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Thread: My ********** & Kigtropin...Real Or Fake

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sydney, Australia
    Hi people, I'm in France on Holidays and didn't bring my usual Jins on the plane so i bought these from a BB friend here. He's a good friend who I travelled to come and see but u just never know what's real or not these days. I believe I'm getting the sides but it could be placebo, even though it really feels pretty damn real. Anyone seem this stuff floating around Europe, what's your opinions please?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    The labels on the vials are stickers, besides that no other way if telling without getting them tested.
    If the labels were imprinted on the vials then i could have been leaning towards genuine.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sydney, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwin23q
    The labels on the vials are stickers, besides that no other way if telling without getting them tested.
    If the labels were imprinted on the vials then i could have been leaning towards genuine.

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner
    What do you mean imprinted on the vials? I've only ever seen HGH with stickers, even my Jin's back home have stickers and they are the real deal

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    what jins do you use?
    I understand that all kigtropin is not g.h and can be a variety of contents from peptides or other more dangerous chemicals that reproduce well know sides such as c.t.s so as to fool the individual into thinking they have genuine g.h

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sydney, Australia
    I use Gensci Jins. So your saying that all kigs are fake, what about the Hyge?
    Last edited by bigsx; 01-28-2013 at 07:37 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Yeah i use those too. How long have you run them for / whats your progress been?

    Kigs -Basically they r no different from blue tops / yellow tops. They just have a different label.the fake g.h that produces sides are particually dangerous as they have chems in to mimic g.h sides. Dont know about your hyge but its widely counterfeited....since your jins are prob russian or ukraine you should just get them sent to where you are rather than buying something highly suspicious

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sydney, Australia
    I understand, just by the time I do this and this sending from australia I'm going to be off cycle for a good week. I've started in the kigs, il see how that goes and then il try the hyge. My results on Jins have mostly been fatloss, only been on them for 3months 5iu per day. I've up'd the kigs to 6iu and see what happens I suppose

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsx View Post
    Hi people, I'm in France on Holidays and didn't bring my usual Jins on the plane so i bought these from a BB friend here. He's a good friend who I travelled to come and see but u just never know what's real or not these days. I believe I'm getting the sides but it could be placebo, even though it really feels pretty damn real. Anyone seem this stuff floating around Europe, what's your opinions please?
    I was going to say its Garbage from china, cause here in Portugal, that's what most people were using, and they were even getting pain from the injection, BUT i changed my mind when i looked at the date it was made... the 2012 batch is good, and the people i know that are using, are very happy with it, and its being sold a lot again.. for a while, no one i knew what to touch it again.

  9. #9
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsx View Post
    I understand, just by the time I do this and this sending from australia I'm going to be off cycle for a good week. I've started in the kigs, il see how that goes and then il try the hyge. My results on Jins have mostly been fatloss, only been on them for 3months 5iu per day. I've up'd the kigs to 6iu and see what happens I suppose
    Hey mate, what brand you bringing into Aus, I've had to go to great lengths just to hit 50% success rate with customs here in Sydney.

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  10. #10
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    Sydney, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by snowman

    I was going to say its Garbage from china, cause here in Portugal, that's what most people were using, and they were even getting pain from the injection, BUT i changed my mind when i looked at the date it was made... the 2012 batch is good, and the people i know that are using, are very happy with it, and its being sold a lot again.. for a while, no one i knew what to touch it again.
    Hey man thanks for response and insight. Definitely no pain or rash at injection site, not even a lump, it goes in perfect. I suppose all I can do now is hope

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsx View Post

    What do you mean imprinted on the vials? I've only ever seen HGH with stickers, even my Jin's back home have stickers and they are the real deal
    Have a look at this photo, it's low quality but you get what I mean.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsx View Post
    Hey man thanks for response and insight. Definitely no pain or rash at injection site, not even a lump, it goes in perfect. I suppose all I can do now is hope
    Thats good, looks like you got the good HG... you should, since its 2012...just so you know, most people i know, are running either 7 or 8 iu a day.
    Now, as for you taking that to Australia.... good luck, i hear almost nothing gets past customs there.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsx View Post
    Hi people, I'm in France on Holidays and didn't bring my usual Jins on the plane so i bought these from a BB friend here. He's a good friend who I travelled to come and see but u just never know what's real or not these days. I believe I'm getting the sides but it could be placebo, even though it really feels pretty damn real. Anyone seem this stuff floating around Europe, what's your opinions please?
    Kigs = dangerous. All you are taking is a mixture of chemicals that will mimic some of the sides experienced with the use of hgh. I wouldn't take kigs if you paid me with gold coins. Damn stuff nearly killed me!

    jing jai

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sydney, Australia
    Are you for real, what happened to u? Here in France, several people in this gym using it, they look ok, nothing special but they don't look sick or on death bed. I'm using the hyge that I showed in my photos but got those kigs for when that runs out

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    why do people buy those blue tops shit!!!!!!!!!
    its a waste of money
    its 90% fake
    if you cant pharma grade then dont buy HGH

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    why do people buy those blue tops shit!!!!!!!!!
    its a waste of money
    its 90% fake
    if you cant pharma grade then dont buy HGH
    Exactly my thoughts.

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  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich
    why do people buy those blue tops shit!!!!!!!!!
    its a waste of money
    its 90% fake
    if you cant pharma grade then dont buy HGH
    I found a site here in France that's sells pharma grade but I got no response to the email i sent them on how to purchase so Im stuck buying locally. I want the stuff ASAP so I went with this hoping it's gtg

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Kigs = dangerous. All you are taking is a mixture of chemicals that will mimic some of the sides experienced with the use of hgh. I wouldn't take kigs if you paid me with gold coins. Damn stuff nearly killed me!

    I had some ill-effects from generic hgh too...and whatever was in it definitely would mimic the sides of hgh. Do you have any insight as to what they may be putting in these things to try to mimic hgh side effects? I'm really curious to find out what I was taking.

  19. #19
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    USA-New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsx View Post
    I found a site here in France that's sells pharma grade but I got no response to the email i sent them on how to purchase so Im stuck buying locally. I want the stuff ASAP so I went with this hoping it's gtg
    Good luck man. problem with HGh is that you cant tell if its real of fake after couple of weeks. you have to buy alot in order to see results. and takes long time and therefore alot of money
    i would do blood work after 1-2 months on for growth hormone serum. i know they fake that too and use peptides that get your GH serum higher. but your best bet now that you ordered it is to do that blood work.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich

    Good luck man. problem with HGh is that you cant tell if its real of fake after couple of weeks. you have to buy alot in order to see results. and takes long time and therefore alot of money
    i would do blood work after 1-2 months on for growth hormone serum. i know they fake that too and use peptides that get your GH serum higher. but your best bet now that you ordered it is to do that blood work.
    Ok mate, thanks. I'm 2 weeks into it so il give another 2-3 weeks and get it checked out. I'll stick with the hyge and see the result of that before I play with kigs

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    I had some ill-effects from generic hgh too...and whatever was in it definitely would mimic the sides of hgh. Do you have any insight as to what they may be putting in these things to try to mimic hgh side effects? I'm really curious to find out what I was taking.
    Lots of people believe they put an anti-diuretic hormone in it that causes water retention and carpal tunnel. And that would also explain the elevated blood pressure.

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