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Thread: Critique My Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial

    Critique My Cycle

    24 yrs. old
    185 lbs.
    10 yrs. lifting
    1 prior cycle, deca 400mg/wk for 8 weeks (I know, I know)

    Proposed cycle:
    Test prop, 75mg ed, 1-8+2 days
    Tren, 75mg ed, 1-8
    Clomid and Nolva post cycle
    Bromo, Femara, Nolva on hand

    I'm to the point now where gains are pretty hard to come by even with massive amounts of calories in my diet. The newbie mistake deca cycle that I did about 2 years ago was a huge disapointment. I think this will be a good cycle from what i've read. I don't mind sticking myself everyday, and these are all I can get (homebrew), so please don't suggest getting test eneth, or drop the fina because I don't know how to use a needle.

    Is 525mgs/ wk too much for someone my bodyweight, keeping in mind that this is prop and not eneth or cyp(I've read posts suggesting that slightly more prop needs to be taken per week than eneth or cyp)?

    At 75mg ed tren, I shouldnt need to worry about prolactin, but should I take the bromo along with nolva if I expierience pre-gyno symptoms?

    I've read enough about taking nolva along with clomid for PCT to convince me to do the same. I'm open to critique on this point from those expierienced with it.

    I'm not going to use the femara unless bloat becomes a serious issue. Again, I've read some and am convinced that it isn't neccesary unless gyno becomes an issue, bloat does't bother me, i've been through it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    looks good, but Id run the prop one week longer than the fina. you probably wont need the bromo but its good that you have it.

    what does your diet look like?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Cycle looks good....... keep the bromo on hand don't run it in the cycle if your worried about prolactin levels use vit B6 durring the cycle.

  4. #4
    hell ya always keep the bromo on hand i forgot once and i will never do it again!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Looks fine

    bloat does't bother me, i've been through it.
    hope you realise high BP is very bad to have.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    My diet ranges between 3600 and 4000 calories per day. My protein is all food except for post workout. Carbs and fat are good too, although i'll admit I eat crap every once in awhile to get all my cals in.

    hope you realise high BP is very bad to have

    Ahh, blood pressure. Well, honestly I hadnt thought about it. In that case, will 1.25mg femara eod do? Or ed? If I was using it, then it would be for the sole purpose of keeping my BP down, not reducing bloat.

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