Mon -chest/tris
Tue -back/bis
Fri-chest/(maybe arms)
Sat/sun - rest.
Would that be classed as overtraining chest?
Mon -chest/tris
Tue -back/bis
Fri-chest/(maybe arms)
Sat/sun - rest.
Would that be classed as overtraining chest?
Why only train chest twice a week?
And reason in particular?
It's my lacking body part at the moment. I will swap with shoulders or back when needed.
I can only train legs once a week I do 18 sets on legs and takes me ages to recover.
Ther is nothing wrong with training body parts twice a week but u can't just go in there and train the same way you were if u were only doing it once a week.... You will need to drop the volume in half
Training your chest twice a week is certainly not the best way to 'bring it up'
You need to think why your chest is a week point.... Why would doing more of what has made it a weak poin now make it a strong point or bring it up.....
If ur doing 18 sets for legs isle like to see your chest routine as that's a lot of volume and not needed at all...
Legs r
Squats (2 warm ups), leg press,
Front squats, lying ham curls, quad extensions, calf raise. All 3x10
Chest is
Incline DB 4x10, decline DB/hammer press 4x10, incline flyes 3x12, seated cable flye 3x12, dips/(hammer press if i do DB decline) 3xfailure
all groups ONCE per week, anything more than that is for experienced guys on big cycles.
train your triceps before any bench work, but start your bench work VERY light until you get the hang of it and use a spotter once you raise the weight each set
Ok guys ill stick to once a week! Thanks for
The help
Your volume is too high.... Drop it in half and train harder
Train to failure at least and some sets past failure....
Dec, y would you reccomend training your triceps before doing any pressing.... Your triceps will fail before the chest has even been fatigued..... Maybe good for powerlifting but I can't see how that's going to help bring ur chest up...
I'm interested in ur answer actually...
I've been pre exhausting chest with some upright seated cable flyes. Then in my presses I don't lift quite as much. But it feels just as heavy and my chest seems to fail before my tris.
not true mate, once you gradually build up the bench weights over time it becomes very efficient to get a lagging chest going, ikve overcome plateaus many times doing this.
for example, i can do 5 sets tri extensions and then go to incline dbells and still be pushing 45kg bells for 8 reps on the last set. its most def not a plifting thing, completely on the bb]ing side of things. give it a try and see your chest pop out even more. trust me been doing it this way for years mate
you will start off light on the bench but give it 4wks and you'll be amazed how much you're pushing after hitting tri's
not the way to do it, exhaust or part exhaust the tri's, they are the main assistant in benching, my tri's surpassed my chest in benching and i always found it difficult to get my chest going until i started doing this.
start off with 2 sets of tri extensions with a medium intensity, hit your bench and over time play with it to find a good biting point between the two exercises
Interesting dec
on a sideline true hardcore plifters dont bother with anything other than the 3 lifts base, ive seen guys bench 300kgs and have bi's like a teenagers lol but tri's and chest like a mofo.
when i lifted for NI a few times, the national coaches told me 'fvcking pick bb'ing or plifting' 'theres no energy to spare for all this curling crap in proper plifting young fella'
didnt know what had hit me lmao.
I will try this!
So hit 2 sets of tri extensions before starting ur chest workout?
yeah man, give it a whirl. im at the stage now that i'll go in and do 4 exercises of 3 sets each alternating bi's and tri's and then hit my bench work ( mainly just incline dbells due to shoulder prob these day) i also have done it with leg curls and extensions before squatting, you really have to build that one up slowly though!!! lol
Yeah I always start my leg workout with lying ham curls. Always Warms the legs up good before squatsOriginally Posted by dec11
i'd be hitting them hard though for the pre-exhaustion effect, if you try that on hams and quads its safety first mind!!! ive seen guys do it and walk out with a squat bar, dip into the movement and a split second later, they're on their backs..........
for warm up purposes for squatting/leg press, a stationery bike at a medium pace for 5mins is a nice way to get the synovial fluids etc warmed up and going.
I'm going to give this a shot tooOriginally Posted by dec11
Per exhaust tries before chest? But the hit flat or incline for best chest results?
Will this add to size or also help shape.
Agreed, you should mix things up & exhausting the tris before chest can work, but you have to watch the weight & feel..
I was always ALL arms & no chest. I've got awesome arms. My chest however was something to be desired. I could do a killer chest workout & not be able to lift my arms & barely be a tad sore in the chest. I had to keep researching & changing crap..
I found my form to be destroying me. Sure I listened to all the videos, arced my back yadda yadda.. I "knew" it all. I didn't know how to lower the dang weights learn to feel my lower chest then my upper ect.. People benching plates upon plates & you see me on the Plate loaded inline bench w/ 40lbs moving slowly learning to feel and squeeze what itty bitty shyte I had. I always started flat & moved to incline to help learn muscle feel better (I could feel my lower chest ok). Now I always start incline to get the full feel.
So many years doing things wrong. Now I've learned it doesn't take huge stacks to kill the workout. I'm also still gaining natural very well (but I had many years & 24+ surgeries after getting blown up on Iraq of bed rest to account).
Good luck. Lower he weight, FIND the chest exercises that make your CHEST squeeze & shake w/ failure..
Last edited by Wazz; 10-11-2012 at 09:46 AM.
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