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Thread: Over training

  1. #1

    Over training

    What defines over training exactly? Is there a way to tell from the way you feel during or after a workout? Is there a max number workouts that should be done on a specific muscle group before over training happens?

    Any help would be great. At this point I am loving my results and I don't believe I am over training, but I would like to know if I can get more results from a longer tougher workout.

  2. #2
    I can post my routine, but I am also looking for a more rounded answer so I can use the info for building different routines in the future

  3. #3
    Anyone? I was talking to a past Mr. California today and he was saying that you could do abs tris and traps 3-4 times a week. Without them being over trained. So I wanted to get some more feedback on this. What do you think?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Yes thats is the only way I developed traps what hitting them 4days aweek..not that I know a whole lot, but I believe if ater the workout you have a aching pain "not soreness"and you can't lift as much weight or as much reps the next time you work that same muscle group you could possibly overtraing... But I would won't sumone too verify that with more experience than me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    I wish I could find the clip but Im almost positive I heard Jay Cutler say one time if you are overtraining you probably arent eating enough. I listened to an interview today though where a kid is asking what was his worst body part when he started. He says calves then goes on to say he only trains them once a week nothing different than his other muscles. On another note I know a bodybuilder who does abs every other day. Even in competition he has some of the best stand out abs of a group.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    over here
    I don't have a set amount of days in between muscle groups. When the tightness that I feel after working a group goes away (usually 2-3 days after) then I consider that group completely recovered and ready for another round of punishment. Listen to your body, get enough sleep, and eat right, you'll be good to go. Never thought about doing traps multiple times a week, but do run calves on multiple days.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    boston ma
    I was told that in a bulking routine you want the tightness to be just about gone and for cutting you want the tightness to stay all week. I feel that if your eating muscle your not on the right diet for what you are training for.

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