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Thread: Using anti-estrogens for extended durations in order to supress sex drive

  1. #1
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    Using anti-estrogens for extended durations in order to supress sex drive

    Even tough that may come surprising to most of you, I HATE sex (due to an Asperger's Syndrome) , and have been checking for hormonal causes of sex drive and how to supress it. I have been researching online and discovered that suppression of estrogen in males would essentially result in sex-drive suppression, as androgens boost sex drive ONLY if estrogen is also present. If no estrogen is present, then the androgens have the opposite effect and will also contribute to sex drive suppression.

    What would be the long-term health risks of having zero estrogen for extended periods of time? I plan on hopping on 5mg of letrozole each day for an undetermined duration in order to supress my sex drive.

    what are the health hazards of long-term lack of estrogen in males?
    Would a permanently eliminated estrogen level also hinder my natural testosterone production or would it boost it?

    also, Would the lack of estrogen reduce the gains of a steroid cycle?
    Last edited by Zydial; 02-18-2013 at 11:31 PM.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Possible side effects:

    *Joint pain or discomfort
    *Severe lack of energy and fatigue and simply a general weak feeling
    *Increased risk of osteoporosis
    *Weakened immune system
    *Headaches may also be a serious severe issue if you're taking that much Letro or any AI
    *Cholesterol may also become horrible as estrogen and cholesterol share an important relationship with each other

    Last thing, I'm a little skeptical of this may be a joke and I just replied to a joke thread. I only say that because I've never heard anyone say "I hate sex." If this is true....why???

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Possible side effects:

    *Joint pain or discomfort
    *Severe lack of energy and fatigue and simply a general weak feeling
    *Increased risk of osteoporosis
    *Weakened immune system
    *Headaches may also be a serious severe issue if you're taking that much Letro or any AI
    *Cholesterol may also become horrible as estrogen and cholesterol share an important relationship with each other

    Last thing, I'm a little skeptical of this may be a joke and I just replied to a joke thread. I only say that because I've never heard anyone say "I hate sex." If this is true....why???
    Thanks for the detailled answer. this is what i was looking for.

    This is no joke, i've got an Asperger's syndrome, which make my relations with girls extremely incomfortable and difficult. It would be much easier just to get rid of this sexual attraction so i can focus my energy on more important things.

    I am going to start taking letro and up the dose slightly every week until i reach the sweet spot where my sex drive will be suppressed, this way i won't have to take too much and I won't expose myself to more indesirable effects than necessary.

  5. #5
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    grillin chicken
    You can fly solo, just beat the snot out out of it to hold it at bay. Much safer!

  6. #6
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    Your plan is a really bad one, if you supress estrogen longterm enough to supress sexual desires you will likely be causing irreversable long term damage.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Terrible idea, must be some better options for you. Maybe counciling?

  8. #8
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    ^^^ This.

    Don't do it.

  9. #9
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    I definitely know where you are coming from. I don't have any kind of autism but when I was planning on med school, sex actually became a distraction. I was also into Buddhism at this time and the idea of having no desires seemed great.

    After all, most of the great intellectuals of this world (some of whom also had some sort of pervasive personality disorder) did not put much weight on social interactions. The only exceptions I can think of are: Pablo Picasso, Nikola Telsa, and Mozart (who were supposed to be great womanizers).

    But the problem with the whole "deny yourself sex" thing is found in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Sex is at the lowest and most basic level, while self-actualization is at the highest (and least important) tier.

    This is not a joke: I advice you to hire a prostitute if you have to, but don't do what you are talking about. Even normal men start off being bad with women, but the drive to get laid is what improves them. (Think of how much more determined you are on a cycle to get go out of your way to talk to women)

    Maybe your condition is severe enough that there can be no improvement, but if you are still young, you never know what medical breakthroughs we might come up in the next few years. You don't want to be stuck with a permanent shut down sex drive when this happens. You will regret it.

  10. #10
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    the problem is the long term effect on you, the problem is, if you supress your tests, then you become a different person.. so i'd suggest you to find other ways to take away your sexual desire, best option that I've found is pain killers, it will supress your sex drive desire.. but anyways that will cause other problems but you will always be back to normal once you get off of them, as long you don't abbuse it. best supresser for me was butran for sexual desire, and it's not that harsh on your body and people sit on that shit for years.. so yeah ^^

  11. #11
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    Written by GDevine.

    Estradiol and Therapeutic Management: What you should know

    From the beginning...

    Estradiol is simply a class of Estrogen of which there are about 30 different types. Estradiol (E2 or 17β-Estradiol, or as Oestradiol) is a sex hormone . Estradiol is abbreviated as “E2” as it has 2 hydroxyl groups in its molecular structure. It is known by many of us as simply “E2 “as its abbreviation.

    Many people (even Physicians) simply call Estradiol, Estrogen.

    Estradiol is the major sex hormone of interest in foundational Testosterone Replacement Therapies.

    Why it Matters

    There are basically two very important reasons that we need to care about Estradiol.

    The first is that Estradiol is a powerful Testosterone receptor antagonist. What this means to us men is that Estradiol creates a very strong bond to the Androgen Receptors of Testosterone and renders them useless.

    However, when testosterone binds to an Androgen Receptor, it activates that receptor and we get the physiological effects we're all looking for. Now, when Estradiol binds to that same receptor it blocks Testosterone from binding, yet it does not activate the receptor, so in short nothing happens.

    This means that if your Estradiol serum level is high, no matter how much exogenous testosterone you take it isn't going to help you as it should because too many of your androgen receptors are now blocked by Estradiol and your Free Testosterone has nowhere to go.

    Exogenous Testosterone can't do you any good if it doesn't have receptors available to activate…simple enough.

    Now, things can get worse believe it or not... some believe that elevated levels of Estradiol can cause the down regulation of Androgen Receptors. What this potentially means is that your body may respond to higher levels of Estradiol by creating fewer Androgen Receptors as cells are replaced in a normal regeneration cycle .

    So, not only does Estradiol block the available Androgen Receptors as noted, it may cause your body to produce fewer of them in the future!

    This is where many Docs get it wrong and is one primary reason why just “raising Testosterone serum levels” alone as a mono-therapy may not have any immediate effect on a man. It may be that the receptors have been down regulated and so there will be a need to lower Estradiol levels and increase Testosterone levels in order to get a man’s body to up-regulate again and this could take some time.

    The second reason we care about Estradiol in men is that we also have Estrogen Receptors and Estradiol will bind to them and cause them to activate. This is fine if you want to grow man boobs (Gynocomastia) add belly fat and get an enlarged prostate, among other things, but not so good if you want to look and feel like a healthy man.

    Keep in mind, the aromatase enzyme lives in the skin and has a propensity for abdominal fat. Meaning the more belly fat you have the higher level of aromatase you will have.

    Where Estrogen Comes From

    Let’s forget environmental estrogens here; the primary pathway for Estradiol production is via the conversion of Testosterone by the Aromatase Enzyme.

    What this means is that the Aromatase Enzyme found in every man’s body bonds to Testosterone Receptors and chemically synthesizes it to Estradiol (E2).

    Think about this for a minute and realize that this conversion is a double edged sword. All in one process you're 1) losing Testosterone and 2) gaining Estradiol.

    Obviously this is not good healthy state to be in and one that needs to be managed correctly.

    This is where drugs like an Aromatase Inhibitors (AI) like Anastrozole (brand name Arimidex - aka "adex" etc.) come into a well planned TRT protocol. An AI will bond to the Aromatase Enzyme and prevent it from converting your Testosterone to Estradiol.

    Keep in mind, and many men get this wrong; but AI’s do not work directly on Estradiol nor on the Estrogen receptors. It is SERM's like Clomid and Nolvadex that bond to Estrogen Receptors.

    SERM's and AI's are different compounds, so don't get them confused. Nolvadex acts as an estrogen antagonist and will not stop the aromatization process. It disrupts the estrogen receptor bond formation process. So, your estrogen will rise but will be blocked from the chest receptors.

    So, an AI gives us that double edged sword but now in reverse. An AI will prevent the loss of Testosterone to conversion and consequently lowers our Estradiol levels which helps keep our Androgen Receptors available for Testosterone.

    Keep in mind that Anastrozole is a powerful aromatase inhibitor (antagonist) and that too much can easily cause you to push your E2 level to low. Its half life is app. 46.8 hrs so this needs to be kept in mind upon initiating a dosing schedule, especially if self-administering this product. In most all cases it is suggested to start with the lowest possible dose and titrate up based on frequent blood work, until stable levels are attained.

    Less is more here! Both high and low E2 come with similar side effects such as joint pain, loss of libido, etc.

    Estradiol Always Follows Testosterone

    Here's where Doctor’s and other Medical Practitioners get it wrong; they forget that Estradiol always follows Testosterone. As your Testosterone serum levels elevate, so will your Estradiol levels.

    If your Doctor is not doing something to manage your Estradiol levels (like taking an AI) then you aren't really going to get anywhere with higher Testosterone serum levels because your higher Estradiol levels are just going to cancel out any beneficial effect from the Testosterone. Like I said, your exogenous Testosterone can't do you any good if all your Androgen Receptors are all bound up with Estradiol.

    For those of us with "age related" low Testosterone levels, this is a serious issue because our bodies are naturally trying to keep Testosterone levels lower and Estradiol higher by producing more of the Aromatase Enzyme.

    If you're a younger man and have low Testosterone serum levels for some other reason, Aromatization may not be as much of an issue, but trust me…it still matters. Keep in mind that many fifty plus year old men have higher estrogen levels than women the same age.


    Excessive body fat produces Estrogen and Aromatase Enzymes. If you're carrying extra body fat, one of the best things you can do to help your hormone balance is to lose that fat…and for many other health reasons as well.

    Problems Associated With Low Estradiol

    What is the ideal number for you? That would be for you and your physician to decide. However, keep in mind, there can be just as many complications, if not more, by having your estradiol value too low. It is essential for men to have healthy levels of estrogen in their bodies to function properly.

    Some have the mindset that lower is better, which is the wrong type of mindset. In fact, sustaining low levels of estradiol for lengthy periods of time can be downright detrimental!

    Here are just some of the issues associated with having your estradiol level too low:

    • A feeling of being lethargic, sluggishness, and frequently fatigued.
    • Headaches
    • Depression
    • Dry skin and hair
    • Unhealthy nails
    • Loss of libido
    • Sore, achy joints
    • Inability to concentrate
    • Panic and anxiety sensations
    • Potential risks for osteoporosis and bone fractures
    • Potential cardiovascular and immune risks

    “In Range” Does Not Mean “Normal”

    One of the biggest and more frustrating problems you're likely to face is the problem of most Doctors believing that any blood test value that is "in range" is "normal" and therefore “fine”. I wish it was that simple and that goes for most if not all lab ranges.

    Let's take a look at Testosterone values. The Total Testosterone reference range for Quest is 250-1100 ng/dL. But those values were formulated simply by looking at the values of everyone else who has a blood test for Testosterone…let me say that again: “everyone else.”

    What's normal for a young guy is to be in the higher end of the reference range. What's normal for an older guy is to be in the lower end of the range…just normal biological processes.

    So, while low Testosterone might be "normal" from a lab reference range perspective that doesn't mean it's good or healthy for that matter! I may be an older guy, but why should I be happy with lower Testosterone and elevated Estradiol levels simply because “it's normal”?

    All men of all ages should be in the higher end of the reference range if they want to feel good, look good and perform athletically and sexually as men and grow old healthy!

    The same holds true for Estradiol levels. The Access Medical Labs reference range for Estradiol Sensitive is 7.6-42.6 pg/ml but "normal" young men are at the low end of that reference range and that's where we all want to be as well.

    Trust me, if your Testosterone serum levels is 250 ng/dl and your Estradiol is 42 pg/ml, you may be "in range" for both values, but you aren't going to feel good or have anywhere near the athletic and sexual performance that you would have if your Testosterone level was 800 ng/dl and your Estradiol level was 25 pg/ml.

    A word about Estradiol “Sensitive” Testing

    Unless your Doctor specifically requests a ‘Sensitive’ assay the lab will default to the standard Estradiol assay designed specifically for women, which is useless for men. The reason for the difference between the two assays is the bell curve from which the test was designed sits within the “normal” range for women and not men.

    Therefore, the hormone concentration range appropriate for adult men falls on the flat slope of that bell curve making it completely inaccurate for testing men’s E2 serum levels. Always, ask for the “Sensitive” assay when your Doctor is conducting a blood test and testing for Estradiol.

    Natural Variation in Populations

    All populations exhibit some amount variation. The average height for men might be 5' 10" but we all know guys who are much taller and much shorter…it’s just a natural part of our existence. This same variation applies to Testosterone serum levels, Estradiol serum levels, and reactions to various therapies as well…we’re all different!

    In other words, while what I've outlined holds true in general; how it specifically applys to you will vary.

    Ok, that's enough rambling from me for now on this subject matter. I wrote this, with the expert help and assistance from Kelkel and Vettester, as a basic primer; there's a lot more to this subject, so use this as a springboard to do more research on your own an learn.



  12. #12
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    I certainly don't have anything constructive to add after ^^Mickey, that being said.... Send your extra ***** my way! Two problems solved at once!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Terrible idea, must be some better options for you. Maybe counciling?
    This is the most responsible thing op

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Oh my god man..... not to be blunt, but just masterbate. Why would you crash a vital hormone? And a man on test hating sex? This cant be for real.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Oh my god man..... not to be blunt, but just masterbate. Why would you crash a vital hormone? And a man on test hating sex? This cant be for real.
    ^^this. If you hate sex you're doing it wrong

  16. #16
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Written by GDevine.
    The first is that Estradiol is a powerful Testosterone receptor antagonist. What this means to us men is that Estradiol creates a very strong bond to the Androgen Receptors of Testosterone and renders them useless.

    However, when testosterone binds to an Androgen Receptor, it activates that receptor and we get the physiological effects we're all looking for. Now, when Estradiol binds to that same receptor it blocks Testosterone from binding, yet it does not activate the receptor, so in short nothing happens.

    This means that if your Estradiol serum level is high, no matter how much exogenous testosterone you take it isn't going to help you as it should because too many of your androgen receptors are now blocked by Estradiol and your Free Testosterone has nowhere to go.

    Exogenous Testosterone can't do you any good if it doesn't have receptors available to activate…simple enough.


    This is not true. Estrogen is not an Androgen receptor antagonist (a.k.a anti-androgen). Estrogen does not bind to the AR. An example of what you are talking about is ketoconazole, which is found in Nizoral shampoo.

    Didn't want to be a nitpicker, but had to point out this error. Great info otherwise.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Oh my god man..... not to be blunt, but just masterbate. Why would you crash a vital hormone? And a man on test hating sex? This cant be for real.
    You don't know how it feels like to have Asperger's. So, some consideration.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop View Post
    This is not true. Estrogen is not an Androgen receptor antagonist (a.k.a anti-androgen). Estrogen does not bind to the AR. An example of what you are talking about is ketoconazole, which is found in Nizoral shampoo.

    Didn't want to be a nitpicker, but had to point out this error. Great info otherwise.
    Does Estrogen play any type of role that would inhibit Testosterone from binding to AR sites? This is what i understand this comment to be. High Estrogen levels inhibit Testosterone. Im almost sure i've read or have a study on this.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Does Estrogen play any type of role that would inhibit Testosterone from binding to AR sites? This is what i understand this comment to be. High Estrogen levels inhibit Testosterone. Im almost sure i've read or have a study on this.
    No, Estrogen has a completely different receptor, which is what SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators) bind to. Estrogen cannot reduce the effect of Test, but it can appear to be doing so because of bloat, higher fat deposition, etc.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Does Estrogen play any type of role that would inhibit Testosterone from binding to AR sites? This is what i understand this comment to be. High Estrogen levels inhibit Testosterone. Im almost sure i've read or have a study on this.
    Elevated estrogen is extremely suppressive at the hypothalamus (negative feedback loop), if that's what you're thinking of. But it does nothing to counteract test that is already in the bloodstream.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop View Post

    You don't know how it feels like to have Asperger's. So, some consideration.
    He didn't mention asburgers in his OP, so you show some consideration genius. And would AAS be ok for someone who is autistic? Na......

  22. #22
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    This is all new to me. Good stuff to be made aware of. Thanks guys. crazy mike

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    He didn't mention asburgers in his OP, so you show some consideration genius. And would AAS be ok for someone who is autistic? Na......
    why should someone who is autistic not take aas? please develop, douchelord.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    He didn't mention asburgers in his OP, so you show some consideration genius. And would AAS be ok for someone who is autistic? Na......
    He has edited it out now.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zydial View Post

    why should someone who is autistic not take aas? please develop, douchelord.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Very good argument, your intelligence impresses me.

    or, more seriously, your ignorance.

    Asperger's just mean my brain functions differently than yours

    It means that we don't have as much social intuitions, but our memory, our analysing capacities and our overall intelligence is boosted.

    To function in society, we substitue social relations with equations and analysis, we are constantly calculating, observing, and we can't just "let our instinct guide us" like you would. While your attraction to women seems instinctive and natural, it's extremely complicated to us.

    Your life is much easier than ours, and have some respect for that.

    Aspergers are the reason i managed to build up not one, but TWO successful businesses, and i probably know more about AAS, training and dieting than you ever will in your entire life.

    Please go back to flirting fake chicks in the club, your ignorance and lack of respect is disgusting.
    Last edited by Zydial; 02-18-2013 at 11:16 PM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zydial View Post

    Very good argument, your intelligence impresses me.

    or, more seriously, your ignorance.

    Asperger's just mean my brain functions differently than yours

    It means that we don't have as much social intuitions, but our memory, our analysing capacities and our overall intelligence is boosted.

    To function in society, we substitue social relations with equations and analysis, we are constantly calculating, observing, and we can't just "let our instinct guide us" like you would.

    Your life is much easier than ours, and have some respect for that.

    Aspergers are the reason i managed to build up not one, but TWO succesful business, and i probably know more about AAS than you ever will in your entire life.

    Please go back to flirting fake chicks in the club, your ignorance and lack of respect is disgusting.
    Let me give YOU a little advice. I have a sister who is HIGH LEVEL AUTISTIC. I have dealt with autism my entire life. Don't try to lecture me with your asbergers syndrome. I know much, much more than you about autism. The fact that your able to get on a computer should be a blessing. Have you ever sat in 1 position without eating or talking for 3 days with no food? Are you 30 years old and not able to get to a toilet (or just not feel like you need too)? Ever had the level of autism that you might say 10 words in a year? Or being tsken off meds because you eat them all? Or have possible multiple personality disorder? I have every right to say that an autistic person shouldn't cycle. They shouldnt. Why should they with a mental illness? What I said, I stand behind. IF you have autism, you shouldn't cycle.

    Another thing that I think you "missed" when you refused to look at the context OF YOUR OWN THREAD. You never mentiond asbergers in your op, and mutton missed it too.

    So you see, you arent as pitiful as you thought, huh?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Let me give YOU a little advice. I have a sister who is HIGH LEVEL AUTISTIC. I have dealt with autism my entire life. Don't try to lecture me with your asbergers syndrome. I know much, much more than you about autism. The fact that your able to get on a computer should be a blessing. Have you ever sat in 1 position without eating or talking for 3 days with no food? Are you 30 years old and not able to get to a toilet (or just not feel like you need too)? Ever had the level of autism that you might say 10 words in a year? Or being tsken off meds because you eat them all? Or have possible multiple personality disorder? I have every right to say that an autistic person shouldn't cycle. They shouldnt. Why should they with a mental illness? What I said, I stand behind. IF you have autism, you shouldn't cycle.

    Another thing that I think you "missed" when you refused to look at the context OF YOUR OWN THREAD. You never mentiond asbergers in your op, and mutton missed it too.

    So you see, you arent as pitiful as you thought, huh?
    There's a difference between deep autism and aspergers. You would meet me in real life, you wouldn't even notice im autistic.

    Asperger isn't a mental illness, its a different way of thinking and seeing life, and most of us are perfectly autonomous, we work, we go to the gym, we have family and friends and we are perfectly capable of making choices.

    that is what YOU seem to have missed.

    your example is like saying "if you're physically disabled you can't work out. thats a fact" then pop me up with the example of your brother who's missing both arm and legs, while i was talking about having a finger missing.

    im sorry about the high autism of your sister. But i will not hide you that i think you're just completely lying about it, considering the horrible lack of respect you seem to have for autistic people.

    now please, back on topic. you, Warmout, bring nothing positive to my thread, and i will kindly tell you to go waste someone else' time
    Last edited by Zydial; 02-18-2013 at 11:29 PM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Let me give YOU a little advice. I have a sister who is HIGH LEVEL AUTISTIC. I have dealt with autism my entire life. Don't try to lecture me with your asbergers syndrome. I know much, much more than you about autism. The fact that your able to get on a computer should be a blessing. Have you ever sat in 1 position without eating or talking for 3 days with no food? Are you 30 years old and not able to get to a toilet (or just not feel like you need too)? Ever had the level of autism that you might say 10 words in a year? Or being tsken off meds because you eat them all? Or have possible multiple personality disorder? I have every right to say that an autistic person shouldn't cycle. They shouldnt. Why should they with a mental illness? What I said, I stand behind. IF you have autism, you shouldn't cycle.

    Another thing that I think you "missed" when you refused to look at the context OF YOUR OWN THREAD. You never mentiond asbergers in your op, and mutton missed it too.

    So you see, you arent as pitiful as you thought, huh?

    Chill out. We are talking about a lack of people skills, not severe autism or a "mental illness", as you incorrectly put it. The OP is perfectly capable of using AAS or doing anything else, and you have no place to tell him otherwise.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zydial View Post

    There's a difference between deep autism and aspergers. You would meet me in real life, you wouldn't even notice im autistic.

    Asperger isn't a mental illness, its a different way of thinking and seeing life, and most of us are perfectly autonomous, we work, we go to the gym, we have family and friends and we are perfectly capable of making choices.

    that is what YOU seem to have missed.
    I know asbergers well. I'm trying to point out the fact that you and mutton missed what I'm saying. You didn't state you hsf asbergers in your op, so how am I supposed to know why you think sex is yucky? That's why I said "why". Then mutton, out of context, acted as he was being a mother hen.
    Asbergers is autism, which you and I both know, and I stick to what I said when I said an autistic person shouldn't cycle. I wont change my stance on it. I hate you have this, but its certainly better than relying on someone 24-7 your whole life.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    I know asbergers well. I'm trying to point out the fact that you and mutton missed what I'm saying. You didn't state you hsf asbergers in your op, so how am I supposed to know why you think sex is yucky? That's why I said "why". Then mutton, out of context, acted as he was being a mother hen.
    Asbergers is autism, which you and I both know, and I stick to what I said when I said an autistic person shouldn't cycle. I wont change my stance on it. I hate you have this, but its certainly better than relying on someone 24-7 your whole life.
    i've edited the post you just quoted. re-read it. please fix your ignorance.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post

    Chill out. We are talking about a lack of people skills, not severe autism or a "mental illness", as you incorrectly put it. The OP is perfectly capable of using AAS or doing anything else, and you have no place to tell him otherwise.
    My comment was aimed at mutton for quoting me out of context, and making me look as though I had no compassion. Had I of known he had asbergers, I would have said what I could because it is something I'm very familiar with. I hate autism in any form. It has effected my family for many years. I have great compassion for people with it.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    My comment was aimed at mutton for quoting me out of context, and making me look as though I had no compassion. Had I of known he had asbergers, I would have said what I could because it is something I'm very familiar with. I hate autism in any form. It has effected my family for many years. I have great compassion for people with it.
    You know aspergers, yet can't spell it correctly?

    i have edited the main post now to include my "illness"

  34. #34
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    Dang slide feature on my phone. All of my posts suck on here with this stupid thing.

    Op, my sincerest apologies for not seeing you had it. I only read the first post and that is what I replied to. Even in not knowing, I just asked why you h ated it and why you wanted to crash your E2 over it. No disrespect was intebded. I feel like crap over it. I just got frustrated when mutton said what he did when I had no idea you had it. I had to read over the thred to see it. Sorry this freaking phone sucks! But autism has effected me in a bad way and ive learned how to cope, but in my case it is more extreme. High level, unresponsive is aweful, and I base my feelings on that, which I know. Once again, I'm truely sorry if I came off as uncompassionate towards you. I just honestly had no idea.

  35. #35
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Dang slide feature on my phone. All of my posts suck on here with this stupid thing.

    Op, my sincerest apologies for not seeing you had it. I only read the first post and that is what I replied to. Even in not knowing, I just asked why you h ated it and why you wanted to crash your E2 over it. No disrespect was intebded. I feel like crap over it. I just got frustrated when mutton said what he did when I had no idea you had it. I had to read over the thred to see it. Sorry this freaking phone sucks! But autism has effected me in a bad way and ive learned how to cope, but in my case it is more extreme. High level, unresponsive is aweful, and I base my feelings on that, which I know. Once again, I'm truely sorry if I came off as uncompassionate towards you. I just honestly had no idea.
    i accept your apologies. I would appreciate we get back on topic now.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Zydial View Post

    i accept your apologies. I would appreciate we get back on topic now.
    You got it.

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