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Thread: !!!!!need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1

    !!!!!need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Im 21 and im having a huge problem! HUGE!

    I ran a cycle of test sus 250 deca for about 14 weeks first cycle. Took a long break about 6 months then started again. This time with test 350 and tren ace 100. Now! IM HAVING TROUBLE HAVING SEX! I did have a bad break up and have some emotional troubles but never affected me before too bad in the bed room. Now I have trouble getting it up since my ex but was able to get it goin for a couple girls since her is this emotional or the steroids? I know tren kills your functions which is why i called it quits early on the second cycle and probably will never touch the stuff again due to this.... help me!!!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    San Diego
    Tren doesn't kill your sexual function. It improves your libido. It binds strongly to the AR and will activate libido specific tissue. How much are you running of both/week. What AI are you using?

  3. #3
    I stopped a little while ago like a month and a week or two. I was doing every other day for like 5 weeks then cut it back to 3 times a week 1 ml of each for the shots..... I think this might be in my head because when i was running deca and test I was a monster and it just helped my sexual function......

    But yes i did tren a and test 350 1ml each.... im sorry im just super scared.......

  4. #4
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    San Diego
    Sorry, I can't understand what you are saying. You didn't even respond to my questions.

    Sit tight and somebody else will surely help you!

  5. #5
    What is an AI? sorry and im not running anything right now.... completely clean. I was running the juice about a month or so ago. Stopped pct and been off of everything since. Just been working out naturally.... Im sorry didnt mean to piss you off. Please help!

  6. #6
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    Killa Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Tren doesn't kill your sexual function. It improves your libido. It binds strongly to the AR and will activate libido specific tissue. How much are you running of both/week. What AI are you using?
    Tren serving can get too high and there is not enough androgen hormone or testosterone in the program to satisfy his actual needs. Also raising prolactin levels. Because of this, among many others it is suggested you supplement with exogenous androgen hormone or testosterone any moment you touching the Trenbolone hormonal agent.

    If his test was bunk or his prolactin levels were elevated this can create erectile dysfunction or loss of libido.

  7. #7
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    Killa Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Luke1081 View Post
    What is an AI? sorry and im not running anything right now.... completely clean. I was running the juice about a month or so ago. Stopped pct and been off of everything since. Just been working out naturally.... Im sorry didnt mean to piss you off. Please help!
    "Aromatase Inhibitor" An AI controls your estrogen levels. Aromatase is the enzyme that synthesis estrogen.

    You were not taking an AI or anything to control your PRL(Prolactin) levels?

  8. #8
    I was taking arimidex and then stabbed hcg into my stomach post cycle.... I was shooting 350 test 1 ml and 1 ml of 100 ace so there was more than 3 times test then tren so i was good there right?

    please just help im begging you i need my thing to make my living!!

  9. #9
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    Killa Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Luke1081 View Post
    I was taking arimidex and then stabbed hcg into my stomach post cycle.... I was shooting 350 test 1 ml and 1 ml of 100 ace so there was more than 3 times test then tren so i was good there right?

    please just help im begging you i need my thing to make my living!!
    How much arimidex were you taking and how often? Did you PCT correctly? Meaning 4 weeks of Nolva/Clomid?

    How often were you pinning 1ml each?

    I'm trying to piece together what you were doing, that's why I'm asking these questions.

  10. #10
    I was doing 3 times a week 1 ml of each the test sus 350 and tren ace 100 mon weds sat

    Okay now i did NOT take clomid. is nolva nolvadex..... i took armidex thinking it was better during the last couple weeks of the cycle into the end with the hcg now im still using the armidex. HOPING IT WILL HELP!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luke1081 View Post
    I was doing 3 times a week 1 ml of each the test sus 350 and tren ace 100 mon weds sat

    Okay now i did NOT take clomid. is nolva nolvadex..... i took armidex thinking it was better during the last couple weeks of the cycle into the end with the hcg now im still using the armidex. HOPING IT WILL HELP!
    Ok so you were taking almost 1g of test a week with 300mg Tren each week? And you did not PCT at all...

    Again, how much arimidex were you taking and how often?

  12. #12
    The last cycle I did the same PCT and was fine infact i kept my sexual drive up .... way up...

    Now its like i struggle to bang a girl like i used to... Its weird.

    The armidex i have are the purple pills and i take two of them a day. Very expensive but my dick to function has no price tag... Anyway Now i have both a squirt bottle of armidex and the pills which i switched to the squirt bottle becasue a very good and long time user friend gave me it hearing my problem.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luke1081 View Post
    The last cycle I did the same PCT and was fine infact i kept my sexual drive up .... way up...

    Now its like i struggle to bang a girl like i used to... Its weird.

    The armidex i have are the purple pills and i take two of them a day. Very expensive but my dick to function has no price tag... Anyway Now i have both a squirt bottle of armidex and the pills which i switched to the squirt bottle becasue a very good and long time user friend gave me it hearing my problem.
    Taking Arimidex is not PCT.

    There is no way I can determine how much you were taking by the color of your pills. Is there any way you can figure out how much mg are in what you are taking?

  14. #14
    No.... the pills were given to me by a friend at the time that hooked me up with everything for my first cycle i got an abundance of the pills because i wanted to have them no matter what..... Thought they were pct....... No way to see..... The only thing it says on the pill is IB

  15. #15
    Please tell me there is something i can do....

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luke1081 View Post
    No.... the pills were given to me by a friend at the time that hooked me up with everything for my first cycle i got an abundance of the pills because i wanted to have them no matter what..... Thought they were pct....... No way to see..... The only thing it says on the pill is IB
    I have no clue what those are or how much you were taking, and niether do you.

    I reccomend you visit the top ar-r banner and order some Clomid/Nolva and run a proper PCT protocol for 4 weeks. Meanwhile stay away from gear until you learn exactly what you are doing to yourself.

    I highly recommend you get bloodwork done if possible so you can figure out what's going on with you.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luke1081 View Post
    Please tell me there is something i can do....
    Absolutely nothing. Youre in for a very rough ride, and erections are not in your immediate future. No AI and no dopamine agonist? Youre libido is toast for awhile.

    I would start to mentally prepare for this because it appears as though youre going to lose your mind. Next time, do your homework.

  18. #18
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    Cialis Or Alprostadil which you inject it straight to the base of the penis.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place

    As suggested by several members:

    1. Get blood work done NOW. There are a hell of a lot more things to worry about with high estrogen levels including embolisms and strokes - much worse than your dick not working. Once you have blood work done, you could post the results here if you wish for feedback. At a minimum you'll need a full hormone panel with E2 sensitive assay but a CBC and CMP would be useful as well.
    2. Get a proper AI and don't take any more than needed. too much of an AI is just as dangerous as no AI at all. Don't think "more is better", because you would be very very wrong. If you are going to put any chemical in your body, you sure as heck better know what it is. Don't just depend on some guy who gave it to you. These drugs effect your hormones and your endocrine system (i.e. hormones) is responsible for so many functions in your body (mood, libido, immune responses, growth, appetite, etc.). If you don't know what you're taking, DON'T TAKE IT!!!!
    3. LEARN FROM THIS MISTAKE. I hate to kick a guy when he's down, but your case is exactly what frustrates many members here. Clearly you weren't prepared for taking these drugs. You didn't take the time to educate yourself and now you are in a panic. I'm sorry for what happened to you and we'll work with you to fix it, but learn from this mistake!!!! These drugs are NOT something that should be taken with ignorance. If you do not take the time to educate yourself, you WILL hurt yourself....and by education, I don't mean, read about the steroids to take to get big (this is what too many young guys think "educate" means in the world of steroids). Spend time learning about the various compounds, their effects, how to use them properly, and side effects, and how to manage and minimize those side effects.

    Best of luck.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Tren killed mine and i was using an AI. I have prami ready for next time.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I think you might have used ArimEdex HD not arimIdex.
    One is an overpriced supplement store garbage. The other is a powerful prescription drug.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Liquid Cialis from AR-R will help with the ed problem. Libido is not so easy. Hopefully you can just fake it for a while. AND, take it easy. If you don't have your GF anymore don't be so concerned about the chics you don't know. If by your job you mean porn then you may need to get a day job for a while. 21 year old porn star taking Tren with no knowledge of PCT...WOW!! It's like a piano prodigy playing with a band saw while doing tequila shots and wearing a blindfold...
    Last edited by The Titan99; 11-12-2012 at 04:36 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    if porn is your occupation, ill do your job for you while you sort yourself out

    and even give you the cash.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99
    It's like a piano prodigy playing with a band saw while doing tequila shots and wearing a blindfold...
    Now that's an awesome analogy Titan. Lol

  25. #25
    Yes its my occupation. Thank god i didnt schedule anything due to me having to travel for a couple weeks.. but when i get back to my new hometown TOMORROW I call my manager and i have to work again... but im getting some nolvadex today hoping that fixes something somewhat... i can get it up i found out last night but its not 100% hard my loads are the same which is GREAT! but i have no problem taking ed pills for the mean time to make my living.... but what else should i be getting to help fix this? I personally think its my mental game. Because in my personal life i did have a problem even before my first cycle and between cycles... so i believe its in my head... hopefully this problem resides... again any suggestions of what i should get im going to get some pct stuff today.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420
    if porn is your occupation, ill do your job for you while you sort yourself out

    and even give you the cash.
    I will second that lol this is a great thread lol

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    East Coast: on the beach
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99
    Liquid Cialis from AR-R will help with the ed problem. Libido is not so easy. Hopefully you can just fake it for a while. AND, take it easy. If you don't have your GF anymore don't be so concerned about the chics you don't know. If by your job you mean porn then you may need to get a day job for a while. 21 year old porn star taking Tren with no knowledge of PCT...WOW!! It's like a piano prodigy playing with a band saw while doing tequila shots and wearing a blindfold...
    That is hilarious! Sorry to hijack thread... but I had too!

  28. #28
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    Dec 2009
    Arimadex causes limp dick...i usually take it while.on cycle not with pct. It suppresses you pretty bad. It will come back... But i would recommend going to a research chem site and ordering tadalifil citrate (cialis 36 hr). Plenty of research sites out there. Pop 30mg of their liquid oral every other day and you'll be golden...

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luke1081 View Post
    Yes its my occupation. Thank god i didnt schedule anything due to me having to travel for a couple weeks.. but when i get back to my new hometown TOMORROW I call my manager and i have to work again... but im getting some nolvadex today hoping that fixes something somewhat... i can get it up i found out last night but its not 100% hard my loads are the same which is GREAT! but i have no problem taking ed pills for the mean time to make my living.... but what else should i be getting to help fix this? I personally think its my mental game. Because in my personal life i did have a problem even before my first cycle and between cycles... so i believe its in my head... hopefully this problem resides... again any suggestions of what i should get im going to get some pct stuff today.
    Yeah man youre beat. Might as well take a cooking course or something.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luke1081 View Post
    Yes its my occupation. Thank god i didnt schedule anything due to me having to travel for a couple weeks.. but when i get back to my new hometown TOMORROW I call my manager and i have to work again... but im getting some nolvadex today hoping that fixes something somewhat... i can get it up i found out last night but its not 100% hard my loads are the same which is GREAT! but i have no problem taking ed pills for the mean time to make my living.... but what else should i be getting to help fix this? I personally think its my mental game. Because in my personal life i did have a problem even before my first cycle and between cycles... so i believe its in my head... hopefully this problem resides... again any suggestions of what i should get im going to get some pct stuff today.

    Pretty sure that these memebers just explained to you that it is not just in your head. You didnt do any reasearch ad took some pretty harsh drugs without a propper PCT.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luke1081 View Post
    Im 21
    Quote Originally Posted by Luke1081 View Post
    I was doing 3 times a week 1 ml of each the test sus 350 and tren ace 100 mon weds sat
    Quote Originally Posted by Luke1081 View Post
    What is an AI?
    1050mg sustanon a week and 300mg deca, all while 21 years old ... ROFL

    Quote Originally Posted by Luke1081 View Post
    I was doing every other day for like 5 weeks then cut it back to 3 times a week 1 ml of each.
    Oh oh oh, do you guys see this? Thank goodness you cut it back to '3 times a week' xD

  32. #32
    I appreciate the support and the not so necessary comments like above... Doesnt matter what ive done i asked for help in the present situation. By the way.... Believe it or not i can get it up now its not perfect but it gets there and it will only get better..... I only ran that cycle for about 6 maybe 7 weeks.... yes it was dumb yes i was greedy with my body and yes i will NEVER do Steroids again due to this.... Im 220 now and cut up and happy with my size and cant risk my "sht" anymore..... I bid you all farewell.... and keep watching your favorite movies because I will be back at work and doing what i love to do. Thanks...

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    So that's it? You can get it up and your happy with the results.

    Get your head out of the sand man. You have issues that need to be delt with or 2,3,4 yrs down the road you could be fvcked.

  34. #34
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    ^ Yep, one thing I can think of is your receptors are now gauged that if you run a cycle again you'd have to run the same or higher dosage to actually see an effect, remember you also ran a cycles earlier for 14 weeks, that's a long cycle for a 1st cycle for a 21 yo ... that said I would also doubt your natural testosterone level will be capable of maintaining any muscle when it normalizes. Worst case scenario is you'd have to live on TRT for the rest of your life.

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