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He's racist for pointing out some societal norms? Race is a social construct as it is anyway, a figment of the human imagination, but something we've got to deal with anyway. He's just brining to light the fact that the more senior italians&greeks dislike people of of color, its a generational thing. I don't think you can really deduce from that argument that HE is racist?
With regards to restaurants and business's in general, I firmly believe a business should not be prohibited by law from discriminating based on any criteria they see fit. A privately owned business ought to have the right to refuse service for any reason one can imagine. I'm a conservative(libertarian leaning) Republican, and therefore do not believe in affirmative action, EOE, or any other such programs of moral hazard. Laws and regulations are NOT the answer to discrimination in hiring & promotion practices, the free market is the answer. Only the most qualified, talented, and hard working people ought to qualify for a particular job and get a promotion. No +5 points on the ranking scale because your complexion happens to resemble this socially constructed idea, and no additional points because your great grandparents happened to belong to this or that ethnic group. MERITOCRACY should be the ONLY determining force in employment. It is just as 'racist' to hire someone BECAUSE of their skin color, as it is to NOT hire someone because of their skin color. The answer is quite simple, those business's who perpetuate discriminatory practices are likely not to do well in the free market, as they will invariably be overlooking a lot of talented and qualified applicants, whilst business A's competitor business B does not engage in such practices, and promotes people simply on their MERITS, business B will thrive because business B has the most competent, talented, and hard working employees in positions of importance.
This is just yet another area that we do not need big government bureaucrats sticking their noses into and ruining things. You know that I've actually lost BIG contracts because the clients were publicly funded and had to abide by certain laws&rules, specifically, they had to hire "Minority owned vendors/business's," meaning since I am a white male, my business, regardless of the high level of service we provided, regardless of providing LOWER PRICES to the client, the client is obligated to patron a minority owned business (the majority of which are women owned in these cases, thats who EEO primarily enfranchises most of the time). How did this help the tax payer? If I provided products at a lower price to a publicly funded organization, that organization is now paying higher rates for the same products, and the tax payer is the one who loses. This is just one of a myriad of examples whereby EEO and affirmative action hurt not only taxpayers, but everyday citizens seeking gainful employment.