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Thread: Have a few questions and new to the site!

  1. #1

    Have a few questions and new to the site!

    Hello! First time posting but have been reaserching for quite a while now. First off I'll throw some details about myself out there.

    First off I'm 35 yrs old. Im shocked at the amount of posts by 18-25 yr olds on here talking about their cycles They still have youth on their side and should be capitalizing on that while they can....

    I have been training for about 3 years now and have transformed prety well so far but i believe father time is slowing ( if not stopping) my progress at this point. I believe i have the diet honed in very close to perfection. Over the past three years I have went from a chubby 200lbs, down to a lean 185, and am now at ~192 with a 11-13% bmi. I am 6.0' tall btw.

    I have been on the standard hormone dr perscribed 200mg of test every week and 1mg of anastrozal every other day for several months now and havent really noticed the changes i was hoping for. Soooo, a friend who has been into lifting for the last 15 years suggested i try deca. I have been using 2mg per week for about 5-6 weeks along with my test perscription and have noticed a small strenth increase and a decrease in some of the minor joint pains i would get from time to time but certainly not the size growth i would like. I will also add that my genetics aren't really in my favor to grow either. My pop is 5'8 150 lbs!

    So based on my reasearch so far I was thinking of adding a little d-bol or anavar to my current deca and dr test.
    I would greatly appriciate any advice you guys have to offer! Thanks in advance!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    So your current protocol is;

    200 mg Cyp. How is this administered? Once per wk, twice per wk?

    1mg Adex EOD. How was this determined? Blood work?

    Deca 2mg?? Do you mean 2ml?

  3. #3
    Sorry bout that, shoulda added that to the first post.

    Current is 200mg of the dr test(sorry havent become familar with the abv's yet) once a week by injection. I either inject in the leg (abductor area) or in the glute...
    Deca200 2ml per week also injected in the leg or glute
    And anastrozal orally every other day.

    Yes, it was determained by a blood test the prescribing dr.
    Last edited by Shopmech; 12-13-2012 at 08:25 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    the treatment you're getting from your dr doesn't seem right. if you're on TRT, you probably wont need more than 100mg/wk. and yet at your 200mg/wk, you said you're not getting the changes you're looking for... it sounds a little unusual... you might want to look for a new dr.

    once you get your TRT corrected, you can simply do a test-only cycle for additional gains. done the correct way, this cycle should give you plenty of gains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    1mg of Adex EOD is a bit high. Short term I'm not too concerned. Long term it's overkill and will cause problems you don't need. I generally recommend that dose to drive high E2 levels down during a 2wk tx period.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Shopmech View Post
    Sorry bout that, shoulda added that to the first post.

    Current is 200mg of the dr test(sorry havent become familar with the abv's yet) once a week by injection. I either inject in the leg (abductor area) or in the glute...
    Deca200 2ml per week also injected in the leg or glute
    And anastrozal orally every other day.

    Yes, it was determained by a blood test the prescribing dr.
    Ok. If you current protocol was determined by a bloodwork, i wont argue with it. However as AD and MI pointed out, it is on the high side.

    Did you see the tests? Do you have a copy? Just curious..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Why not just up the test for a blast and have you changed your food intake along with the extra compound?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Something isnt right here!

  9. #9
    AD- thats what i was thinking! I thought I would see more results... My dr is one of the "hormone replacement" specialist.... Is it possible they are peddling watered down junk??? I havent even noticed a change in labido either that I was assuming would come with the TRT...
    MI- What long term side effect will Adex cause? I certainly dont want any problems down the road that father time isnt already doing to me lol.
    MK- I did not see the test results nor do I have a copy.
    jim- I have upped my calories with the addition of the deca, but it is ALL clean food. So, i eat like a pig and come in between 3000-3200cal a day..
    song- Yes I agree bigtime! I have been disapointed with my current protocol and that is why im heavily studying other options.

    Thanks for all the replys!

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    200 mg test per week is the high end for TRT. Norm is probably 100-120. Best as well to split your dose in half to every 3.5 days.
    Like MI said, that amount of adex is way high. It's a breast cancer dosage IMO. Average test cycle here is arguably 500mg per week and the normal AI amount is .25 eod for it. Do the math. Eventually you will crash your E2 down to nothing and that in turn will cause a myriad of problems from joint pain to a loss of libido.

    Shop you may want to start visiting the HRT forum and hanging out. Lot to learn there. Read the stickies as well.

    Welcome to the site.


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