So ive been on my current cycle for 6 weeks. Sust 250 1000mg/week and tren 500mg/week the last two weeks ive had really sore nipples. Never happened on previous cycles. Anyone know why? The gear is different. Im now taking medistar
So ive been on my current cycle for 6 weeks. Sust 250 1000mg/week and tren 500mg/week the last two weeks ive had really sore nipples. Never happened on previous cycles. Anyone know why? The gear is different. Im now taking medistar
Using an AI? What dose? 1G of sust is pretty high.Originally Posted by wesh
I am guessing you need an AI.
I started liquid stane (IA) after 7weeks because of a little tenderness and it helped.
You taking an AI op,need to be.
Blast 40mg nolva till symptoms subside, then maybe 20mg/eod for maintenance. Also, pick up some meds to stop prolactin induced gyno. You should also be using an AI. No offense, but if you're using 1g+ gear per week, you should know how to combat minor side effects like sore nipples.
Last edited by AsEpSiS; 11-11-2012 at 09:47 PM.
You're taking a lot of steroids. 1000mg of Test is a lot and some of it will amoritize into estrogen. 500mg of Tren is also a good amount and you'll have an increase in prolactin. The combo of those gave me sensitive nipples too but I was only taking 500mg/wk of Test and 300mg/wk of Tren. I got on Arimadex right away and 25mcg every day for a couple of weeks cleared me up. Then I stayed on 25mcg eod until the end of my cycle.
K ill try some arimadex. Thanks for the feedback guys. I really appreciate it
Ive done 3 previous cycles. Test cyp 500mg/wk winstrol inj 400 mg/wk 2nd cycle test 400 700 mg/wk. tren 400 mg/wk. 3rd cycle test sust 250 750mg/wk tren 400mg/wk. masteron 400 mg/wk
This pic you posted you been on a cycle?
Yes i have
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