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Thread: All you need to know about GYNO.

  1. #761
    great info.. needs to be at the top of gyno search

  2. #762
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    You will want to start running the letro approximately 2 weeks before you begin your cycle to allow it to fully stabilize in your blood. I have often heard the argument that letro takes up to 60 days to stabilize, I don’t know if I buy into this for the reason that I have reversed gyno after using letro for only 1 week. Still to be safe I recommend starting it before your cycle as stated above.
    Running Letro approximately 2 weeks before cycle, what would be the recommended dosage? 0.25mg/eod?

    And also, first week on into cycle, do I still maintain 0.25mg/eod? and for how long, throughout cycle?

  3. #763
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Pakistan, Lahore
    Quote Originally Posted by vwvwvv

    Running Letro approximately 2 weeks before cycle, what would be the recommended dosage? 0.25mg/eod?

    And also, first week on into cycle, do I still maintain 0.25mg/eod? and for how long, throughout cycle?
    Looking for the same Info.. Has there been any further research on this one or are we good to go with this running Letro two weeks before cycle ?? I have read the initial post by Bino couple of times but its an old thread so I was thinking of some endorsement on this one by gurus or Bino himself. Please any one ?

  4. #764
    Hey bino, I really need your opinion.
    I've got a lump and its sensitive, I got it from pro hormones a few months ago, I must've missed a couple of tabs of the pct.
    I just started on test e 500mg/week for my first cycle. Only first week now. What should I do?
    Start letro as stated now? Please man, need your help and expertise.

  5. #765
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Pakistan, Lahore
    Jakarta ! This is an old thread like 6 years old. I have been told that 6 years in Steroid industry is like renaissance in comparison with modern times. Plus Bino too hasn't been seen in a while.
    So what I say Phased is your man.. Search him.

    Sent from my iPhone.

  6. #766
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by AliYousaf
    Jakarta ! This is an old thread like 6 years old. I have been told that 6 years in Steroid industry is like renaissance in comparison with modern times. Plus Bino too hasn't been seen in a while.
    So what I say Phased is your man.. Search him.

    Sent from my iPhone.
    Phased was banned months ago!!!!

  7. #767
    Old thread but a great read. Any updated info on this subject?


  8. #768
    Im currently taking t400 and deca. i am about 8 weeks into my cycle. I "kickstarted" my cycle with anadrol. Im noticing lately that my nipples are kind of tender, and puffy. there seems to be a slight lump behind the nipples. I have been taking armidex for a couple of weeks now. I have some clomid, letro and novla on the way. Could anyone give me information how to get rid of the puffyness.. how much letro, novla or clomid i should be taking to get rid of this problem before it gets worse?

  9. #769
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    British Columbia, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by andyb73 View Post
    Im currently taking t400 and deca. i am about 8 weeks into my cycle. I "kickstarted" my cycle with anadrol. Im noticing lately that my nipples are kind of tender, and puffy. there seems to be a slight lump behind the nipples. I have been taking armidex for a couple of weeks now. I have some clomid, letro and novla on the way. Could anyone give me information how to get rid of the puffyness.. how much letro, novla or clomid i should be taking to get rid of this problem before it gets worse?
    It's in the post, bro... Maybe read it?

  10. #770
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Good Info, cheers, I'll continue my reasearch

  11. #771
    Not sure that I have early gyno symptoms or just being paranoid. Like an idiot I didn't start an AI w beginning if my cycle. I have Aromasin on the way now. Should be here this week and I will begin immediately. My question after reading this is: letrozole my only option for reversing or will Aromasin be sufficient to help if there's even really an issue? Also one other question. Does Aromasin have an anti-receptor cell ability or only SERMS?
    Last edited by JohnnyJohnson; 04-09-2013 at 03:18 AM.

  12. #772
    hey C_Bino,
    I'm new to the forums and i'm not sure how things work around here. I wanted to message you but i cant even access your page, so i guess i'll post my question on here. Okay so I've had hard lumps under my nipples for a while now, i'm not on any cycle btw. I really want to get rid of them and i've been studying up on liquid letrozole. I just received it today but i cant really find the right dosage on it and for how many weeks. i did read your great post but i'm confused as what you mean by continue the same dosage for 4-7 weeks.
    okay let me get this straight, i start taking .50mg of letro on day one and so on. when you say keep the same dosage for 4-7 weeks what do you mean exactly, do i keep taking 2.5mg everyday for 4-7 weeks? please clarify this for me, Thank you!

  13. #773
    I apologize i put weeks instead of days. i meant 4-7 days

  14. #774
    I have bad gyno and some maybe fat going to try the letro for a couple months and see if that I oing to lose all gains from my cycle and if this don't work,do anyone know a dr. who does good surgery at a good price.i can deal with streach marks and potmarks on my face but not bitch really messes w my self image and I get teased some.thank u

  15. #775
    hello c Bino....long story short i took pro hormones a couple of years ago and at that time till now i had no signs of gyno. I took a natural test booster and my gyno blow up with in a month. At first i did not know how it happen but now i realize it was the pro hormones. I went back to the place were i got m natural test and told them my story and sold me "pes erase". I have been on it for 1 week and it seems my gyno is not getting any better but not getting any worst.

    i just ordered "liqued letro" from rui and should be coming in a few days. My question is do i fall in to scenario #1? my lump is the size of a peanut now and it hurts please need some good advice and you seem to know at your talking about. Also should I just stop taking pes erase or stack both?

    thank you in advance

  16. #776
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    hello mate, can you please help, i have gyno lumps and i dont know how to get rid of them, i want to start another test/tren cycle but i need these lumps gone, can you please help, im lost. thanks

  17. #777
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Any suggestions guys? I have never ran a cycle, this seems to be natural. I've cut alot of weight as of late. Upwards of 50lbs. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

  18. #778
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

  19. #779
    Where can I get real letro at? Also my lumps are very small I bought a over the counter ai that has 6-bromo androst 1,4 diene 3,17 dione at 40 mgs in it. is this stuff any good do I even need the letro? thanks in advance.
    Last edited by lcryanwc; 05-10-2013 at 09:31 PM.

  20. #780
    I know this is an acient thread, but I fall in catagory #3.

    I am on Tren /Test (for about 6 weeks). I just got my Letro today and have started per instructions in the topic per #3.

    Should I stop the tren completely now in order to help the letro work better/faster with my gyno? Or can I stay on the Tren/Test while taking the letro?

    Just seeing if it will be more effective stopping my cycle of gear.

  21. #781
    hey man I was just wondering were you can letro and how do you control the dose?

  22. #782
    I want to run letro on cycle to reverse EXISTING gyno whicj is not caused by aas...Rather than using nolva as the pct for my test e/var cycle, can I use clomid ? (I have rx grade from my doctor) and follow the gyno elimination protocol #3....

    2 weeks prior- .25 letro
    1-12 test E 500mg
    6-12 var 60mg
    1-12 gyno redux protocol

    Clomid 50/50/50/25 (100 makes me way too emo)
    DAA, anabeta, erase? Would I want to use this OTC AI?

    I'm worried about the estro rebound from letro

    My chest is gross and making me very depressed and angry!

    Thanks for the advice in advance

  23. #783
    Thank you for all the info poster!

  24. #784
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

  25. #785
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    my moms couch

  26. #786
    My friend told me to run Nolva on cycle to stop gyno, if I go and start letro ASAP do I taper off nolva?

  27. #787
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Thanks for posting!

  28. #788
    Currently trying this…but only have taken it up to .5mL. Kind of nervous to go all out and do the whole mL and end up completely crashing my e2.

  29. #789
    Hi i have had gyno on my left nipple for 2 years now a soft lump .
    I want to go on a bulking course (novice cycle 2-3 ) and then run letrozole and then pct
    To get rid of the gyno or is there a different approach to take

    Any ideas on this

  30. #790
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    hi bino . i do blood work 2 weeks ago and my blood work result said that my estradiol and estrogen level is high and my nipples are puffy . i was not never on cycle before . i think this is come from during puberty since i 16 yld until now 28 yld . can i use your scenario for get rid of this shit and solve this issue even balancing my hormones with letro ? if your answer is yes then which one could help me ?

    sorry for my language

  31. #791
    On the first page C BINO posts...

    Quote Originally Posted by C BINO
    You will want to start running the letro approximately 2 weeks before you begin your cycle to allow it to fully stabilize in your blood. I have often heard the argument that letro takes up to 60 days to stabilize, I don’t know if I buy into this for the reason that I have reversed gyno after using letro for only 1 week. Still to be safe I recommend starting it before your cycle as stated above.
    Now if you choose to use Arimidex for your AI through out a cycle do you need to start taking it before the cycle and how so?

  32. #792
    Good read

  33. #793
    I have some pretty serious gyno sides.. But I'm not even half way threw my cycle. I have Letro and started use.. Should I give up my cycle all together.. Or continue?

  34. #794
    Great post! So glad I found this site. Quick question. I'm just on a test E cycle 4 weeks in. I feel the lumps!!! I ordered some letro and will recieve in a week. But until then should I stop taking test completely? Or continue to take. It been about 5 days since I last pinned myself, but I'm not sure whether or not to keep cycle going as normal

  35. #795
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Can I use Arimidex instead of the letrozole ?

  36. #796
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    nice thread.
    i have a silly question, my letro pills are very small and each one is 2.5 mg. how can i split this to get .25mg??

  37. #797
    bonsoir tout le monde
    petite présentation j ai 53 ans 1m 68 70kl aujourd’hui hui 28 % de gras , je m entraîne depuis toujours mais sérieusement depuis 10ans 1 jour sur 2
    samedi cuisse mollets , lundi pec , biceps , mercredi dos triceps ,vendredi épaules trapez avec variante selon la recuperation , et j ai une diète tré propre
    j ai fait 2 ou 3 petite cure de steroids sans relance ni protection avec des xenoandrogene
    mais la je vais faire une vrai PDM avec testo deca 250mg diana
    je vais commencer la testo avec du testo cap oral andriol pour 2 semaine a 240mg jour c est 1 boite que j ai autre ment c est de l enanthate injectable 250mg
    S 1 et 2, 240mg andriol par J ,500mg deca S 30mg diana J arimidex 0, 25 mg J et 3 liv 52 dsJ
    S 3 pareil mais je remplace l oral par 500mg testo enanthate S
    S 4 pareil mais j inclus le hcg a 500UI en 2 fois dans la semaine
    S 5 et 7 pareil que la S 4 mais je stop le diana
    S 8 pareil que la S 5 a 7 mais sans le deca
    je commence ma PCT nolva et clomid 15J apres ma derniere injection pendant 20J voila si quelqu un a des conseil ils seront les bien venus je suis quand méme novis dans cette cure merci d avance

  38. #798
    Ok so I have read several replys on this post and I am in the situation where I am taking my pct and I have read in this post to run pct out because it kills some
    Of the effectiveness of letro... So once I'm done with pct because I do have a lump under each nipple and puffyness what are the dosages of letro I should take and will it bother my joints like some have told me and kill my libido?? Thanks hopefully c_bino answers mc titty doctor

  39. #799

    Getting back on after gyno

    First post. Question about getting back on. I'm 34, 6' 215. Three cycles. First was just hgh and anavar. Tried test with that cycle but my bp went crazy on cyp so I discontinued. Second was test p and npp. Went we'll with good solid gains. Ran aroma sin and nova for pct. I should add I'm crazy gyno prone. Got it on one side at puberty and had it excised by Dr. Blau last year. He's the man by the way. My issue has been my most recent cycle. Ran test p 400/wk, tren 300/wk and var 100ed. I was 6 weeks in and loving it. Great gains and fat loss. Then the nips started getting sensitive. Was running aroma sin 12.5 eod. Bumped up to ed. Literally went to bed one night with left nip really sore and woke up with a noticeable solid lump. Immediately got on Letro and prami. Discontinued tren and soon after test. Still running var 100ed. Been about 10 days. Still running letro 2ed and nolva 40ed. Dropped pram I after a week cause it was killing me. Gyno still there but doesn't seem to be getting worse. Now I'm losing some of my gains and feeling flat. Thinking about getting back on test and need some advice as to wether or not that's worth trying or just plain stupid. Chances of it getting worse whole I'm nuking my body with serms and ai's? Hate losing gains but want to know that I've done everything possible to minimize risk of worsening gyno. Advice please.
    Sorry for long post but wanted to be as specific as possible. Thanks in advance.

  40. #800
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Hi my sons. This thread started 8 years ago have anything changed since then? I always read that nolva is old and not so good for just about anything and everyont proclaims aromasin as the true hero.

    Im on a 400ew testo e-only so far and no signs of anything except acne. ´Would my nolva be enough for my pct?

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