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Thread: Anyone here of Drostanoplix???

  1. #1

    Anyone here of Drostanoplix???

    Hi Guys,

    I was thinking on doing my 3rd cycle and using Drostanoplix. It is a combination of TestP 50mg/ tren A 50 mg/ mast 50 mg. I was thinking on using it for cutting and pinning about 1 ml per day. It is 150mg/ 1 ml .

    It would equal

    350mg test p
    350mg trenA
    350mg Masteron
    Per week

    I have tried arimidex and letro for AI but I am wondering what might be best for this cycle . I cannot get my hands on Dostinex or caber. Or have no acces to any anti- prolactin m eds. I would really appreciate any advice on what I should use in this case. May some type of otc supplement . I heard a few ppl say HGH pro is good but i'm not sure if it will suffice for tren prolactin sides...I am prone to gyno so...I was deffinately taking an AI...Is there any Ai's that might be good for prolactin issues like aromasin or prviron?..Any advice would be greatly appreciated guys. I was also planning on using Nolva and HCG for PCT.....I am not sure if clomid is neccessary with HCG and nolva .Along with aI being taken up until i start pct....Any advice guys or gals?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Mast will do you NOOOO good at all at 20% BF, it is a finishing compound that makes the muscle appear harder and more fiberous. It would be un-noticable at BF over abot 12%.

    You really need to concentrate on diet and cardio ALONE till you get a BF near 15% or so. Higher BF increases your risk of sides big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AAS is not a diet and tren wont make you skinny!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    East Coast: on the beach
    Won't cardio make you skinnier? Why does everybody wants to use AAS to lose weight? I have never met anyone who lost weight on a cycle... Put down the fork and do more cardio... It's not complex!!! And there are no sides or additional costs! Good luck bro! if you don't have discipline to eat rite and run then you don't have discipline to use AAS responsibly, and might just turn into one of those people that gives steroids a bad name...
    Last edited by Chx beach 79; 11-12-2012 at 06:11 PM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Mast will do you NOOOO good at all at 20% BF, it is a finishing compound that makes the muscle appear harder and more fiberous. It would be un-noticable at BF over abot 12%.

    You really need to concentrate on diet and cardio ALONE till you get a BF near 15% or so. Higher BF increases your risk of sides big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AAS is not a diet and tren wont make you skinny!
    No but with my determination I already have ...and my cardio I am doing now...I am in a plateau....I have read about how tren helps burn tons of calories....I would like you to help me with one thing since I've already got the juice...I know its all diet and I understand....what you are saying....I am wondering does any Ai assist with prolactin issues...what would you suggest if I cant get dostinex or caber??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I am not comfortable giving you advice on how to run a tren/test cycle considering you obviously have issues that need to be addressed before a cycle is considered. If you would like advice on how to get that 20% down to a safer BF for cycling, let me know.

    Perhaps some others might help but you are just asking foe serious health risks that I prefer to not be a part of! Sorry!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    What are your stats besides being over weight big ron

  7. #7
    i'm 6'1 260 pounds at about -20% bf. I've been lifting weights off and on for 10 years....straight the past 3. Can bench 380lbs....squat 400....I have a good build...this will be my 3rd cycle!...What I need to know is a good stack with tren and and maybe test/ tren ratio...some people say take more test some say even amounts and some say less...test for cutting....I'm up in the air...when I came across this Drostanoplix....50/50/50 with test/tren/mast...I figured i'd give it a shot...I can lose weighgt fairly quick with a lean diet of about 2000 to2500 cals a day with 50% protein 30% carbs 20 good fats.....My major concern is finding a anti-prolactin m ed because i cant get my hands on any dostinex or caber>?...any ideas on what to take to help with that,...i seen someone say on here that provion helps with prolactin a that true...what do u think the best AI would be to benifit prolactin sides?? I am just looking for this field I always find you gets guys that are in tip top shape insulting or almost discuraging guys who ask questions about this stuff...I powerlifted in the past and now i like to get more in shape....anyway..any advice would be great.Thanks Capebuffalo!

  8. #8
    I have tried to research some supplements that might aid in prolactin sides...HGHPRO or RedTEST....What do you think of any of these for helping?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    IMO if you keep estrogen under control you are gtg. But you need something on hand if prolactin does become an issue. Bf under 15%. No question ifs and s or buts.

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