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Thread: whats the worst that can happen??? first cycle be honest

  1. #1

    whats the worst that can happen??? first cycle be honest

    First real cycle/stack and i will be running tren test 400 and anadrol. ive been reading forums for a long time now but this is the first time i have ever signed up to ask my own questions. i know im jumping into it full steam but thats just how i want to do it. feedback would be appreciated.. why is it a bad idea to jump into tren straight away?

  2. #2
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    Bodyfat %?
    Training history?
    Cycle history?

  3. #3
    coming up to the year my strength has improved immensley over the course but i just want to start a cycle now to kickstart, get some mad gains to boost motivation. ill be running clen after cycle to i know im a fat ****-ish.
    and cycle history, well this will be my first, i dont even count the sus 250 one i did about 2 months back, under prepared and had bugger all knowledge. i want to do this one right.

  4. #4
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    Tren has some intense sides that a novice user may not be able to handle. Insomnia, night sweats, how do you think you would cope with 4 hours sleep a night after a few weeks? It mayhappen. Tren can also make you loose your appetite and make you short of breath.

    Why dont you just do a standard 500mg test e/c for 12 weeks with the dbol start?

    Anadrol and tren for a first cycle jesus christ!!!! Ive done 5 cycles and still have not used those compounds. Nothing wrong with test.

  5. #5
    thanks buddy i appreciate the feedback, i know allot of people i talk to at my gym cant believe it when i tell them my intentions... i can get my hands on test and i may just go the test first up.. i just wanted to make sure i couldnt die from tren thats all ha.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by hittinerves
    First real cycle/stack and i will be running tren test 400 and anadrol. ive been reading forums for a long time now but this is the first time i have ever signed up to ask my own questions. i know im jumping into it full steam but thats just how i want to do it. feedback would be appreciated.. why is it a bad idea to jump into tren straight away?
    At 21 you risk a lot of things. First, you will shut down your HTPA which controls your neuroendocrine system and circulating hormones. These hormones control sleep, mood, appetite & digestion, memory, sex drive, your immune system and more. Steroids of any kind will impair that system and you may not recover from that. An impaired HTPA could have many long term effects: weight (fat) gain, loss of appetite, depression, no/low libido (sex drive), erectile dysfunction and more.

    Second, if the cycle is run poorly, you could face numerous long term risks: hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, enlarged prostate, stroke, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, tachycardia, and other syndromes.

    The forums you've been "reading for a long time" should have made this abundantly clear to you.

  7. #7
    so so wise muscle ink, i appreciate the knowledge bomb you just dropped on me pal. im going to be honest with you man, im a 21 year old vain bastard and all i want to do is get big and tap 9's to 10's everyday, thats my motivation. i will be running a cycle regardless and run the risks of all of the above because at the end of the day if i pull it off... the vag will make it allll worth it

  8. #8
    ill have all the appropriate pct also

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Why dont you just do a standard 500mg test e/c for 12 weeks with the dbol start?
    We don't advise AAS use on this board to people at this age.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by hittinerves
    so so wise muscle ink, i appreciate the knowledge bomb you just dropped on me pal. im going to be honest with you man, im a 21 year old vain bastard and all i want to do is get big and tap 9's to 10's everyday, thats my motivation. i will be running a cycle regardless and run the risks of all of the above because at the end of the day if i pull it off... the vag will make it allll worth it
    So you didn't really want to know and your just waisting our time? Don't bother asking for help with that contemptuous attitude.

    No worries. Moronic kids like you keep doctors like me in business so by all means, have at it. Plenty more knobs like you will be in my clinic looking for help.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by hittinerves
    so so wise muscle ink, i appreciate the knowledge bomb you just dropped on me pal. im going to be honest with you man, im a 21 year old vain bastard and all i want to do is get big and tap 9's to 10's everyday, thats my motivation. i will be running a cycle regardless and run the risks of all of the above because at the end of the day if i pull it off... the vag will make it allll worth it
    Wow... That's got to be the worst attitude I've seen in a long time. I hope your willy stops working and you can't "tap" that "vag".

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    So you didn't really want to know and your just waisting our time? Don't bother asking for help with that contemptuous attitude.

    No worries. Moronic kids like you keep doctors like me in business so by all means, have at it. Plenty more knobs like you will be in my clinic looking for help.
    Knobs. Word of the day today I think MI

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM

    Knobs. Word of the day today I think MI
    .....and I'm pretty sure that's the proper medical term.

  14. #14
    ahh sheittt, i knew when i was writing this thread somehow i will turn into the kid that all the elders start ripping on.. its all good muscleink i didnt mean to offend you and trust me i your time was not wasted trying to learn me up in your post, i took as much of that in as i could and to be honest it did scare me a bit. but nonetheless i will be going into the cycle i listed above on smallish dosage and if i feel out of whack a few weeks into it ill drop the vials as quick as i got them. cheers bud

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    .....and I'm pretty sure that's the proper medical term.
    You're not wrong.

    Nice name from the OP, hitting nerves! Came on here with a mission I expect.

    OP if you are legit, do yourself a favour and learn to lift and diet and lose the attitude!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM

    You're not wrong.

    Nice name from the OP, hitting nerves! Came on here with a mission I expect.

    OP if you are legit, do yourself a favour and learn to lift and diet and lose the attitude!
    Should've called him "lastnerves" because he's already on mine! Lol

  17. #17
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    Just hitting on the OP you said you done a sus 250 cycle 2 months ago. Did you even do a 'proper' pct because if not chances are you may still be shut down. If you haven't recovered and are jumping back on regardless you are asking for trouble.

    The reason the guys are wound up is because you come on asking for advice then shot it straight back. Listening to you makes me think you aren't that dumb and you will get a much better response if you heed the warnings.

    Forget about cycles and 'vag' at the moment because you have an opportunity to really develop your diet and your body naturally. There's no point getting big for the ladies if you can't get it up to please them is it?

    Warn a little respect and hold off on your plans for a couple if years in the long run you will be thankful. The guys and me have been where you are now and made the mistakes we don't want to see someone else go through the problems we have and sometimes still do!

    Good Luck Kid!

  18. #18
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    If you're gonna go on tren bring your water wings to bed because you may sweat juuussstt a bit

  19. #19
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    About to read the whole thread... but the WORST that can happen is that you can die.

    Now to read the thread.

  20. #20
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    go natural for next 3-4 years
    trust me you dont want to mess with AAS
    i was hurt pretty bad from doing Prohormone at 22 and i still suffer a little bit ( im 24 now )
    its not worth it
    you can build alot of muscle naturally if u fix food

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    Knobs. Word of the day today I think MI

  22. #22
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    I smell a


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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I smell a


    HAHAHA, too funny.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    ... "tap" that "vag".

    Thats all I got.

  25. #25
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    OP, that's the recipe for disaster, to look all that in front of someone else, but when you look in the mirror you see your faults!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by hittinerves View Post
    so so wise muscle ink, i appreciate the knowledge bomb you just dropped on me pal. im going to be honest with you man, im a 21 year old vain bastard and all i want to do is get big and tap 9's to 10's everyday, thats my motivation. i will be running a cycle regardless and run the risks of all of the above because at the end of the day if i pull it off... the vag will make it allll worth it
    I understand where your coming from. The vag seems like a good motivator. But let me tell you something from experience. At such a young age and not near your genetic potential you will lose your gains when you come off cycle. You will probably end up worse than when you started because of low test and high estro. And if you think getting laid is cool now, its 10x better when your established and 30. Easier too. But only problem is theres a big chance your dick wont work by then. It gets you in the long term. You cant just drop the cycle if you feel funny. If you train naturally and eat right and max out your genetic potential by 26 or 27, then you can cycle and will see the real benefit. The physique your after will only be there on cycle and will be gone when your off. It wont help you get laid more i promise you that. Confidence, facial aesthetics and being well respected and popular will get you laid. **** up your body now and your body will turn the sex drive off. You wont even think about sex and that will lead to depression. Your horny and motivated now cause your test levels are high. **** that up and your life is going to suck. I tell you this as a friend with nothing to gain or lose either way. Not bashing cause i understand but hope youll reconsider.

  27. #27
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    Seen a couple of posts like this last couple of days.

    Look I really gotta tell you (and hate to break it to you), having really tight game will get you a lot more (and quality) vag than AAS. Trust me on that one.

  28. #28
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    Using AAS to get girls is completely backward OP. In my experience they either don't give a shit about your physique or they think its disgusting when you're too muscular/lean.
    Confidence, having a sense of humour, being well dressed and generally being a handsome **** will get you more girls than some test/tren will. This is only in my experience of course, I'm sure plenty of girls like muscles but I haven't met any yet, could be because I live in a country where every guy is a skinny metrosexual phaggot though.
    Last edited by BR0DIE; 01-25-2013 at 05:42 PM.

  29. #29
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    The only thing this OP will be taping, is the front door of a doctors practice, asking why doesnt my junk work?

    Oh thats right you were told, i hope the doctors send you on your way with your tails between your legs, if only we lived in a world like that, doctors sending patience home from moronic stupidity ahah.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by hittinerves View Post
    i will be running a cycle regardless and run the risks of all of the above because at the end of the day if i pull it off... the vag will make it allll worth it
    The vag will be there but the dick will be like a limp noodle and the 9's and 10's will laugh so hard when you can't get it up. They will tell your story to ALL of their friends. It's gonna be awesome for you dude.

  31. #31
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    Dont smile yet bro! After that cycle you may never get it up again or have the desire to tap nothing but a keg.Beacuse you will be so depressed.HOW VAIN IS THAT?

  32. #32
    thanks boys, definately taking it all in and the cons are outweighing the pros tenfold right now. dont take offence to this but the cycle will be going down in the new month and i shall be making a new thread to track my progress later on.. thanks and happylifting

  33. #33
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    Good luck!

  34. #34
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    What is so funny is guys saying they want to get big to get laid. IT DOES NOT MATTER! ! ! ! Yes, it might help a little - But, not a lot at all.

    I got bigger and look to be in fairly solid shape. I got friends who eat garbage and look like overweight sloths and get mad pvssy.

    Yeah, it don't matter. Specially if you fvck yourself up and can't get it up.

  35. #35
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    Hopefully someone else will stick around to help WHEN he ****s himself up. I'm done with the short sighted, uneducated, punks who think they know better than guys who have been lifting longer than their immature underdeveloped skinny asses have been alive. He thinks he knows best, let him ruin himself.

    When his gains fade and he can't get it up and the girls are laughing at him, someone else here can lend him a hand.

  36. #36
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    lol agreed with muscleink.. im 32 and never used any sort of steriod or prohormons, i wish i was 21 with the knowledge of weights and nutrition that i have now!! recently im going to start a cycle, but before i do ill take as much knowledge from guys like musleink or turkishjuicer!! i have many certifications and a physiology/kin degree and been a fitness director for 8 years and body building for 15 years, n have tons of injuries!.... but i still listen to these guys, they know what they are talking about and you would be a fool not to listen!! and let me start by saying if you using just to get big for puss? thats the weakest shit i have heard! its a lifestyle its not to use and get big for summer just to get laid ( cuz if you have no game nothing will matter, you can look like ronnie coleman and still wont get puss!! attitude is key!! again you are so young and have soo much to look forward to , if you want to use at least listen to these MEN (not boys)... just work out naturally, with the right nutrition and training you can achieve a lot!! do not use anything at that age!! listen to these guys otherwise you will look back at this thread and regret everything!!

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    At 21 you risk a lot of things. First, you will shut down your HTPA which controls your neuroendocrine system and circulating hormones. These hormones control sleep, mood, appetite & digestion, memory, sex drive, your immune system and more. Steroids of any kind will impair that system and you may not recover from that. An impaired HTPA could have many long term effects: weight (fat) gain, loss of appetite, depression, no/low libido (sex drive), erectile dysfunction and more.

    Second, if the cycle is run poorly, you could face numerous long term risks: hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, enlarged prostate, stroke, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, tachycardia, and other syndromes.

    The forums you've been "reading for a long time" should have made this abundantly clear to you.
    Did you know you just listed the possible side effects of Ibuprofen, Celebrex, Aspirin and pretty much every OTC NSAID on earth? I'm all for people using steroids as safely as they can, but let's not get ridiculous and scare people just to scare them. I mean is there a need to say high cholesterol two different ways, hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia?

    Yes, I realize I'm being a little difficult but as with many things in life I believe their are extreme lines on all spectrums. In politics you have very extreme left and right individuals. In the steroid world you have those who are extreme in stating the dangers of steroids and then you have those who aren't willing to admit any possible side effects exist at all. But you also have this off-shoot line of steroid users that's almost anti-steroid, which is something that's never made a lot of sense to me or that I understand.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject

    Did you know you just listed the possible side effects of Ibuprofen, Celebrex, Aspirin and pretty much every OTC NSAID on earth? I'm all for people using steroids as safely as they can, but let's not get ridiculous and scare people just to scare them. I mean is there a need to say high cholesterol two different ways, hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia?

    Yes, I realize I'm being a little difficult but as with many things in life I believe their are extreme lines on all spectrums. In politics you have very extreme left and right individuals. In the steroid world you have those who are extreme in stating the dangers of steroids and then you have those who aren't willing to admit any possible side effects exist at all. But you also have this off-shoot line of steroid users that's almost anti-steroid, which is something that's never made a lot of sense to me or that I understand.
    Sure no problem. In the future I'll tell them to do whatever the hell they want. It's not my life so why should I give two shits?

    Always a pleasure Metal.

  39. #39
    This thread is turning into serious drama :P MuscleInk you did fine telling him the truth but let him the choice to jump on his stupid cycle or not! No need to bash on him more than that, even if we both know he'll probably regret it :x OP, I'm only 18 and I was thinking about gear (yeah I was stupid) but I've read so much it's really not needed when we're so young..I started eating alot and well and I've made some impressive gains...all natural Think about it buddy, no need to risk your health for vag

  40. #40
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    While hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia are cholesterol related, they are not the same thing.

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