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Thread: Test cyp 300 stacked with prohormones? Win50?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Test cyp 300 stacked with prohormones? Win50?

    I started a test cyp 300 cycle. 600mg a week and I am now going on week 6 of a 15 week cycle. I have 50mg of win tabs that I was going to use at the end. I have been working out with a friend who has offered to give me a cycle of desilbolan and I am curious. Has anyone stacked prohormones with a test base? How many people are going to tell me it's a bad idea if I stack the desilbolan with win? Seems like it can be very liver toxic.

  2. #2
    Best pro hormone which in my opinion was a real steroid and better than dbol was superdrol.

    I would never run any PH again besides that one. Forget about the winny this time.

    Nice first cycle would be

    1-12 test C 500-600mg (250-300mg pinned Monday morning and Thursday night)
    1-12 10mg EOD of Aromasin (Liquid Stane)
    1-12 HCG 250iu twice a week (Same schedule as test injections Monday/Thursday)

    Pct clomid and nolvadex started two Thursdays after you last injection
    Clomid 70/70/35/35
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
    Last edited by Phased; 10-17-2012 at 02:45 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I am scratching the win. I have 60 50mg tabs on hand for whenever. I am mostly debating on adding dieselbolan, best comparable to a test/deca/tren stack. Has anyone experimented with an test and prohormone stack? Adding liver support and animal pack vitamins. Only going to run dieselbolan for 4 weeks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Why mees with and mix the two? I would just stick with the real hormones instead of pro hormones , or even mixing the two?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Bro like stated above you only need test on your 1st cycle.Now if you arent seeing gains it could be a couple things.Bunk gear or bad diet.How is your libdo? that is a good way to tell.Have your diet checked out by our diet section.Beacuse if it isnt good no matter wat you take you wont get or keep any gains.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Syztem
    I am scratching the win. I have 60 50mg tabs on hand for whenever. I am mostly debating on adding dieselbolan, best comparable to a test/deca/tren stack. Has anyone experimented with an test and prohormone stack? Adding liver support and animal pack vitamins. Only going to run dieselbolan for 4 weeks
    Dieselbolan is nothing compared to a test/deca/tren stack. That's like saying superman and Olive Oil have the same strength and speed.

    Pro hormones are not what they used to be and after we lost superdrol..the rest is history.

    I promise you if you want to run a good cycle stick with test.. who knows what issues will arise with that not-prohormone.

    We would not lead you wrong

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