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Thread: cant seem to find the answer? TRT an AI-prami vs caber

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    cant seem to find the answer? TRT an AI-prami vs caber

    Ok so im going to be doing a cycle of TREN decided to keep my test at TRT level to avoid sides + its better to get all the gains from tren i hear,

    do i still need an AI ? or would it be wise to keep one on hand ?

    also Prami vs caber ? prami seems easier to get hold of from Ar-r ?

    all my stats goals and diet are posted on a recent post, i can link anyone to if you like , cant seem to find a solid answer, thanks .

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Mar 2012
    Cialis, Texas
    AR-R probably doesnt carry caber because it degrades in solution. Just keep prami on hand.

    You should not be running Tren alone, with Test and an AI rather.

  3. #3
    A TRT dose of Test. shouldn't aromatize & Tren. does not aromatize so in theory an AI shouldn't be necessary, however............prolactin MAY be an issue & that issue can be controlled with a small dose of Aromasin or anything of the like.

    I don't like the way Prami. makes me feel, & I had a bit of a low BP scare with it a while back, that was when I learned you can control prolactin with an AI. I have never used Prami. since, & even at some extremely high doses of Tren. I have yet to see any prolactin issues.

  4. #4
    On second thought, maybe it would be best to use Prami. or Caber. if you're only using a TRT dose of Test., if there is no excessive Testosterone to be converted to Estrogen, then you levels should be "normal", so if you were to introduce an AI you would most likely set yourself up for an Estrogen rebound by first crashing your Estrogen levels & then spiking them when you come off the AI because you feel like sh!t (common side effect of estrogen being too low). If this happens, then you'll be fighting Gyno., fatigue & erectile dysfunction among other issues.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    On second thought, maybe it would be best to use Prami. or Caber. if you're only using a TRT dose of Test., if there is no excessive Testosterone to be converted to Estrogen, then you levels should be "normal", so if you were to introduce an AI you would most likely set yourself up for an Estrogen rebound by first crashing your Estrogen levels & then spiking them when you come off the AI because you feel like sh!t (common side effect of estrogen being too low). If this happens, then you'll be fighting Gyno., fatigue & erectile dysfunction among other issues.
    ^^^^^Great advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    awesome, top info guys !!

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