hello im on my first week of this cycle
i have only injected 1 time the monday and today is the second pin im injecting them on my delts
but im not feeling nothing, no pain no anything no strenght, im on cutting phase and do 50mins of cardio after my workout, im running the tren on 1ml EOD and the test 1ml EOD so it would be like 1200mg of test week and 900mg of tren week , at that doses i think i would be crazy by now or feel something dont you think?
any tips on what should i feel or when should i feel something to know that isnt fake because i dont have any night sweats or other type of that sides.. BTW im running winstrol on 100mg EOD , its original . i dont worry about it but i worry about the others one
this is my diet
1- 8 eggs + cup of oat meal + whey protein
2 to 7 meal 200gr chicken breast whit some brocolli or spinach on each meal
and 8 meal whey protein before sleep
the trenbolone is called TRENBUSUS 300 and it has something like this ill post pictures later because my cousing got the sustances right now.
trenbolone acetate 70mg-trenbolone enenthate 200mg-trenbolone hexahydrobencylcarbonate 100mg
the testosterone im running is something like sustanon its called TEST 400 its like 4 types of test on it but i dont feel nothing
i hope u guys help me gonna post pics on the night! thanks!