Looked on the forums. Can't seem to find anything on it pertaining to my questions.
I have read that some people use AAS when cutting to help maintain there muscle mass but I can't seem to find how they do this cut.
1) when cutting bf and you are already in a calorie deprived state and then you add AAS does that mean you can further cut calories because the AAS will help curb the muscle loss when cutting?
2) is it possible that when cutting and using AAS (just test for example) will you notice strength gains from the AAS or will the lack of calories not cause this to happen?
3) when cutting and running AAS is there a 'most efficient' way to ration your calories? Would one diet style be better over another (carb cycling, if, traditional 40/40/20) or is it solely dependent on how the user reacts to fat, carbs?
Thank you!