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Thread: Real or fake dbol???

  1. #1

    Real or fake dbol???

    Hi guys, my younger brother bought a bottle of Diamond Dianabol off a guy who is normally pretty reliable and that sells legit gear.
    These dbol are 10mg blue capsules.
    Last week my bro started his cycle.
    Week 1 he did 20mg ed now hes onto week 2 and bumped it up to 40mg ed.
    Still early days but we are thinking they are fake as hes had no pumps, strength or weight gains so far.
    Has anyone ever heard of Diamond Dianabol or dbol that comes in capsules???
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	capsules.jpg 
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Size:	1.44 MB 
ID:	127318Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	127319

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    1st, dbol by itself is not a cycle, add test.

    2nd, its hard to tell when in capsules, could be real, fake, or under dosed....

  3. #3
    and i dreammmm about youuuu, in worlds far awayyyy can't remember, can't forget, let the street lights guiiiide youuuu, and i'll take you there set you free, let you go, and commmeee back toooooo meeeeee, and here's where i lay, counting hours and the days, i can't tear myselfffff awayyyyyyyyy

  4. #4
    he will be adding test prop after week 4

  5. #5
    He should be adding test week 1 day one. Not week 4, defeats the purpose of a dbol kick start.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by joeyboi View Post
    he will be adding test prop after week 4
    start the prop in week 1.

    also kinda pointless using dbol and prop.... dbol usually goes with test e/c.

    i would just use the prop and drop the dbol...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    1st, dbol by itself is not a cycle, add test.

    2nd, its hard to tell when in capsules, could be real, fake, or under dosed....
    I'm new, sorry for the question, but I need to know.. Why add test to Dbol? isn't dbol steroid enough? or do you have to cycle steroids? Like take a certain steroid this and another steroid another day? how does that work?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    and btw OP, your the same age as me, and there's no way in HELL i would let my YOUNGER brother use AAS...... even im waiting a little longer before i start cycling....

  9. #9
    Fuark this track is peaking!!!!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    start the prop in week 1.

    also kinda pointless using dbol and prop.... dbol usually goes with test e/c.

    i would just use the prop and drop the dbol...

    Where are you drawing these conculsions you base as facts from? Even with dbol it will still help kick start prop, you don't just automatically start gaining size from prop just because it's a faster ester than enth. Dbol and prop will work great together regardless of the ester, infact it would work quicker than dbol and cyp or enth.
    Last edited by Phased; 10-03-2012 at 02:34 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by lifttheiron View Post
    I'm new, sorry for the question, but I need to know.. Why add test to Dbol? isn't dbol steroid enough? or do you have to cycle steroids? Like take a certain steroid this and another steroid another day? how does that work?
    1. start your own thread.

    2. test should be the base to every cycle, then add other compounds as needed..

    3. dbol only cycles are shit, no permanent gains will be made, and it will shut down your test production, which is why you have test as a base.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Phased View Post
    Where are you drawing these from? Even with dbol it will still help kick start prop, you don't just automatically start gaining size from prop just because it's a faster ester than enth. Dbol and prop will work great together regardless of the ester, infact it would work quicker than dbol and cyp or enth.
    good point.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    1. start your own thread.

    2. test should be the base to every cycle, then add other compounds as needed..

    3. dbol only cycles are shit, no permanent gains will be made, and it will shut down your test production, which is why you have test as a base.
    I am new, therefore I cannot make a thread until after 25 post! : P Do you have any url's or links I can find and read more info on the cycles and test compounds ETC?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by lifttheiron View Post
    I am new, therefore I cannot make a thread until after 25 post! : P Do you have any url's or links I can find and read more info on the cycles and test compounds ETC?

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