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Thread: My first cycle (Help)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    South Africa

    My first cycle (Help)

    Hi guys,

    I have been doing so research for quite some time now and came up with a cycle i would like to do. I would really appreciate some input, recommendations, and educated opinions on the cycle?

    Age: 25
    Objective: Muscle build
    Weight training: 3 years

    4 week Superdrol cycle:

    Week 1: 15mg Superdrol ed + 250iu on day 4 + 20mg Nolva ed

    Week 2: 15mg Superdrol + HCG 250iu 3x per week + 20mg Nolva ed

    Week 3: 30mg Superdrol + HCG 250iu 3x per week + 20mg Nolva ed

    Week 4: 15mg Superdrol + HCG 250iu on day 1 + 20mg Nolva ed

    PCT: Nolva ed for 3 weeks 40/20/20 + Trib

    I know Superdrol is an oral, so I will be taking liver support and vitamin complex. I have a good diet but will boost it a bit with an extra Massbuilder and incorporate extra omega's.

  2. #2
    What is Superdrol?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Panigale
    What is Superdrol?
    It's a pro hormone and could be considered more dangerous than doing AAS

  4. #4
    oh ok. Just looked it up and its store bought crap. Thats why i never heard of it. Question is, why all the HCG, Nolva, and Trib over just some store bought shit?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panigale
    oh ok. Just looked it up and its store bought crap. Thats why i never heard of it. Question is, why all the HCG, Nolva, and Trib over just some store bought shit?
    Because ph are actually worse on your system than REAL gear. I'd ditch the crap and gram some good ol test!

    R.I.P. your live OP...

  6. #6
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    I'm curious if it's injectable hcg or that stupid "drops" crap...if it is injectable then why not go get real gear and run that?

    Do you really think the Nolvadex and hcg is going to reduce the harm you are putting your body thru? Not trying to be a d!ck, just honestly curious about your train of thought.

  7. #7
    I agree with GL, why not just use Test? just doesn't make sense to me :/

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    Because ph are actually worse on your system than REAL gear. I'd ditch the crap and gram some good ol test!

    R.I.P. your live OP...
    I know this and I still run them. Stupid of me, cuz I know better.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Provita View Post
    Hi guys,

    I have been doing so research for quite some time now and came up with a cycle i would like to do. I would really appreciate some input, recommendations, and educated opinions on the cycle?

    Age: 25
    Objective: Muscle build
    Weight training: 3 years

    4 week Superdrol cycle:

    Week 1: 15mg Superdrol ed + 250iu on day 4 + 20mg Nolva ed

    Week 2: 15mg Superdrol + HCG 250iu 3x per week + 20mg Nolva ed

    Week 3: 30mg Superdrol + HCG 250iu 3x per week + 20mg Nolva ed

    Week 4: 15mg Superdrol + HCG 250iu on day 1 + 20mg Nolva ed

    PCT: Nolva ed for 3 weeks 40/20/20 + Trib

    I know Superdrol is an oral, so I will be taking liver support and vitamin complex. I have a good diet but will boost it a bit with an extra Massbuilder and incorporate extra omega's.
    I wouldn't waste your time

  10. #10
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    Ditch the superdrol and get some test, preferably prop if you only want to do a short cycle.

    Nolva on cycle isn't ideal, research what an AI is and use that.

    Also if you think you're playing it safe by doing a short pro hormone cycle you couldn't be more wrong, phs are often worse than the real thing and an oral only cycle is a bad idea.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by likelifting

    I know this and I still run them. Stupid of me, cuz I know better.
    That ok, at least you know the risk you are taking. I'm a firm believer of one making his own decisions and i only aim to raise awareness

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    That ok, at least you know the risk you are taking. I'm a firm believer of one making his own decisions and i only aim to raise awareness
    Appreciate it!

  13. #13
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    I ran chlorodrol witch is a PH for my 2ed cycle and gained 20 lbs and loved it.. its banned now so cant it..had problems while on it with anger and depression but im A-OK now.. goodluck if u do

  14. #14
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    Wow, Superdrol is taking quite a pounding in this thread, but I do appreciate your honesty.

    As I have mentioned, I have read up quite a bit on this. Superdrol is kind of my choice. I do get the pros and cons of it.

    Could you guys assist me with the HCG and Nolva. Both the legit stuff. Not over the counter. HCG is injectable and not the drops. (I came across an article that mentioned that HCG can not be absorbed by the body if taken orally, no matter how much you take. So, no... It is not the drops.)

    What I have seen is that most trials and personal experiences agrees that HCG should be taken while on cycle (with reasoning: PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE) and stopped 4-7 day before pct. But what I am not to sure about is the dosage.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by JayIsPumped View Post
    I ran chlorodrol witch is a PH for my 2ed cycle and gained 20 lbs and loved it.. its banned now so cant it..had problems while on it with anger and depression but im A-OK now.. goodluck if u do
    Well done!! Would love results like that.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by BR0DIE View Post
    Ditch the superdrol and get some test, preferably prop if you only want to do a short cycle.

    Nolva on cycle isn't ideal, research what an AI is and use that.

    Also if you think you're playing it safe by doing a short pro hormone cycle you couldn't be more wrong, phs are often worse than the real thing and an oral only cycle is a bad idea.
    Why do you say nolva on cycle is not ideal? It is an aromatase inhibitor. My thoughts are (I can be wrong) and have seen quite a lot of people with the same thinking: Prevention is better than cure. Gyno is not very nice...

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Provita View Post
    Why do you say nolva on cycle is not ideal? It is an aromatase inhibitor. My thoughts are (I can be wrong) and have seen quite a lot of people with the same thinking: Prevention is better than cure. Gyno is not very nice...
    Nolva will reduce gains. Get an AI such as adex and you wont have that problem

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Nolva will reduce gains. Get an AI such as adex and you wont have that problem
    O.k. Great to know. To how great extent will it reduce gains?
    Last edited by Provita; 01-22-2013 at 04:50 AM.

  19. #19
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    This is how I understand it. The reason for this being that while the Nolvadex will prevent the estrogen from binding onto receptors and thus prevent conditions such as gyno but it doesnt limit the build-up of free estrogen in your body. When you stop the nolvadex cycle, your risk the chance of suffering an estrogen spike which make lead to gyno while in PCT.

    The problem is Estrogen is needed for growth and it's easy to crush your estrogen with Nolva thus reducing your gains during cycle. Most people just dont use it anymore since Adex and liquid stane are now available and do a much better job of controlling estrogen without stopping it completely.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    This is how I understand it. The reason for this being that while the Nolvadex will prevent the estrogen from binding onto receptors and thus prevent conditions such as gyno but it doesnt limit the build-up of free estrogen in your body. When you stop the nolvadex cycle, your risk the chance of suffering an estrogen spike which make lead to gyno while in PCT.

    The problem is Estrogen is needed for growth and it's easy to crush your estrogen with Nolva thus reducing your gains during cycle. Most people just dont use it anymore since Adex and liquid stane are now available and do a much better job of controlling estrogen without stopping it completely.
    That makes a lot of sense. So an AI like Adex/Arimidex during cycle to limit Estrogen and SERM like Nolvadex in PCT to block estrogen.
    The dose of Adex 0.5mg eod while on cycle?
    What HCG dose would you recommend?

  21. #21
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  22. #22
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    [QUOTE=lovbyts;6352698]HCG at 250 EOD or 2x a week.

    Thanks a million!!

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Provita View Post
    Hi guys,

    I have been doing so research for quite some time now and came up with a cycle i would like to do. I would really appreciate some input, recommendations, and educated opinions on the cycle?

    Age: 25
    Objective: Muscle build
    Weight training: 3 years

    4 week Superdrol cycle:

    Week 1: 15mg Superdrol ed + 250iu on day 4 + 20mg Nolva ed

    Week 2: 15mg Superdrol + HCG 250iu 3x per week + 20mg Nolva ed

    Week 3: 30mg Superdrol + HCG 250iu 3x per week + 20mg Nolva ed

    Week 4: 15mg Superdrol + HCG 250iu on day 1 + 20mg Nolva ed

    PCT: Nolva ed for 3 weeks 40/20/20 + Trib

    I know Superdrol is an oral, so I will be taking liver support and vitamin complex. I have a good diet but will boost it a bit with an extra Massbuilder and incorporate extra omega's.
    Heres a good read for ya:

    Why taper down to 15mg on week 4? Also you're going to want to add support supps for all the other 'things' SuperDrol can mess with (blood pressure, cholesterol, prostate etc) Id recommend an 'all inclusive' pre mixed cycle support supp as it simplifies that part of the cycle. Id also suggest pre-loading support supps 1 week before start of cycle, and continue it throughout PCT. Ester vitamin C will also help to combat lethargy, which is a pretty prevalent side with superdrol.

    Like others have suggested, no need for nolva while on cycle. SuperDrols structure does not allow for aromatizion so I wouldn't add an A.I. during the cycle (speaking from experience, I never utilized one).

    Interested to see how HCG will benefit your recovery, I never ran it but superdrol is very suppressive so I understand why you added it.

    Id also bump PCT up to 4 weeks, running 40/40/20/20. Bloodwork suggested post cycle to make sure all is returned to 'normal'.

    Thats all I got, good luck!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcaasdirty View Post
    Heres a good read for ya:

    Why taper down to 15mg on week 4? Also you're going to want to add support supps for all the other 'things' SuperDrol can mess with (blood pressure, cholesterol, prostate etc) Id recommend an 'all inclusive' pre mixed cycle support supp as it simplifies that part of the cycle. Id also suggest pre-loading support supps 1 week before start of cycle, and continue it throughout PCT. Ester vitamin C will also help to combat lethargy, which is a pretty prevalent side with superdrol.

    Like others have suggested, no need for nolva while on cycle. SuperDrols structure does not allow for aromatizion so I wouldn't add an A.I. during the cycle (speaking from experience, I never utilized one).

    Interested to see how HCG will benefit your recovery, I never ran it but superdrol is very suppressive so I understand why you added it.

    Id also bump PCT up to 4 weeks, running 40/40/20/20. Bloodwork suggested post cycle to make sure all is returned to 'normal'.

    Thats all I got, good luck!
    Would you suggest i keep up the 30mg? Isn't it better to cut down a bit before you stop?

    I will be using Animal Pack and EFA's ( Omega3 ) as supplement. I will continue till I'm finished with PCT.

    Thank you for advise on PCT. For such a short cycle, do you think 4weeks PCT is really necessary or just a precaution?

    Concerning AI, although Superdrol does not armomatise, there are still people who get gyno when running Superdrol. So I am still worried about that.

    Have you used Superdrol only before?

    Thanks for the link. Have read it before, but a good refresh.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Provita View Post
    Would you suggest i keep up the 30mg? Isn't it better to cut down a bit before you stop?
    If it was me I would run @ 30 for my final week. I've never ran a cycle tapering down, nor have I ever read a log where someone tapered down....for me week 3/4 is when superdrol REALLY takes off

    I will be using Animal Pack and EFA's ( Omega3 ) as supplement. I will continue till I'm finished with PCT.
    dont forget the rest of the support supps, CEL cycle assist is a good buy

    Thank you for advise on PCT. For such a short cycle, do you think 4weeks PCT is really necessary or just a precaution?
    Necessary. SD is extremely suppressive.

    Concerning AI, although Superdrol does not armomatise, there are still people who get gyno when running Superdrol. So I am still worried about that.
    The gyno problems I've read about came from improper PCT, I've never read where someone got gyno while on cycle (Could it happen? I guess anythings possible. I won't suggest anything in the AI department as I've never researched an AI while on cycle for SD or run one myself)

    Have you used Superdrol only before?
    Yes. 2 Cycles solo, and 1 cycle with Xmass (unmethylated 19nor), which I ended up dropping as I developed gyno symptoms when I upped to 120mg/day

    Thanks for the link. Have read it before, but a good refresh.
    No prob. Also would reccomend searching for superdrol logs in the supplement section. Theres a lot of good ones on there that will provide good feedback and might even answer some other questions you have.
    In bold

  26. #26
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    Thanks bcaasdirty! Appreciate the help and info.

    What was your exp. on Superdrol (Gains, pros/cons) if i may ask?

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Provita View Post
    Thanks bcaasdirty! Appreciate the help and info.

    What was your exp. on Superdrol (Gains, pros/cons) if i may ask?
    No prob

    Experience..first cycle was a gain of ~24lbs in 4 weeks (NOT ALL SD though, I had been on an uber-aggressive 6 month cut prior to cycle, so needless to say my body was extremely primed for growth). Second cycle was a ~13lb gain in 4 weeks (much less, to be expected), third and final (w/ xmass) was in the 10lb range (while consuming minimal cals over my TDEE, +100-200 if memory serves me right)

    The biggest side effect I experienced was lethargy, it killed me big time. I found 9-10g/day of ester vitamin C did the trick to minimize that. I also had an increase in blood pressure (ears constantly red--extra hawthorne berry helped alleviate). Strength increase was also very pronounced in all cycles. Increased aggression was a 'nice' side effect I also had while training

    I made it a point to add creatine during PCT to help maintain as much of gains made on cycle as possible.

    If utilized correctly, SD can yield fantastic results. But if proper precautions are not taken (in support supps, diet, training, and PCT) I believe SD will absolutely cause more harm than good.

  28. #28
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    Check out my experience on my first cycle at this blog. Title: First Cycle Diary (Superdrol)

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