Originally Posted by
Turkish Juicer
From everything I have read above, the only reasonable advice for you would be a proper pure injectable Test cycle along with an AI.
Whether you gain or loose BW and whether what you gain or loose will be fat, muscle and/or water will be largely determined by your diet and training regimen.
The most standard beginners cycle advice on this forum is as below:
Week 1-12: Testosterone Enanthate 500mg EW (250mg x2, Monday and Thursday injections); Arimidex 0.25mg EOD or Aromasin 6mg ED in order to control estrogen levels.
You will also have to administer a solid PCT protocol once your cycle is over. You will need two compounds for hormonal recovery which will allow you to maintain your physique as closely as possible to your cycle physique; namely Clomid and Nolvadex
You start your PCT 14 days after your last Test E injection.
Nolvadex 20mg ED for 6 weeks
Clomid 100mg ED for 4 weeks Ouch..TJ, 100mg Clomi Ed for 4 weeks?
In order to achieve your goals as stated above, you will have to strictly follow a high protein, low carb (from complex carb sources only) and moderate fat (from healthy sources only) diet. In order to be able to figure all this out and get the best out of your first ''proper'' AAS cycle, you'll have to hit the diet section and state your goals as you did above including your cycle layout as suggested above.
Others will also chime in on this, I am sure.