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Thread: Required expert opinion on HGH cycle

  1. #1

    Required expert opinion on HGH cycle

    Hi guys,
    I am looking your help in order to suggest me on my running cycle listed below:
    1 - 4 weeks: 2IU HGH + T3 25 Mcg (completed)
    5 - 6 weeks: 2IU HGH + T3 12.5 Mcg (completed)
    7 week: Break (Because i had to fly abroad for a week : ( )
    8 - 12 Weeks: 2IU HGH + Var 40 Mg
    13 - 17 Weeks: 3IU HGH + Var 60 Mg + Test 3 Mg / week + ? (Should i add HCG here to save my balls?)
    18 - 19 Weeks: 4IU + Test 4 Mg / week
    20 - 24 Weeks: 4IU + ? (Looking for PCT advice. Should i go with colmid or nova in order to save my nips)

    About Me:
    I started lifting 10 years back and won one collegiate competition 7 years ago, then I left it and put lot of fat, again i am wake up and trying to get my fitness back from time : )

    Current body state:
    Age 31
    Height 5' 7"
    Weight 80 Kg
    Waist line 32"

    I am on very controlled low carb diet, still can lift good weight up to 60 - 70 mins after everyday.
    My goal is to get nice details for my abs and build some lean muscle.

    I am looking yours advice on above cycle especially about the PCT and its recommended dosage.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    What are your test dosages? I know there aren't 3mg and 4mg a week. A couple zeros after those numbers would sound a little better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    this is so complicated... you're HGH doses need work and whats with 4mg testosterone ? what you mean ?
    do you mean 400mg ?
    you shouldnt run anavar with HGH without testosterone
    you dont taper up and down the testosterone
    you dont take testosterone for 4 weeks then get off then back on
    where is AI protocol ? where is HCG protocol ?
    your pct should always consist of CLOmid and NOlvadex
    what esther of testosterone ( propinate,cypianate , enthanate ) we need to knw that !!!
    please do more reading in the questions and answers forum and learn more... and post your diet in the nutrition section.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    HGH is productive for any length of time even with a pause during the cycly. Keep up the dosage as long as you can and it will be effective for the duration of the cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    If your "real" question is about your PCT then try the PCT forum.
    And one thing which helps a lot. ONE thing at a time. For ex: run hgh alone so you know what IT is doing without the test.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    And one thing which helps a lot. ONE thing at a time. For ex: run hgh alone so you know what IT is doing without the test.
    Not an expert on using HGH as I have never used it but have read quite a bit on it and quite knowledgable / have personal experience with AAS (as well as many BB friends with whom I have had discussion ad inifinitum), so I'm wondering about this. It has always been my understanding that there is a synergy between AAS and HGH when taken together. Based on what I know I wouldn't take HGH by itself for personal gains unless it was for a research experiment to see what it does on its own vs. when stacked with AAS vs. AAS alone.

    I'm a bit on the old side at 42 so perhaps my information is out-dated. I am new to this board too so I haven't had time to read all of the stickys in HGH. I am finding out that some of my information is out-dated. Cycles I would have done 8-10 yrs ago are no longer recommended. Dosages considered practical then have been proven to be higher than necessary, etc.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    USA and many other places
    ^^ clarification

    what I meant was suggesting to the OP to start with one compound first and then add the other. This way he would know what is working.... one compound at a time. Otherwise doing everything from the get-go could confuse. And it is best to go slow on all of this; especially given the fact that the OP was not clear about his PCT before starting. This in itself is why I suggested he start with one thing first.

    You are correct both hgh and test work great together. However sometimes best to start off with just one first. And taking hgh first helps to create muscle cells.... so then adding the test later on helps to build the muscles. Then the magic happens.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    another clarification since do not have an edit button

    just re-read the op's post and saw he did in fact do just hgh first. For some reason I must have read too fast and glossed over thinking he did both hgh and test up front at the same time so my apologies to him.....
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    ^^ clarification

    what I meant was suggesting to the OP to start with one compound first and then add the other. This way he would know what is working.... one compound at a time. Otherwise doing everything from the get-go could confuse. And it is best to go slow on all of this; especially given the fact that the OP was not clear about his PCT before starting. This in itself is why I suggested he start with one thing first.

    You are correct both hgh and test work great together. However sometimes best to start off with just one first. And taking hgh first helps to create muscle cells.... so then adding the test later on helps to build the muscles. Then the magic happens.
    Thanks for the clarification!

  10. #10
    I've been on HGH for quite a while, going on 6 years this January. HGH is only stuff in the universe that generates new muscle tissue as where AAS nitrogen blasts tissues and plumps them up. The combo is just awesome. However, HGH by itself is also really great. I'm 52 so I'm more of a geezer then Java Man. I can feel the HGH working probably more than the younger crowd. One thing I noticed is the muscular endurance, not just muscular strength. I am currently 205lbs with 12% bf. My chest workout consist of repping 225lbs x 225 reps in 45 minutes. I just think this HGH stuff is just amazing stuff. I'd highly recommend it for the older crowd.

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