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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #4641
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    Ronnie when you over bulked to grow you arms years back, and your stomach get enlarged, did it ever shrink back down? No it did not because I permanently stretched out the fascia in my stomach. I did get my arms to 22 inches but paid a price. The only way to correct it would be through plastic surgery which insurance does not cover. whats your protocol to grow now, very short bulks followed with necessary cutting like 6 week bulk, 6 week cut? Right now I am still trying to recover from back surgery so I am on a non-stop low/moderate dose of test to enhance healing. I am not trying to gain a lot of size right now because of my back not get shredded because I need nutrition for my fusion to fully heal. I am staying fairly lean so I do not have to carry around as much weight which makes it easier on my lower back.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 11-04-2012 at 06:45 PM.

  2. #4642
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by az muscle View Post
    ronnie rowland, what type of advice you have on this topic for people who are competing in strongman as opposed to bodybuilding? Would everything look the same for the 8 and 2? yes, i would keep it the same!

  3. #4643
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I got a question Ronnie, say I'm doing the sling shot method.. I'm on TRT already, example:

    8 weeks test cyp: 500mgs a week

    Deload 2 weeks and at my TRT

    And 8 weeks test cyp again at 500mgs a week

    Questions are since I'm only running 8 weeks, would it be wise to frontload on week 1

    And would I continue to stay on my AI till when ? Say 2-3 weeks after I deload again, just don't wont no E rebound

  4. #4644
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    hi ron, this time last year i was bloated as a barrell of water from continously upping the test dose on reloads when i realised i didnt need to be goin so high.anyhow the water weight put my bp up, you have to keep your body fat and salt levels in check when running high dosages of test and run masteron and/or other anti-es to keep water down if you have these issues. Cialis helps as well. But at the same time id to give up training due to job loss and few other things. I also went on 6 months of ac****ane which put my blood pressure threw da roof .im finished with accutane since around june i think. they now have a topical acne medication called epiduo that i strongly recommend over accutane. lost tons of weight since stopped training like 50 pounds also .on july 12 my bp was 160/88 so hit to treadmill every 2nd day and by july 18 it was 133/77. Just what i was looking for ! But the past 2 months id had to stop the running and cant continue it again until 7 weeks time. So i tested my bp at random today and it was 135/93. What the hell? you need to continue cardio year round and keep body fat levels in check! i thought it wud have gone down naturally by now even without any running??? Why isnt it at normal range? Im back trim and looking normal, althought i do find now even tho ive not lifted in a year ive more muscle and water than years ago when i never lifted weights. I was a classic ectomorphic skinny f*ck under weight! I was planning on hopefully getn back to them gym in the new year but obviously want to sort my bp out before hitn prop and tren to get down to single digit bodyfat first, den grow lean from there , i know ur goin to say hit the treadmill which i will , am i still carrying water weight dat i need to loose is this the reason for the still slighty high bp ? genetically you are predisposed to high blood pressure and you need to keep body fat levels low year round and yes cardio helps as well.cialis is another option. I would get on high blood pressure medication if all else fails but i feel you can fix this problem without high blood pressure meds. You need to be consistent with training and diet to normalize blood pressure. please help, never had any problems health wise with bp before or in the family, i did get and have sleep apnea tho which i attribute to the water weight from high test, i was carrying way way to much for about a full year, face was bloated permanently! face bloat equals high body fat and water levels causing blood pressure to increase. You may have to keep test dosages low since you are so sensitive. 500 mgs weekly may be all you can handle. but have a cpap for that which has gone down to only about 6 episodes a time, compared to double that when i didnt have the cpap, i expect it to be down more in jan for my next check sleep apnea causes blood pressure to increase!

  5. #4645
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007
    I got a question Ronnie, say I'm doing the sling shot method.. I'm on TRT already, example:

    8 weeks test cyp: 500mgs a week

    Deload 2 weeks and at my TRT

    And 8 weeks test cyp again at 500mgs a week

    Questions are since I'm only running 8 weeks, would it be wise to frontload on week 1

    And would I continue to stay on my AI till when ? Say 2-3 weeks after I deload again, just don't wont no E rebound
    Above is this showing

  6. #4646
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Diet forum
    1.) Thanks for the advice on the decline still hitting the front delts., before i read this earlier today i did front raises instead of pull overs or push ups and just did one more set of the decline. still no shoulder pain!! so avoiding flys, flat and incline bench and shoulder press seems to be helping! i mean there is not even a little tweak of pain any where.

    2.) I tryied the double cable lat pull down with palms out, i liked it and i have more control with the range of motion to really target the lat contraction.

    3.) i have the lifefitness cable pull machines all the women work on, it doesnt have the bench attached, i could just put a bunch in there and place the pully at the very bottom for shoulder press's?

    Hope you have a safe and speedy recovery, its amazing you still get online with a back fusion. ouch.

  7. #4647
    Hello Ronnie! I've fallowed sts for 1 1/2 years and have made awesome gains natural. Today I've took my first pin! It feels like a mule kicked me in the thigh lol. I am looking foreword to making gains through your knowledge! Thank you very much Ronnie! I'm. New to all this and will probably need your guidance from time to time. I will try to get most of my q and a from past threads but really wanted to say thank you!

  8. #4648
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    my diet was always clean so it was nearly all water weight because if i used take a break and use sum hcg , id loose all water weight after a few weeks. yes i will be reintroducing cardio soon. i disagree that im genetically predisposed to high bp because ive never had it before using steroids, or during using steroids, only when i got sleep apnea, then it went up and increased again during accutane. so taking this into consideration could it be high at the moment soley from sleep apnea ? i thought the cpap would bring it down to normal range. wud it be best to get bp in check first before starting prop tren or cud using prop, tren with cardio actually help this because id be cuting to loose fat and water weight ?

  9. #4649
    Lynxeffect1 I can't contact u but u can me if u would?

  10. #4650
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    well despite your great advice ron i decided to run a short test prop cycle at 400 mg ew for my first cycle just to test the water, went very well loved it no sides gained 20 pounds but plenty of water, now 2 months after pct ive kept 10 so im pretty happy, anyway im probably going to follow your protocol for my next cycle im looking to take it to the next level and this is what i have in mind, bear in mind i got my tren and primo cheap because they go out of date in 16 weeks so thats the reason im running 3 compounds as apposed to 2 which might be recommended for a second cycle and my goal is lean mass, im looking to get in the single digits bodyfat currently at 14 percent aiming for 5 percent, here goes

    Test E Weeks 1 - 8 - 200 mg ew
    primo E weeks 1 - 8 - 400 mg ew

    test E weeks 9 - 10 - 200 mg ew
    primo E weeks 9 - 10 - ????

    test E weeks 11 - 18 - 200 mg ew( im very prone to moon face and i dont want to take anti Es im not a fan im only running the test to avoid complete shutdown )
    primo E weeks 11 - 18 - 500 mg ew
    tren E weeks 11 - 18 - 250 mg ew

    what do you think mate how does it all look? i know the doses are relatively low but i have mild asthma so im starting low on the tren and i only have limited amount of primo due to the cost of it, and also just another quick question sort of unrelated, is it common for bodybuilders to come into shows on high doses of test?? or do they cut the test out completely a few weeks before to get that real crazy dry look?? whats the common practice? thanks
    Last edited by adamjames; 11-14-2012 at 07:11 AM.

  11. #4651
    Mr Rowland, I was looking into the STS workout and I want to do each body part 2xs a week. I go to gym mon- sat. No child care on sundays so not an option. I have been reading your thread and it looks like a great system. My reading comprehension is a little bad tho so Im still trying to absorb the theories. I think I have a routine planed out if you dont mind taking a quick look. Thanks

    Day 1- All exercises will be done at 3 sets/ 8-10 reps

    -Decline Bench Press
    -Incline Dumbell Press

    -Lat pull downs

    -Smithmachine Shrugs
    -Seated dumbell shrugs

    Day2- All exerciese will be done at 3 sets/ 8-10 reps

    -Seated dumbell press
    -Dumbell laterial raises

    -Seated incline dumbell curls
    -Standing EZ bar curls

    -Seated French Press
    -Cable tricept pushdowns

    Day3- All exercises will be 3 sets/ 8-10 reps

    -Leg extentions

    -Stiff leg dead lifts
    -Seated leg curls

    -Standing calf raises
    -seated calf raises

    Day4- All exercises will be 2sets/ 8-10 reps

    -Flat bench press
    -Incline dumbell press
    -Cable flyes

    -Bent over rows
    -medium grip pull ups
    -Seated rows

    -Dumbell shrugs
    -Reverse grip shrugs
    -Behind the back shrugs

    Day5- All exercises will be 2sets/ 8-10 reps

    -Seated military press
    -Ez bar front raises
    -Seated laterial raises

    -Preacher curl
    -Hammer curls
    -Reverse grip Ez bar curls

    -Close grip bench press
    -Weighted Dips
    -Tricept extensions

    Day6- All exercises will be 2set/ 8-10 reps unless otherwise noted

    -Leg extentions

    -Lying leg curls 3/8-10
    -Seated leg curls 3/8-10

    -Standing calf raises
    -seated calf raises
    -Donkey calf raises

  12. #4652
    Also I am not on AAS. waiting on a few things for now. Not sure if you would recomend STS without or not. Figured that is for MAXIMUM results.

  13. #4653
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6111180]
    Quote Originally Posted by bigp87 View Post
    Hey Ronnie, great thread!

    I consider myself a Endomorph body type, can gain bodyfat fairly easy etc.

    I'm weighing around 200LBS at the moment, 5"7, 25 years old with bodyfat at around 16% i'd estimate. I am currently on cutting cycle consiting of sus & Tren, and used dbol for kickstart.

    I'm considering doing a 20 week slingshot cycle as you have outlined. I have done fair few cycles in the past, and I don't feel many side effects however the gear is 100%. I am quite tolerant to most drugs I would say...

    I want a pure out lean mass cycle, with maximum muscle gained as possible.., what do do you think of the following for someone with my stats.

    The highest mg cycle so far i have ran is Test E @ 750mg, Deca @400mg, DBOL @ 40mg ed.

    Week 1-8: Test E - 500mg - 750mg ??
    Week 1-8: Deca - 400mg
    week 1-8: Dbol - 25mg - 30mg (can I run higher?)

    Week 9-10: Test E - 250mg

    Week 11-18: Test E - 1000mg
    Week 11-18: Deca - 500mg or Tren E - 400mg ?
    Week 11-18: Dbol - 50mg ED

    Week 19-20 Test E 250mg

    Week 21-24: Nolva 20/20/20/20
    Week 21-24 Clomid 50/50/50/50

    Would these dosages be alright? Or should I up them further.
    Should I replace the deca with tren for the full 20 weeks?


    Thanks for reply Ron!
    I've put something like this together, what would you change? (Want MAXIMUM muscle gains, not concerned about side effects)

    Week 1-8: Test E - 250mg (I have enough to run 500mg-750mg here, would I benefit from extra test or just more sides due to elevated estrogen?)
    Week 1-8: Tren E: 600mg
    week 1-8: Dbol - 30mg (can I run higher? i.e 50mg)

    Week 9-10: Test E - 250mg

    Week 11-18: Test E - 250mg (again, can run more, but been reading a lot more about using low dose test with high tren ratio, your opinion for max gains?)
    Week 11-18: Tren E - 600-800mg?

    Week 21-24: Nolva 20/20/20/20
    Week 21-24 Clomid 50/50/50/50

    Are nolvadex or clomid necessary if i wanna come off all gear? A lot of people are telling me doesn't make a differece if you come off cold turkey as your body will recover naturally...


  14. #4654
    wow you are the man, great info,keepem comming bro.

  15. #4655
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    I got a question Ronnie, say I'm doing the sling shot method.. I'm on TRT already, example:

    8 weeks test cyp: 500mgs a week

    Deload 2 weeks and at my TRT

    And 8 weeks test cyp again at 500mgs a week

    Questions are since I'm only running 8 weeks, would it be wise to frontload on week 1 No need to front load.

    And would I continue to stay on my AI till when ? Say 2-3 weeks after I deload again, just don't wont no E rebound What kind of anti-es are you using and how often?

  16. #4656
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    1.) thanks for the advice on the decline still hitting the front delts., before i read this earlier today i did front raises instead of pull overs or push ups and just did one more set of the decline. Still no shoulder pain!! So avoiding flys, flat and incline bench and shoulder press seems to be helping! I mean there is not even a little tweak of pain any where. great!

    2.) i tryied the double cable lat pull down with palms out, i liked it and i have more control with the range of motion to really target the lat contraction. exactly!

    3.) i have the lifefitness cable pull machines all the women work on, it doesnt have the bench attached, i could just put a bunch in there and place the pully at the very bottom for shoulder press's? you could try if the pulleys at the bottom aren't too far apart

    hope you have a safe and speedy recovery, its amazing you still get online with a back fusion. Ouch.i'm doing much better now! Got my muscle back and less pain. The orthopaedic spine surgeon i have is amazing!

  17. #4657
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ares75 View Post
    hello ronnie! I've fallowed sts for 1 1/2 years and have made awesome gains natural. Today i've took my first pin! It feels like a mule kicked me in the thigh lol. I am looking foreword to making gains through your knowledge! Thank you very much ronnie! I'm. New to all this and will probably need your guidance from time to time. I will try to get most of my q and a from past threads but really wanted to say thank you! you are welcome!

  18. #4658
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=lynxeffect1;6245961]my diet was always clean so it was nearly all water weight because if i used take a break and use sum hcg , id loose all water weight after a few weeks. yes i will be reintroducing cardio soon. i disagree that im genetically predisposed to high bp because ive never had it before using steroids, or during using steroids, only when i got sleep apnea, then it went up and increased again during accutane. so taking this into consideration could it be high at the moment soley from sleep apnea ? i thought the cpap would bring it down to normal range. wud it be best to get bp in check first before starting prop tren or cud using prop, tren with cardio actually help this because id be cuting to loose fat and water weight ? THE BODY DOES STRANGE THINGS. I WOULD USE SMALL DOSES OF TEST/TREN TO GAIN MUSCLE AND LOSE WEIGHT, GET OFF THE ACCUTANE AND GET SOME TOPICAL EPIDUO FOR ACNE AND YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE SHOULD GO DOWN AFTER A WHILE USING THE CPAP. LACK OF REM SLEEP AND SLEEP APNEA CAUSES BLOOD PRESSURE TO GO UP AND INCREASES ONES RICK FOR HEART ATTACK AND STROKE,[/QUOTE]ABOVE

  19. #4659
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    well despite your great advice ron i decided to run a short test prop cycle at 400 mg ew for my first cycle just to test the water, went very well loved it no sides gained 20 pounds but plenty of water, now 2 months after pct ive kept 10 so im pretty happy, anyway im probably going to follow your protocol for my next cycle im looking to take it to the next level and this is what i have in mind, bear in mind i got my tren and primo cheap because they go out of date in 16 weeks so thats the reason im running 3 compounds as apposed to 2 which might be recommended for a second cycle and my goal is lean mass, im looking to get in the single digits bodyfat currently at 14 percent aiming for 5 percent, here goes

    test e weeks 1 - 8 - 200 mg ew
    primo e weeks 1 - 8 - 400 mg ew

    test e weeks 9 - 10 - 200 mg ew
    primo e weeks 9 - 10 - ???? drop primo and use test only during 2 week deload.

    test e weeks 11 - 18 - 200 mg ew( im very prone to moon face and i dont want to take anti es im not a fan im only running the test to avoid complete shutdown )
    primo e weeks 11 - 18 - 500 mg ew
    tren e weeks 11 - 18 - 250 mg ew

    what do you think mate how does it all look? looks fine but i would increase test to 4-500 mgs weekly. That amount should not cause moon face unless you gain body fat. Your body adjust to the test after a while and you won't hold as much water as it did at the beginning. I know the doses are relatively low but i have mild asthma so im starting low on the tren keep tren at 150 mgs weekly if you have asthma then bump up to 250 if you do okay after a couple of weeks. KEEP A RESCUE INHALER WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES!!! and i only have limited amount of primo due to the cost of it, and also just another quick question sort of unrelated, is it common for bodybuilders to come into shows on high doses of test?? yes until the last 2-3 weeks. Or do they cut the test out completely a few weeks before to get that real crazy dry look?? most cut it out 2-3 weeks out but a few keep it in and use a mild diurectic and strong anti-es like letro whats the common practice? dropping it 2-3 weeks out is best! thanks
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 11-14-2012 at 08:18 PM.

  20. #4660
    Hey Ronnie, long time now talk. Im still alive and kicking it! Want to thank you for everything, I have transformed my body in to a work of art!! Can not imagen what another year and half will bring. Need your advice on something, women. If you were going to put a woman on a regiment to put on some lean body mass what would it be? Anavar, Winstrol or Primobolan or all? Anything else you suggest other than those. What kind of dosages? Test is out of the question.

  21. #4661
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hey Ron,
    I was just checking out Melanotan II. This stuff comes in 10 mg vials. How do you take this stuff (dosage) and is it true it increases sex drive? Saw a documentary where they called it the "Barbie Drug". Looks pretty cool. Do you know of any negative sides with this stuff? Also, I talked with a girl at the gym about giving my GF Anavar. She said it's great, but she takes 100 mg of Test E per week too and says it's awesome!! I suppose this is like anything else, being different from individual to individual, but do you think it's best to give her the 10 mg of Var first and see how it goes? She ready to do whatever I say and trusts me completely so I don't want to hurt her and would like to be extra safe. I've never had to take someone else into consideration as far as AAS goes. For me I have almost no sides regardless of doses, like I'm made for this. I'm worrying much more about her than I do about myself with this.

  22. #4662
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    Hey Ronnie, long time now talk. Im still alive and kicking it! Want to thank you for everything, I have transformed my body in to a work of art!! Can not imagen what another year and half will bring. Need your advice on something, women. If you were going to put a woman on a regiment to put on some lean body mass what would it be? Anavar, Winstrol or Primobolan or all? Anything else you suggest other than those. What kind of dosages? Test is out of the question.
    I didn't read this. I'm interested here too of course.

  23. #4663
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland
    Adex EOD maybe .5mg


  24. #4664
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by canesfan804 View Post
    Mr Rowland, I was looking into the STS workout and I want to do each body part 2xs a week. I go to gym mon- sat. No child care on sundays so not an option. I have been reading your thread and it looks like a great system. My reading comprehension is a little bad tho so Im still trying to absorb the theories. I think I have a routine planed out if you dont mind taking a quick look. Thanks

    Day 1- All exercises will be done at 3 sets/ 8-10 reps

    -Decline Bench Press
    -Incline Dumbell Press

    -Lat pull downs

    -Smithmachine Shrugs
    -Seated dumbell shrugs

    Day2- All exerciese will be done at 3 sets/ 8-10 reps

    -Seated dumbell press
    -Dumbell laterial raises

    -Seated incline dumbell curls
    -Standing EZ bar curls

    -Seated French Press
    -Cable tricept pushdowns

    Day3- All exercises will be 3 sets/ 8-10 reps

    -Leg extentions

    -Stiff leg dead lifts
    -Seated leg curls

    -Standing calf raises
    -seated calf raises

    Day4- All exercises will be 2sets/ 8-10 reps

    -Flat bench press
    -Incline dumbell press
    -Cable flyes

    -Bent over rows
    -medium grip pull ups
    -Seated rows

    -Dumbell shrugs
    -Reverse grip shrugs
    -Behind the back shrugs

    Day5- All exercises will be 2sets/ 8-10 reps

    -Seated military press
    -Ez bar front raises
    -Seated laterial raises

    -Preacher curl
    -Hammer curls
    -Reverse grip Ez bar curls

    -Close grip bench press
    -Weighted Dips
    -Tricept extensions

    Day6- All exercises will be 2set/ 8-10 reps unless otherwise noted

    -Leg extentions

    -Lying leg curls 3/8-10
    -Seated leg curls 3/8-10

    -Standing calf raises
    -seated calf raises
    -Donkey calf raises
    Looks solid!

  25. #4665
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by canesfan804 View Post
    Also I am not on AAS. waiting on a few things for now. Not sure if you would recomend STS without or not. Figured that is for MAXIMUM results.
    Slingshot Training was designed for both the natural and chemically enhanced trainers!

  26. #4666
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    Thanks for reply Ron!
    I've put something like this together, what would you change? (Want MAXIMUM muscle gains, not concerned about side effects)

    Week 1-8: Test E - 250mg (I have enough to run 500mg-750mg here, would I benefit from extra test or just more sides due to elevated estrogen?) Go with more test....750 mgs weekly!
    Week 1-8: Tren E: 600mg
    week 1-8: Dbol - 30mg (can I run higher? i.e 50mg) Use 50mgs daily for maximum gains

    Week 9-10: Test E - 250mg

    Week 11-18: Test E - 250mg (again, can run more, but been reading a lot more about using low dose test with high tren ratio, your opinion for max gains?) use high dosages of both test and tren combined for maximum gains!
    Week 11-18: Tren E - 600-800mg?

    Week 21-24: Nolva 20/20/20/20
    Week 21-24 Clomid 50/50/50/50

    Are nolvadex or clomid necessary if i wanna come off all gear? A lot of people are telling me doesn't make a differece if you come off cold turkey as your body will recover naturally...What you need is HCG during PCT. Clomid is not a must and causes emotional problems for many. Use anti-es only if anti-es are used during a cycle. I would add 2-300 mgs of masteron weekly to the reloads to keep estrogen levels a little lower. You may need some cialis as well.


  27. #4667
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by gi812many View Post
    hey ronnie, long time now talk. Im still alive and kicking it! Want to thank you for everything, i have transformed my body in to a work of art!! Can not imagen what another year and half will bring. Need your advice on something, women. If you were going to put a woman on a regiment to put on some lean body mass what would it be? Anavar, winstrol or primobolan or all? Anything else you suggest other than those. What kind of dosages? Test is out of the question.
    10 mgs of anavar daily for starters. Next level would be to add 1/4 cc of deca once a week along with the anavar . The last level would be to use 10 mgs of anavar daily and alternate 1/4 cc of deca every other week with 1/4cc of test cypionate.[/b]
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 11-19-2012 at 09:20 PM.

  28. #4668
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I didn't read this. I'm interested here too of course.
    10 mgs of anavar daily for starters. The second level would be to add 1/4 cc of deca once a week along with the anavar . The third level would be to use 10 mgs of anavar daily and alternate 1/4 cc of deca every other week with 1/4cc of test cypionate.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 11-19-2012 at 09:24 PM.

  29. #4669
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    Adex EOD maybe .5mg

    yes that will work and some find that .025 mgs every third day is sufficient. The fewer anti-es you can take the better!

  30. #4670
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    Hey Ronnie, long time now talk. Im still alive and kicking it! Want to thank you for everything, I have transformed my body in to a work of art!! Can not imagen what another year and half will bring. Need your advice on something, women. If you were going to put a woman on a regiment to put on some lean body mass what would it be? Anavar, Winstrol or Primobolan or all? Anything else you suggest other than those. What kind of dosages? Test is out of the question.QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6266937] 10 mgs of anavar daily for starters. Next level would be to add 1/4 cc of deca once a week along with the anavar . [/b]

  31. #4671
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Costa Rica
    Hi Ronnie:

    I am starting my 3rd week of a reload of 600 mg Test Cyp and 400 mg Deca weekly, and so far so good.
    Now my 8th week will be last week of December, and the 2 weeks deload will be the 1st two weeks of January.
    I want to enter a small local competition (I live in Costa Rica) that will be on march 24th, but my question is how should I do it?
    If I go with the 2 weeks deload it will give me no much time for the prep, less than 12 weeks, should i still do it? or just skip it and go straight to cutting cycle?
    And what about to the cutting cutting cycle? what compounds will be the best to take? Keep on mind I have access to Test E, test C, Mast P, wins, Tren A,anavar, equip and maybe test prop.

    Thanks for the help

    P.S I know diet is the key and that's why I have it on check every week.
    Last edited by morado02; 11-20-2012 at 01:56 PM.

  32. #4672
    hello ronnie.
    If i were to use test e (600mg/week) and dbol (20mg daily) during a blast would i use dbol for the whole 8 weeks or just part of the blast so keeping my liver in better health.

  33. #4673
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hey Ron,
    I was just checking out Melanotan II. This stuff comes in 10 mg vials. How do you take this stuff (dosage) and is it true it increases sex drive? Saw a documentary where they called it the "Barbie Drug". Looks pretty cool. Do you know of any negative sides with this stuff?

  34. #4674
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by morado02 View Post
    Hi Ronnie:

    I am starting my 3rd week of a reload of 600 mg Test Cyp and 400 mg Deca weekly, and so far so good.
    Now my 8th week will be last week of December, and the 2 weeks deload will be the 1st two weeks of January.
    I want to enter a small local competition (I live in Costa Rica) that will be on march 24th, but my question is how should I do it?
    If I go with the 2 weeks deload it will give me no much time for the prep, less than 12 weeks, should i still do it? or just skip it and go straight to cutting cycle?
    And what about to the cutting cutting cycle? what compounds will be the best to take? Keep on mind I have access to Test E, test C, Mast P, wins, Tren A,anavar, equip and maybe test prop. Skip deload and go straight into cutting cycle! I would use test-e (1 cc eod for 9 weeks) stop 3 weeks out from show, 40 mgs of anavar daily to help maintain strength for 12 weeks til day of show, 40 mgs of winstrol daily (last 6 weeks only until day of show), masteron (1cc eod) 12 weeks out until day before show, tren (1cc eod then increase to 2 ccs eod 3 weeks out from show when test is dropped and have last tren 2ccs/mast1cc injection 1 day before the show in upper glutes..If you could handle the side effects use 1cc of tren ed for last 8 weeks). I would not use winstrol for 6 weeks without some deca. Deca is stopped 4 weeks out from show.

    Thanks for the help

    P.S I know diet is the key and that's why I have it on check every week.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 11-25-2012 at 06:03 PM.

  35. #4675
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Costa Rica
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Thanks for the help Ronnie

    just two questions?

    The Tren I should do it for 12 weeks and and just increase the dose the last 3 weeks?

    And about the Wins, If can;t find the pills version, how should I do it with the injections? Dose and time

    Thanks again

  36. #4676
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by morado02 View Post
    Thanks for the help Ronnie

    just two questions?

    The Tren I should do it for 12 weeks and and just increase the dose the last 3 weeks?On second thought, I would just forget the masteron and run an anti-es like aromasin. If you want good results do 2ccs of tren and 1 cc of test-e every other day (thats a 3ccs injection-tren/test eod) for 12 weeks and then add in the injectable winstrol eod the last 3 weeks when you drop test-e. I just realized you are not running deca and if you have bad joints 6 weeks of winstrol may increases joint pain too much so just use for 3 weeks to play it safe!

    And about the Wins, If can;t find the pills version, how should I do it with the injections? You could inject 100 mgs of winstrol eod for last 3 weeks.. If you can obtain pills take 40 mgs of winstrol daily for last 3 weeks along with 40 mgs of anavar daily. Start 40 mgs of anavar beginning 12 weeks out from show! Dose and time

    Thanks again

  37. #4677
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Costa Rica
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Copy that..

    Just to make sure..what Tren you are talking about? Tren E or Tren Acetate

    And the aromasin, how should it be take it?

    And once I have everything in hands I will post the cycle

    Thanks for all the help

  38. #4678
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by markandspike View Post
    hello ronnie.
    If i were to use test e (600mg/week) and dbol (20mg daily) during a blast would i use dbol for the whole 8 weeks or just part of the blast so keeping my liver in better health. You can use d-bol for 8 weeks at 20 mgs daily and be fine. It's not your liver but rather blood pressure and getting gyno that should be your first concern with d-bol. I would add 300 mgs of materone to that cycle and have another anti-es on hand just in case you need it.

  39. #4679
    I have never used steroids, just creatine, protein, and aakg, but it seems I have gained nothing..I want to gain more muscle and mass which steroids should I begin using, I am 35yrs old and I weight 180 ...

  40. #4680
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Hey Ron,
    I was just checking out Melanotan II. This stuff comes in 10 mg vials. How do you take this stuff (dosage) and is it true it increases sex drive? Saw a documentary where they called it the "Barbie Drug". Looks pretty cool. Do you know of any negative sides with this stuff?
    First beware of counterfeit products being sold by underground labs that could pose a hazard to your health. I've never used it personally but I know of others who have and some got nauseated and light headed while others did not. Start out with .025mgs daily then progress to .05mgs after 4 days if well tolerated. Melonotan-II is know forr accelerating tanning, increasing libido and reducing ones appetite. Let us know how it works and i would inject it into the abs just like GH shots using an insulin pin. above

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