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Np man... the only way your going to make gains is write down what you eat and add it up.. if you need help hit us up.... i have tons of calcualtors for this.
Not a drug on the planet will make you grow unless you eat up or down pertaining to your goal
aas and gh are both great drugs and will do wonders but will do nothing unless you do what I stated. NOTHING. it is such a false impression this world has that steroids make you big, when people see jacked up ass dudes they say " steroids" I say. "holy shit that dude put in a lot of work what the heck does he eat?"
over est is easy... i did it.. and had the same problem..... thought i was was gettn 4k i was gettn 2800.. did it when i was younger.. couldnt grow so i came to terms with it and realized what it was..........