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You may need an AI, but I've found a lot of guys can get rid of the bloat if they simply adjust their diet a little more. You said you've been limiting salt, but this isn't always the solution. Granted, an overabundance of sodium would be a problem, but you actually need a decent amount of sodium in your diet, especially if you're training hard. I honestly think a lot of guys would bloat a lot less if they cut back their food intake a bit, especially carbs. If you're trying to grow, you need excess calories, this is true and while the total amount over maintenance can vary greatly from one man to the next, so many times many take it far above and beyond what they need. Heavy excess calories, especially heavy excess carbs will make you hold water. Add in heavy amounts of aromatase activity and it will be worse.
Last thing, I'm not against AI use and definitely think they have their place but I also think a lot of guys put way to much emphasis on them. And as far as water retention goes, I've personally gone through contest diets with and without AI's and in either case a butt load of test without a bloated face.