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Thread: Somebody help a brother out!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Somebody help a brother out!!!!!!!!

    I've been afraid to use steroids all my life but now I've hit one hell of a plateau. I have tried everything from changing workouts to eating bigger and consuming more protein and nothing have changed. I need to know where to start so can someone please help me out.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Have you tried reading the stickies in the nutrition section? If you're not gaining, it's more likely a diet related problem, even with AAS, you will not gain weight without a proper diet.

  3. #3
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite

    Have you tried reading the stickies in the nutrition section? If you're not gaining, it's more likely a diet related problem, even with AAS, you will not gain weight without a proper diet.
    ^^^great place to start!

    What are your stats? What is your current diet like?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    East Coast: on the beach
    Start reading... Learn as much as you can and ask questions before you get started... Get everything you need before you start... There are a lot of good people with a lot of experience on this site... No one has ever shot me down here!!! Good luck!!!

  5. #5
    have you actually changed your exercises or just in the order that you do them? When I would hit a dead spot I would do the German volume training method every few weeks. That'll get you burned out and nice and sore. I love it.

    The thing is, and this is not a crack at you, but EVERYONE claims they workout super hard, when they don't. They quit before they attempt that last rep or their muscles are burning. For me that's the fun time. My sets usually consist of going to failure for every set and then pushing even if I don't move the weight until I almost either shit myself or pass out. It's a wonderful feeling. It works though. I'm not on anything and i've recently had people ask me if i'm juicing.

  6. #6
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    I cant compete with any of these guys...damn they are on it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Well my diet is 6 small meals packed with protein. I also eat snacks in between my meals and they consist of fruits and nuts. I actually work out until failure also but the only thing i gain is more strength. I'm only 156lbs and I'm 5'7". I work out with 205 on bench, 55lbs dumbbell curls, 315 on squat, 415 on leg press 185 power clean and 295 dead lift. These are not my max but its only what i go to failure with. I'm an football guy and i just wanted to gain a few extra pounds. The main thing i take is protein but it gets me nowhere so i just wanted to know where to start if i decided to

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    East Coast: on the beach
    Have you tried CREATINE? You are a little young!!! CREATINE still works to add a few quick pounds and strength gains on me... You are really strong for your weight! Good job...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by All-or-Nothing
    Well my diet is 6 small meals packed with protein. I also eat snacks in between my meals and they consist of fruits and nuts. I actually work out until failure also but the only thing i gain is more strength. I'm only 156lbs and I'm 5'7". I work out with 205 on bench, 55lbs dumbbell curls, 315 on squat, 415 on leg press 185 power clean and 295 dead lift. These are not my max but its only what i go to failure with. I'm an football guy and i just wanted to gain a few extra pounds. The main thing i take is protein but it gets me nowhere so i just wanted to know where to start if i decided to
    Cann you list everything you ate today posting total calories and all macros?

  10. #10
    Packed with protein means nothing... most people overdo their protein intake. 1-1.5 g's per lb of bodyweight is all that is needed. Others may disagree with me on this, but people put wayyyyy to much protein into their diet and not enough carbs. If you want to grow, you need HIGH calories. You also need carbs. If you're workouts are intense, you are burning up muscle instead of your body being able to constantly refill your ATP storages for each set. I'm not a big guy either, and some people just genetically are not made to be big. I didn't catch your age, but if you are younger, it's going to be hard to gain weight because your metabolism hasn't gotten a chance to slow down... which is both good and bad for obvious reasons.

    A carb and fat amount as mentioned above is what you need to post, so these guys can help you out.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    yes I have tried creatine but It just seems like im taking nothing.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Im 24

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    East Coast: on the beach
    Quote Originally Posted by All-or-Nothing
    yes I have tried creatine but It just seems like im taking nothing.
    Yeah. It does different things for different people...

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by All-or-Nothing View Post
    Im 24
    yeah, I still had a hard time gaining weight at 24 too... keep lifting, up your caloires by 200 calories per day until you start to see more weight. After 2-3 more years your metabolism will slow a bit and weight gains will come easier. For right now... have some pride in not weighing a lot, but being strong for your size. Nothing more deceptive than a smaller guy that people overlook strength wise.

  15. #15
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    Nov 2012
    lol yes i see but i went through 2 bottles of it and got nothing. Im actually playing football again because i need to have a stat sheet when i have euro and cfl tryouts again. i was hoping to at least get to 180 and i figured i could gain it using some different methods such as steroids.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by All-or-Nothing View Post
    lol yes i see but i went through 2 bottles of it and got nothing. Im actually playing football again because i need to have a stat sheet when i have euro and cfl tryouts again. i was hoping to at least get to 180 and i figured i could gain it using some different methods such as steroids.
    Don't cheat to get into sports. There's enough of that stuff in the world as it is man.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    You are absolutely right box. Thank you everyone for taking time to talk to me.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    An Linne Rosach
    Alright mate welcome

    What age are you ? how long have you been training ? As austinite said head over to the nutrition section post your diet and these guys will set you on the right track get the diet right and it will help you big time the info you have to post in this section should be ie calories/day , protein, carbs, and fat break this down across your meals, example 250g of protein over your six meals roughly would be 41g per meal and so on with the rest ,also how your meals are layed out through your day ,

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    An Linne Rosach
    sorry making meals forgot to post

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpion62 View Post
    Alright mate welcome

    What age are you ? how long have you been training ? As austinite said head over to the nutrition section post your diet and these guys will set you on the right track get the diet right and it will help you big time the info you have to post in this section should be ie calories/day , protein, carbs, and fat break this down across your meals, example 250g of protein over your six meals roughly would be 41g per meal and so on with the rest ,also how your meals are layed out through your day ,
    Im 24 and i've been training for about 3 years ( 7 if you count high school ).

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    Cann you list everything you ate today posting total calories and all macros?
    This please.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    An Linne Rosach
    Quote Originally Posted by All-or-Nothing View Post
    Im 24 and i've been training for about 3 years ( 7 if you count high school ).
    Yes after I posted I had seen this at presant your test levels will be through the roof so you dont have to do a cycle as I said go over to the nutrition section post your diet and get some feed back on this

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