to be seen for 3 hours!

    What does it mean if my total test is low? And what could cause it considering I've not taken steroids?


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Complete novice View Post
    I have what I gather are the usual issues of low test, no libido, no energy, fatigue, weight gain, moody, no errections the list goes on!

    I have had several blood tests, over the year I've been messed about by the 4 different endos in 4 different locations around the UK, this is the only time I've been able to get results tho! I have asked for other results but never received them for some reason!

    How do I obtain the ranges?

    This last test was taken mid afternoon after waiting to be seen for 3 hours!

    What does it mean if my total test is low? And what could cause it considering I've not taken steroids?

    First off I'm not a doctor but to answer your question you could have a non functioning pituitary gland. It is located up behind your eyes in the brain area and it sends the signals to your testicles when to produce more test for the body. If for some reason it shuts off then the chain is broken and your body wont be producing testosterone on it's own. Your doc can do blood work to tell if this is the case. Also he may want to do an mri to make sure you don't have a pituitary tumor causing the issue. If that is the case they will need to operate to remove it, if it is cancerous. And that is if you have a tumor. But there could be other issues going on too. Something could be wrong with the testicles. A real good doctor can find out what is wrong with you and get you back on track and I don't understand why they haven't by now. Something is weird here.

  7. #7
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    I had an MRI scan and the pituitary gland came back as functioning normally, sperm count and semen analisis have also come back as normal (which is reassuring in the endo`s words)

    dont know if it makes a difference but i`m 6ft, 240lb (usually around 210 but have put on 30lb over the past year or so) 34 years old, did have a muscular build but has detiriorated over time, I still train when i have the energy but its not as intense due to fatigue and low energy levels.

    I was taken off the nebido because the endo didnt want to mess about with my sperm count and they wanted to get to the bottom of things.

    The first two endos I saw did lots of blood tests and couldn`t come up with an answer so there solution was to stop the medication and see me again in 3-6 months to see if anything had changed, this was totally unexceptable.

    After complaining to my GP i got refered to another endo.

    The third endo spent alot of time talking to me about my problems and by the end of our meeting decided that he couldn`t give me a solution either, so I have a blood test and he refered me to a proffessor of endocronology.

    The fourth endo, this is the point i am at now, he has sent me to a sleep specialist to make sure my sleep pattern isnt messing with my testosterone and i will go back to see him in 2 months time, I had a blood test and asked for the results. the results shown are the ones I have been sent.

    I`m still struggling with my symptoms worst than ever now, keep gaining weight no matter how little i eat, I have asked my GP to refer me to a dietition as Its effecting me more and more and the weight gain is making me even more misarable... feel like an old horse that needs putting down.

  8. #8
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    Your total test converted over to NG is 265ng/dl, which by any range is low. It looks obvious that that this is a result of your low LH at 1.6. Oddly, your FSH is above the 5 mark, but if your MRI checked out negative, it is what it is ... Your FSH is in the normal range, which is why your sperm count is checking out to be OK too. However, LH is the primary hormone for signalling testosterone production. Low LH in most cases will mean low testosterone. This appears to be your case, and it is what we refer to as having a 'Secondary' diagnosis.

    We need more though ... Your Oestradiol lab is useless here. What we need is an Estradiol Sensitive (E2) assay. Would also like free & bio test, and a complete thyroid panel with the RT3, FT3 & T4, antibodies, B12, Ferritin & Iron, DHEA, and also a complete listing of your CBC's, lipids, & metabolic (+ the ref. ranges). It's sometimes easier to just copy and past your labs as an attachment, blank out your personal information.

    Were these your labs prior to taking the Nebido shot?

  9. #9
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    Hi thanks for the reply, I have had lots of blood tests so I'll try and chase them all up.

    I was prescribed the nebido after my first couple of blood tests by my first endo which was around 7 months ago!

    I'll have to ask about the other tests, are they all blood tests? I feel like a pin cushion!

  10. #10
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    Yes, they're all blood tests. But, take 1 lab or 20 labs, it's just one pinning needed. Please checkout the "Finding a TRT Physician" sticky from Kelkel to review some of the needed labs, and to give you a better idea of what you're up against.

    Don't know enough about the Nebido protocols to help you, as it's not approved here in the states. Marcus300 is the expert in that arena, and he has a very good thread going in this forum (check it out as well).

  11. #11
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    Thanks again for the help, I will read the threads mentioned, I've red the book testosterone for life which is quite informative!

    I contacted Marcus before I had my shot of nebido and he gave me alot of useful information!

    I think the endo took me off it as my sperm count was normal he didn't want to effect that as I want to have more children in the future!

    Just to add I was prescribed Viagra which did nothing for me apart from give me hot flushes, head ache and made me vomit! I have changed to caialis but not tried it as yet!

    Is the only answer trt and injections? The endos seem to all be wary about giving me them and all say they think the problem is being caused by something they can't put there finger on the problem!

  12. #12
    Well since we're guessing... Considering that your pituitary is good, it reads E2 as the feedback. When E2 is high, that means that your LH drops, which signals the leydig cells to stop producing T. Considering that your TT is low, and your FT is probably not that bad, seems that your body doesn't think that it needs more T. So, as a guess, you may be deficient in some vitamins. A quick fix would be a little HCG which is an LH analog, but you still need some vitamins. Nothing exotic, just some good A B C D E, stuff like that. I use Dr Cranton's, but I'm sure that there are other brands.

  13. #13
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    I went to see my GP this morning to try and get my previous test results but he could only find a couple of results the one that I have just had and one from back in January, both are similar but i`ve asked him to chase the rest up for me.

    the one from january was :

    LFT normal
    SHBL 25
    Prolactin 133
    FSH 5.8
    LH 9.3
    Testoserone 6.6
    Free testosterone 147

    I still havent found the ranges unfortunatley but my testosterone has gone up from 6.6 to 9.2 think the range is 8-27 (after a quick google search) and my LH has gone down from 9.3 to 1.6 this has happened since January, the only thing i have had is a shot of nebido but that was back in Febuary.

    The doctor was very confused by the results and thought that it looks like an underlying condition that may not be related to test issues (ie sleep apnea, stress, ect)

    I also have mircocalcification in both testes but i dont know what this means??

  14. #14
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  15. #15
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    Sorry, but I need ranges; I have no idea what lab is doing your blood work and they all have varying degrees in reference ranges.

    Can you scan your lab and post here so we can all take a look?

    Like noted here, we're guessing without ranges.

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Contact the lab itself and determine how to obtain ALL of your paperwork from the past and going forward. Don't depend on the doctor for this at all. On your January testing above your LH/FSH appear great if they are standard ranges. So, brings me to the question Vette asked: When exactly was this Nebido shot relative to your January testing?

    Also, you mean "Microcalcifications" right? Read this:

    Just don't get hooked by the negative conotations of it. Then do some google searching and read some more. Pubmed, etc.


  17. #17
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    I didnt get the ranges only recieved a letter with the results on so nothing to scan but i`ve just googled everything and these are the ranges I`ve found :

    FSH 5.3 iu/L (1-8)
    LH 1.6 iu/L (1.7-8.6) 9.9 in january
    TSH 0.90 mu/L (0.4-4.0)
    Cortisol 244 nmol/L (140-700)
    Free T4 17.1 pmol/L (10-23)
    estradiol <50 pmol/L (50-200)
    SHBG 31 nmol/L (20-60)
    Testosterone 9.2 nmol/L (8-27) was 6.8 in january
    Total chol / HDL ration 5.82
    IFCC 33 mmol/mol

    Cant find the last 2 anywhere.

    I have contacted my endo but they wont give me blood results been chasing them up for weeks, its coz i`ve swapped and changed between different ones as they couldnt solve the problems and probably thought i was a steriod abuser (which i`m not at all)

    I had the nebido shot around april

  18. #18
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    Strange as all the results seam to be within ranges! Either I've got something wrong or something's not rite! The last blood test was taken mid afternoon after a heated altercation with some prat in the car park, 3 hours waiting to see the endo an arguement with him due to the way I was!!

    Would this make a difference?

  19. #19
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well high cortisol (stress hormone) can crush your T but your test doesn't reveal that. Like I believe Vette said, maybe a complete thyroid panel would be appropriate now. In the mean time, if no ones already said it begin supplementing with D3 to boose your free T level.

    And contact the lab to get BW copies. Forget the endo.

  20. #20
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    I'm not going back to the endo till December but was going to try and contact him and organise a blood test to speed things up a bit!!

    Is d3 a vitamin? Can I have it in tablet form? Ammount?

    Thanks for the replys

  21. #21
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Yes. Available anywhere. Health food, grocery stores, Walmart. Buy 5K iu and take one a day. It will help. Plenty of studies on it.

  22. #22
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    Dont think it's available in the UK for some reason

  23. #23
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    That seems odd. It's a vitamin! If not, order up from somewhere and get it shipped.

  24. #24
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    kel - Most people don't know this but bio-active vitamin D3 is actually a steroid hormone! So I thought it might be possible due to its classification that it might not be an OTC supplement in the UK...but after a quick Google check it can be purchased in the UK.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Complete novice View Post
    Dont think it's available in the UK for some reason
    D3 is easy to find in the UK , you ain't looked very hard , I get mine from eBay uk.

    If fertility was an issue why on earth did the doc give you 1 shot of nebido ?, it takes at least 3/4 injections to stabilise lvls and start seeing any benefits from it , 1 shot wouldnt do much other than probably shut you down.

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