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Thread: Anavar

  1. #1
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    Apr 2012


    I read that with small doses of anavar it only slightly suppresses serum test levels and lh. If on an anavar only cycle, you add hcg on cycle, how would you fair as far as testosterone is concerned?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    i wouldn't use var without test...

    unless your a girl..

    and most people that do var only cycles, do it because they don't want to pin.. so they wouldn't use HCG anyways..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420
    i wouldn't use var without test...

    unless your a girl..

    and most people that do var only cycles, do it because they don't want to pin.. so they wouldn't use HCG anyways..
    I have zero problem pinning lol I was just thinking even with a mild aa effect, during cutting, you could go into more of a deficit, using the hcg to bring up the slightly suppressed Lh, plus getting the increase in gh. Kinda like a hopped up clenbuterol

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I read that with small doses of anavar it only slightly suppresses serum test levels and lh. If on an anavar only cycle, you add hcg on cycle, how would you fair as far as testosterone is concerned?

    Your test , LH and SHBG will be suppressed... slightly. On the other hand, FSH, HG, IGF1 will increase quite a bit.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite

    Your test , LH and SHBG will be suppressed... slightly. On the other hand, FSH, HG, IGF1 will increase quite a bit.
    Would hcg be enough to boost your test and Lh back to near normal levels?

    I'm interested in the boost of gh

  6. #6
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    Jul 2010
    This is what a low dose of Anavar only does for you. 10 mg ed. She doesn't care about Test supression. Real men do Tbol and Test!! Just joking, but not really...
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Would hcg be enough to boost your test and Lh back to near normal levels?

    I'm interested in the boost of gh
    I did a var cyle 7 weeks w/ HCG 600iu twice a week and didn't have any libido problem's and never felt shutdown. Extended HCG use 2 weeks after Var and Nolva for 2 weeks after HCG everything went smoothly. Used a slin pin. You can also use Test in a slin pin just TRT dose to keep things working.
    Last edited by Brohim; 11-05-2012 at 04:34 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    This is what a low dose of Anavar only does for you. 10 mg ed. She doesn't care about Test supression. Real men do Tbol and Test!! Just joking, but not really...
    tell me thats an Asian chick!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    tell me thats an Asian chick!
    Yup. It certainly is. This is the other side. She just started training with me. I'll post some after pics in a few months.
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    Last edited by The Titan99; 11-05-2012 at 04:57 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99
    This is what a low dose of Anavar only does for you. 10 mg ed. She doesn't care about Test supression. Real men do Tbol and Test!! Just joking, but not really...
    If I wanted to hear from an asshole I'd fart. Excuse me for trying to learn something, r u always a d1ck or is it the juice

  11. #11
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    East Coast: on the beach
    Way to make this thread bearable titan99. The pics of the young Asian girls is always encouraged! LOL

    Your the man!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    If I wanted to hear from an asshole I'd fart. Excuse me for trying to learn something, r u always a d1ck or is it the juice
    Wow! Your charming! I'm taking you off my Christmas card list now...

    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    Way to make this thread bearable titan99. The pics of the young Asian girls is always encouraged! LOL

    Your the man!
    Thanks Dude! It's nice to be appreciated! The young girl agrees BTW. She doesn't much care for that Tron guy though...Lol!!!

  13. #13
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    East Coast: on the beach
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99
    Wow! Your charming! I'm taking you off my Christmas card list now...

    Thanks Dude! It's nice to be appreciated! The young girl agrees BTW. She doesn't much care for that Tron guy though...Lol!!!
    I wonder why? Lol... Is that your mentor? Lol

  14. #14
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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    If I wanted to hear from an asshole I'd fart. Excuse me for trying to learn something, r u always a d1ck or is it the juice
    and before you ask, yes you can drink winny and no you should not! Now before you start with the insults I guess I need to tell you that's just a long standing joke that goes along with the Anavar only cycle question.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I'll post some nudie pics in a few weeks.
    sweet you do man!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99
    and before you ask, yes you can drink winny and no you should not! Now before you start with the insults I guess I need to tell you that's just a long standing joke that goes along with the Anavar only cycle question.
    Remember when you didn't know sh1t about aas? Or we're you born all knowing or did you have to learn? That's what I'm trying to do, understand the chemistry behind it, not just ask for a quick cycle, so before you start spouting that fowl smelling bullsh1t from your mouth, why don't you give a little constructive criticism and give me a god damn reason WHY instead of trying to hijack my fuEURking thread when I'm trying to learn something you pompous a$$. This forum is intended to share knowledge and that's what I was seeking not a mediocre asian girls pictures.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Remember when you didn't know sh1t about aas? Or we're you born all knowing or did you have to learn? That's what I'm trying to do, understand the chemistry behind it, not just ask for a quick cycle, so before you start spouting that fowl smelling bullsh1t from your mouth, why don't you give a little constructive criticism and give me a god damn reason WHY instead of trying to hijack my fuEURking thread when I'm trying to learn something you pompous a$$. This forum is intended to share knowledge and that's what I was seeking not a mediocre asian girls pictures.
    noooo Asian girl pic's are good. And chill out man if you want to learn don';t be a dick; you will get your answers. What else did you want to know? All Titan was saying is that Var is a mild AAS. But IMO it is a good one! Use a little Test in there; even HRT Dose and you can get good results if your diet and nutrition is in check. You won't get huge of Var, Titan likes to be massive so he does huge sling shot cycles and he is a monster. Different goals for different folks.

    Easy way to use test is to get a slin pin like BD 31 guage 1/2 ML 5/16 and do sub-q. You can use 250mg per week of test and 80mg of var for 7 weeks run the test out another 3 weeks. Add HCG 250iu x 2 per week and that is a good beginner cycle.
    Last edited by Brohim; 11-05-2012 at 11:36 AM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim

    no Asian girl pic's are good. And chill out man if you want to learn don';t be a dick; you will get your answers. What else did you want to know? All Titan was saying is that Var is a mild AAS. But IMO it is a good one! Use a little Test in there; even HRT Dose and you can get good results if your diet and nutrition is in check. You won't get huge of Var, Titan likes to be massive so he does huge sling shot cycles and he is a monster. Different goals for different folks.
    He's the only person I have ever been a dick to on here. I asked a very direct question and he talked to me like I was an idiot, I may have very limited knowledge on aas but I am by no means an idiot. I'm very aware that var is a very mild aas and that if I wanted to build mass I wouldn't use it. But for the sake of cutting I would like to know more about the compound, I typically do my own research but you will come across question that you can't find in a study or somewhere reliable. I knew there were many very knowledgable members on this forum that would have the answer, so I asked and got his mouth and hijacking this thread. But I did get your response and I appreciate the answer but I don't appreciate how he talked to me. Wanna show off ur mediocre Asian girl that's fine but don't do it trying to make blows at me. Stop with the alpha male chest beating I inject 3G of test bullshit that's not what I asked for

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99
    This is what a low dose of Anavar only does for you. 10 mg ed. She doesn't care about Test supression. Real men do Tbol and Test!! Just joking, but not really...
    Rofl Titan, theirs your baby girl!

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I read that with small doses of anavar it only slightly suppresses serum test levels and lh. If on an anavar only cycle, you add hcg on cycle, how would you fair as far as testosterone is concerned?
    Low dosages for men just dont work well. You need at least 40-60+mg daily for solid gains.

  21. #21
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    Jul 2010
    Just woke up and WOW!!! Mediocre Asian chic not once but twice. I told you I was only joking. Told the girl and now you REALLY can't stay at my house when you come to Thailand. Unless I get lucky and manage to upgrade mygrlfriend from mediocre to doable that is. She asked me what your problem is and why a tiny little insecure boy was cutting when he already looked like Justin Beiber's little brother I told her"Diffeent people have different goals honey. Let him do what he wants." She said fvck the Var, he should just come to Thailand and get " The operation", then maybe he wouldn't be so hateful?
    Once again dude I'm just kidding. Lighten up and ask me something about Var without using the phrase mwdiocre Asian chic and I'll enlighten you no end. I've done a truckload of Var (never alone, that would be stupid). It's only recently I've got on this Tbol thing and found, for me, it does all the same things as Var, it just adds a ton of lean, quality muscle and you retain almost all of it. Hardens you up like a rock!!!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Just woke up and WOW!!! Mediocre Asian chic not once but twice. I told you I was only joking. Told the girl and now you REALLY can't stay at my house when you come to Thailand. Unless I get lucky and manage to upgrade mygrlfriend from mediocre to doable that is. She asked me what your problem is and why a tiny little insecure boy was cutting when he already looked like Justin Beiber's little brother I told her"Diffeent people have different goals honey. Let him do what he wants." She said fvck the Var, he should just come to Thailand and get " The operation", then maybe he wouldn't be so hateful?
    Once again dude I'm just kidding. Lighten up and ask me something about Var without using the phrase mwdiocre Asian chic and I'll enlighten you no end. I've done a truckload of Var (never alone, that would be stupid). It's only recently I've got on this Tbol thing and found, for me, it does all the same things as Var, it just adds a ton of lean, quality muscle and you retain almost all of it. Hardens you up like a rock!!!
    While I will say there has been alot of shots back and forth that will hopefully stop on their own...I want to add that I too think Tbol is the way to go and I think ppl are not educated enough on the benifits of tbol. I suggest it over Dbol all day long for sure. Good gains that STAY...what else can one ask for?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99
    Just woke up and WOW!!! Mediocre Asian chic not once but twice. I told you I was only joking. Told the girl and now you REALLY can't stay at my house when you come to Thailand. Unless I get lucky and manage to upgrade mygrlfriend from mediocre to doable that is. She asked me what your problem is and why a tiny little insecure boy was cutting when he already looked like Justin Beiber's little brother I told her"Diffeent people have different goals honey. Let him do what he wants." She said fvck the Var, he should just come to Thailand and get " The operation", then maybe he wouldn't be so hateful?
    Once again dude I'm just kidding. Lighten up and ask me something about Var without using the phrase mwdiocre Asian chic and I'll enlighten you no end. I've done a truckload of Var (never alone, that would be stupid). It's only recently I've got on this Tbol thing and found, for me, it does all the same things as Var, it just adds a ton of lean, quality muscle and you retain almost all of it. Hardens you up like a rock!!!
    Tho I'm not going to say what I WANT to I will merely apologize for anything I said in anger. You pressed my buttons real good, i dont know you or what youre about and when anyone comes at me like that i dont care who yiu are ill let u have a piece of my mind. And I've already gotten then answers I wanted. I wasn't saying I am going to do var alone I was just curious about it due to the studies I read that I mentioned above and the effects it has and would have on a caloric deficit. I'm aware it isn't a mass gaining agent, but would prevent lbm loss.

  24. #24
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    Here's the issue: HCG will provide a direct boost in test production while you're using it, but it will actually be suppressing your pituitary through at least 2 negative feedback mechanisms, so that your LH and FSH levels drop.
    If you're going to run var without a decent dose of test, don't bother with the HCG. You'd be doing more harm than good.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    If I wanted to hear from an asshole I'd fart. Excuse me for trying to learn something, r u always a d1ck or is it the juice
    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Remember when you didn't know sh1t about aas? Or we're you born all knowing or did you have to learn? That's what I'm trying to do, understand the chemistry behind it, not just ask for a quick cycle, so before you start spouting that fowl smelling bullsh1t from your mouth, why don't you give a little constructive criticism and give me a god damn reason WHY instead of trying to hijack my fuEURking thread when I'm trying to learn something you pompous a$$. This forum is intended to share knowledge and that's what I was seeking not a mediocre asian girls pictures.
    I remember and I also remember asking some stupid questions I could have found an answer to if I would have done a little research. Difference was/is I didnt go around calling members names and knew most of the time when I read hostility or though someone was being a smart ass it was probably more a reflection of my mood or feelings and I was reading to much into it.

    In other words, CHILL and take a step back. Any thread that is hijacked by pictures of an Thai/Asian girl is all good in my book. Nuff said. Hijacked again.
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  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I remember and I also remember asking some stupid questions I could have found an answer to if I would have done a little research. Difference was/is I didnt go around calling members names and knew most of the time when I read hostility or though someone was being a smart ass it was probably more a reflection of my mood or feelings and I was reading to much into it.

    In other words, CHILL and take a step back. Any thread that is hijacked by pictures of an Thai/Asian girl is all good in my book. Nuff said. Hijacked again.
    ALRIGHT!! MAJORITY RULES!! Asian chics are in!! Yours looks at least a step up from mediocre too!!

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Mmmmmm......did someone say Asian women??

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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    ALRIGHT!! MAJORITY RULES!! Asian chics are in!! Yours looks at least a step up from mediocre too!!
    Some people just don't appreciate good Asian. I didn't see anything wrong with yours. I love Thailand. Mine is Philippine Brazilian mix from Manila.

    Yup, majority rules. Sometimes a thread hijack is a good thing.
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  29. #29
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    A rock & a hard place
    No argument from me. Anavar or Asian women? Asian women for me please!!!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    No argument from me. Anavar or Asian women? Asian women for me please!!!
    Yea!!! Why can't we have both, that's what I was going to say. But to each his own. I like Tbol/Thai. Some may like Anavar/Japanese...

  31. #31
    What is with all you guys on here digging the Asians and orientals? Can't get yourself a hot white girl? I'm from Australia so I gotta say American girls look HOT and so do English girls, an European girls are ****ing hot in my opinion. Quite a lot of hot Swedish girls and from that Scandanavian area.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter View Post
    What is with all you guys on here digging the Asians and orientals? Can't get yourself a hot white girl? I'm from Australia so I gotta say American girls look HOT and so do English girls, an European girls are ****ing hot in my opinion. Quite a lot of hot Swedish girls and from that Scandanavian area.
    To each his own. I have had plenty of white girls. With age comes wisdom and you get tired of them HOT girls that as soon as they settle in they plump up and demanding. Ill stick to my 103lbs Asian who is 18 years younger, still gives me manicures, washes my back and washes my..... She also cooks for me and has a 4 year degree in finances. I also now have my retirement property set up as well as a small island. There are advantages, trust me.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte
    Here's the issue: HCG will provide a direct boost in test production while you're using it, but it will actually be suppressing your pituitary through at least 2 negative feedback mechanisms, so that your LH and FSH levels drop.
    If you're going to run var without a decent dose of test, don't bother with the HCG. You'd be doing more harm than good.
    Your hypothalamus sends GnRH to signal your pituitary to release LH and FSH. If the FSH is already at increased levels and LH levels low due to the anavar I'm assuming that if either is elevated your hypothalamus halts GnRH production making var a GnRH antagonist? I guess what my question is by what mechanism does var act on? Does it increase FSH (like hcg) via testes (which would halt GnRH via negative feedback loop) or does it just suppress LH (which could cause an increase in GnRH in return causing increased FSH levels and a "slightly suppressed LH levels because its trying to raise the LH to keep from depleting completely)?

    Does GnRH act separately to LH and FSH?

    And for everyone else; I did do research on my questions but the cookie cutter studies I found don't go that far into depth. I'm just trying to learn more, not necessarily directly about var but the system in general, I'm using var because from what I see its unique in the way it effects your hpta. Furthermore, I have no problem with Asian women, I've been with several(Thai), I love ALL women. Retraction: most woman lol but if you want to share, even on an unrelated thread it's all fine and dandy. Even welcomed, but don't use it to take shots at me or anyone for that matter, especially if u have no report with that person. I had already apologized for anything I said. So can we get back to the topic of anavar and women

  34. #34
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    You will get use to it. We are just busting your balls a little for getting all bent out of shape.
    OK back on topic....

    You may find some good info in regards to FSH, LH and such also in the Hormone replacement therapy section gdevine and others are quite knowledgeable.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    You will get use to it. We are just busting your balls a little for getting all bent out of shape.
    OK back on topic....

    You may find some good info in regards to FSH, LH and such also in the Hormone replacement therapy section gdevine and others are quite knowledgeable.
    I will do so, but I have more of a general question maybe u can answer. Of the three main components of ur hpta which would u think to b the most difficult to start producing?

    Pituitary-LH, FSH, TRH (I can never remember this acronym)
    Testes-test and fertility

  36. #36
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    I'm thinking ur hypo would b most responsive...

  37. #37
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    I'm no exert in the field but I would venture to say you are correct since it's is the most critical or at least controls the most out the 3. Again, gdevine and HRTstudent are pretty up on all those and he would probably be the ones to ask.

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