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Thread: Finally got a Bioavailable Testosterone test done!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Finally got a Bioavailable Testosterone test done!

    Would love some help interpreting what the results mean please.

    Well I finally caved, and decided to pay for a Bioavailable Testosterone test, which also includes SHBG. (Our Gov't medical won't pay for the test unless Total Testosterone falls within a certain range. Mine is always higher than the maximum allowed.)

    Total Testosterone:

    Nov. 24th 19.8 nmol/L Ref Range: 8.4-28.7 nmol/L
    570.6 ng/dL Ref Range: 242 - 827 ng/dL

    Dec 5th 14.3 nmol/L Ref Range: 8.4 - 28.7 nmol/L
    412.1 ng/dL Ref Range 242 - 827 ng/dL

    Dec 20th 18.3 nmol/L Ref Range: 8.4 - 28.7 nmol/L
    527.4 Ref Range: 242 - 827


    Nov 24th 92.6 pg/mL Ref Range: <42.5 pg/mL

    Began taking .5mg Arimidex 3 x per week, 24 hrs. after each Test-Cyp injection of 40mg.

    Dec. 5th 67 pg/mL Ref Range: <42.5 pg/mL

    Dec. 20th 66.7 pg/mL Ref Range: <42.5 pg/mL

    Bioavailable Testosterone:

    12.7 nmol/L Ref Range: 3.0 - 12.0 nmol/L
    366 ng/dL Ref Range: 86.5 - 345.8 ng/dL

    Free Testosterone:

    488 pmol/L Ref. Range: 200 - 800 pmol/L


    17 nmol/L Ref Range: 13 - 71 nmol/L

    I'm not sure how to convert the Free Testosterone, and SHBG levels into U.S. units.

    So while my Total Testosterone has gone up since my last BW, my Estradiol hasn't really gone down.

    Would like help in assessing these numbers please.

    Thanks in advance.

    On a positive note, for the first time since I found out that I have Type 2 Diabetes over 10 years ago, my Hemoglobin A1c level is within "normal" range.

    Nov. 6th 7.9 mmol/L Ref. Range: 4.8 - 6.2 mmol/L
    142.3 U.S. Units Ref. Range: 86.5 - 111.7 U.S. units

    Dec. 20th 6.2 mmol/L Ref. Range: 4.8 - 6.2 mmol/L
    111.7 U.S. Units Ref. Range: 86.5 - 111.7 U.S. Units

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Would like help in assessing these numbers please.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Overall you look good with the exception of your E2 as it's sill elevated.

    1.5 mg of an AI is a lot and it should have gotten you down...and fast.

    Some men don't respond well and you may need to increase your dosage to 2 mg a week to get E2's converting a lot of good testosterone into unwanted E2.

    Test your E2 in 4 week after you increase.

    How is your weight (BF%?) and diet?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Thanks GD!

    I was actually going to reduce my injections to twice weekly @ 60mg per week, and also reduce my AI to .5mg twice per week, so I'll still reduce my injections to twice weekly, but will up my AI to 1mg twice a week as well.

    Funny thing, when I first began taking the Arimidex, it dropped my E2 significantly after the first couple of weeks or so, then it seemed to have just stopped working, and I never changed anything except improve my diet. Weird.

    My weight is high, as is my BF%, but I've lost 28 lbs. since Dec. 1st, ever since I began eating an Epi-Paleo diet, doing a Leptin Reset, and starting Cold Thermogenesis...all of which I absolutely LOVE! I have so much more energy now, I'm sleeping 7-9 hours straight every night, and feel awesome! I've eliminated all grains, breads, pasta, rice, white carbs, sugars, processed foods etc from my diet and it's made a huge difference! I no longer have cravings, no longer snack in between meals, and don't eat after dinner (usually around 6:30-7:00 P.M.) until breakfast the next morning.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I got some more blood work done this morning, and here are the results:

    Muscle Enzymes

    CK 305 U/L Ref. Range: <165 U/L

    Ferritin: 102 ug/L Ref. Range: >14 ug/L

    TSH: 1.26 mU/L Ref. Range: 0.30 - 5.50 mU/L

    FSH: <0.2 U/L Ref. Range: 2.0 - 18.0 U/L

    LH: <0.2 U/L Ref. Range: 2.0 - 18.0 U/L

    Progesterone: 1.6 nmol/L Ref. Range: 0.7 - 4.3 nmol/L

    I also had a cortisol test done, but the results are not in yet.

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