whats up guys?? i just recently posted a thread, describing my soon to be first cycle, that did not include test. and i just realized from alot of advice that this would not be a good idea. im 6'4 20yrs. old around 215lbs. im very intersting in hardening up a little more, and gaining some quality lean mass. nothing big like 30lbs, just a little noticeable size. originally i was going to run anavar 40mg/ed for weeks 5-12, and eq weeks 1-10. however i know i should throw test in the cycle, and a member suggested adding 200mg test for 10 weeks. based on the goals that im wanting (cutting/ lean muscle mass) is anavar worth spending the money on??? or should i just run test and eq? or should i just forget the eq, and run test and anavar?? its going to be my first cycle, and i have plenty of time to save up for it, and want to do it right. i just dont want to pump to many different substances in my body, and get some horrible sides. thanks for the help guys!
justin g.