First... question for liver protectors. TUDCA by Nutraplanet (off Nutraplanet website). That is great for countering AAS orals like Anavar, right?
Is this the magnesium I want in my body to help build muscle? I read and read but nothing directly comparing this product and pure magnesium in a bottle. Austinite corrupted my mind and now i'm obsessed with getting my body everything it can to grow. So i'm looking to get Zinc and Magnesium products. But this link is a blend of Potassium and Magnesium. Both essential to the body. But i'm not sure if the synthetic part (the aspartate i'm pretty sure is synthetic) turns them into a different supplement compared to being just magnesium and potassium together.
Is this different than "zinc"? Looking to pick up a few bottles of this as well.