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Thread: Testosterone dosing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Testosterone dosing

    Hi guys i wanted to give you guys a update and also ask a question regarding my potential testosterone treatment. I recently went to a knowledgeable endocrinologist and he stated that i needed to be on 50cmg of Levothyroxine and 200mg of testosterone once a week. Then after 3 shots to have my testosterone checked and adjusted. Also prolactin came back good and i'm waiting on my 24-urine analysis from UCLA medical. So does the testosterone dosage of 200mg once a week seem optimal for me ? Im 23 years old, male and weigh 218 lbs and 6ft tall. Testosterone came in at mid to low 200's. Here are my labs for reference, there are 4 pages.Click image for larger version. 

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    Also will my gynecomastia go away after i start TRT?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Vahevahe; 11-07-2012 at 04:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    To your two questions:

    1) TRT dosage varies from individual to individual and is not always necessarily linearly related to subject's weight. That said, one simply has to start an appropriate starting dosage and assess 4-6 weeks (6 weeks would likely be best to allow testosterone to approach peak stable levels when using common types of testosterone like cypionate, etc) post initial treatment to get a better idea of whether your beginning protocol adequately addresses your needs. In other words, it's fairly individually dependent and you will have to assess how your body specifically responds. It's like a large mathematical equation; there are many variables to the equation (hormones, vitamins, habits, drug history, genetics, etc) which influence value x and everyone's variables are unique to them.

    2) First off; gynecomastia is often caused from excessive E2 via testosterone supplementation due to the aromatization of testosterone to estradiol. Also, it is recommended that males use an estradiol sensitive specific test for evaluating E2. Your E2 value is well within range but I'm not certain if this is a range designed for females or males. That would depend on if it was a sensitive assay or not so take your values with a grain of salt if you're unsure. However, your gynecomastia appears to be pre-existing which may point to your poor testosterone to estradiol ratio. It's apparent your testosterone is poor, that much we know so it's a possibility. Your body fat percentage and general habits (ie diet, drug history, your poor vitamin D levels, etc) may have contributed as well. So supplementing with TRT to increase testosterone while managing your estradiol to stay within acceptable ranges for you would be a great place to start in addressing your gynecomastia.

    That's my two cents.
    Last edited by MD2B; 11-07-2012 at 05:54 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Your testosterone is low, but that is only part of the story.

    Why did you go to an endocrinologist in the first place?

    Are you on any other drugs, supplements? Have you ever used prohormones, steroids, or other bodybuilding-type supplements?

    Did your doctor talk to you about fertility? Is conceiving in the next couple years something you might want to do?

    Whats your bodyfat?

    What time did you have the blood drawn? Have you ever had your testosterone measured before (and what was it?)?

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    ^^Very well answered future MD2B!

    Op, what exactly did your doc say was the cause for your low T? I did not research your previous threads so a quick update if you don't mind. Reason I ask is that your LH/FSH levels are low but not non-existant so was a re-start attempt discussed with your doc? You're young. Is there a causative factor that can be addressed first?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Something is really amiss here; 23 year olds shouldn't have serum levels this low and given that the rest of the blood work appears ok.

    I would investigate testicular causes like a tumor, testicular varicoceles, down regulation of leydig cell receptors...things like that.

    You need a diagnosis before starting on a therapy; it's not right, something is medically wrong with you.

    Have you ever used aas in the past????

    Be honest now...

    PS. Do you over train by any chance???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Thank you MD2B!!!

    I initially went to the endo because i would always feel run down, depressed, lethargic, have ed problems and couldn't concentrate. Honest to god no steroids, though I have used creatine, Whey protein supplement, and no-xplode supplement for about 7 months on and off. Maybee within the next 4-5 years i would want to have children but not right now. My bodyfat is 28% ish. Iv had my testosterone measured 3 different times and they were around 10am and they came in at mid to low 200 ish and a recent one i took was at 8am was at 325. I am at UCLA right now and they are trying to figure out what is wrong but i decided to see another endo in the meantime to see their recommendation. This endo didn't seem too concerned with finding the cause rather he wanted to alleviate the symptoms with medication and TRT. Also i don't want to start any testosterone treatment till i get the final diagnosis from UCLA. I hope the 24 hour urine analysis will get some results.Also, I did get para-thyroid MRI and no tumor was found and i had a prolactin test and it was in range so no pituitary tumor. My testicles were examined for varicoceles and i didnt have it. Also, How would a restart work? Im suspecting a adrenal or adrenal secondary problem due to the UCLA doctor ordering a 24-hour urine alnalysis. Maybee Addison?
    Last edited by Vahevahe; 11-07-2012 at 10:30 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    I'm not too sure you have a adrenal issue as your cortisol was fine but the 24 hour urine will tell you more.

    You know, you could be one of the few where you simply just don't produce enough and there is no underlying happens as we're all different.

    Keep us posted on test results and findings...this is a good thread for many to included.
    Last edited by 1; 11-08-2012 at 12:42 AM.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    A restart would be an attempt to stimulate more natural production via the use of SERMS such as Nolvadex and/or Clomid. But first, like we pretty much all said, a cause needs to be determined. Then and only then should a path forward be determined. Don't accept a band aid.

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