Hi Guys,
I was thinking on doing my 3rd cycle and using Drostanoplix. It is a combination of TestP 50mg/ tren A 50 mg/ mast 50 mg. I was thinking on using it for cutting and pinning about 1 ml per day. It is 150mg/ 1 ml .
It would equal
350mg test p
350mg trenA
350mg Masteron
Per week
I have tried arimidex and letro for AI but I am wondering what might be best for this cycle . I cannot get my hands on Dostinex or caber. Or have no acces to any anti- prolactin m eds. I would really appreciate any advice on what I should use in this case. May some type of otc supplement . I heard a few ppl say HGH pro is good but i'm not sure if it will suffice for tren prolactin sides...I am prone to gyno so...I was deffinately taking an AI...Is there any Ai's that might be good for prolactin issues like aromasin or prviron?..Any advice would be greatly appreciated guys. I was also planning on using Nolva and HCG for PCT.....I am not sure if clomid is neccessary with HCG and nolva .Along with aI being taken up until i start pct....Any advice guys or gals?