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Thread: First time with test...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    First time with test...

    Started my first cycle of test 250 (2cc) a week for 12 weeks and t3 for 3 weeks. I'm on my second week of test right now and half threw the t3 pyramid dose. I read up every night but wanted to know what to expect out of this and also i just lost over 30lb of fat before this and want to keep it off so my question now is what is the best option to take during this and how much to keep the water and bloating off for best results? Im late 20s 6'2 228lb when i started last week. My diet is pretty clean and cardio everyday still with no carbs after 1pm.

    Also to save another post, my first shots were in my arms first on the left and it was fine little sore for day or two then fine. this second one on the right arm same place as other side is so sore and red/hard like someone punched me??? its starting to heal and get better but is this normal pain?

  2. #2
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    your muscle gains and excess weight reduction are completely diet dependant. Head over to the nutrition forum and post your question there...

    no one can predict your results, but if done right, Ive seen a clean 15lbs added from your proposed cycle. If you can gain and keep 10 lean lbs, consider it successful

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Welcome. Congrats on the weight loss.

    Are you taking an AI? This should help with bloat. Your goal is really diet dependent. What is your current BF% ?

  4. #4
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    Thanks, bf% not sure haven't done it but just from comparing myself to the pictures in one of the forms i'd say guess between 15-20%. Now that i got the big gut away right now i kept alot of my strength but want to put on some size and cut up more to start. i have novadex for after but nothing now thats what im researching and deciding on. seems like choices are between Arimidex, novadex, letrozole, or aromasin? What would fit my cycle and keep my water off to not look bloated? Also how much each day, how long, etc?

    Im just at the point where im seeing results in my stomach but still need to drop atleast 10-15lb fat to see anything and if i bloat its going to play a mental game with me lol. but i also want to prevent gyno and tits.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Well that's too far a range to give you decent advice. If you're at 15 you should be fine. If you're at 20, well... you're asking for trouble.

    Either way, you should be using an AI. Should have been from day 1. Forget Letro, try Adex.

    Nolvadex alone will not suffice for your PCT. You need clomid as well.

    To be honest with you, if you're not too far into this cycle, you may want to stop and continue research before you hurt yourself.

    Best of luck.

  6. #6
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    ^^^ this... if you really are near 20%, you do run the risk of more severe sides

  7. #7
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    Thanks for the fast response, the adex is what i was leaning to and told to get. for what im doing what would you recommend to start with for dose per day or every other?

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    .25 eod up to pct.

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    had my bf done today at the gym with the gun/claw thing they have reads 4 spots. came out to be 15.1% which i was surprised i was thinking more but im not going to fight it. any tips or secrets during this cycle to get me to 10 or less? also how long is safe to be on t3? i have 3 weeks now it all dosed out but im at the peak now and thinking of extending it cause i havent seen much yet.?

  11. #11
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpg View Post
    had my bf done today at the gym with the gun/claw thing they have reads 4 spots. came out to be 15.1% which i was surprised i was thinking more but im not going to fight it. any tips or secrets during this cycle to get me to 10 or less? also how long is safe to be on t3? i have 3 weeks now it all dosed out but im at the peak now and thinking of extending it cause i havent seen much yet.?
    30 years.

  12. #12
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    i read that dont stay on for more then 3 weeks at a time go up, peak, then down to be safe. then i see post of people on it for months at a time? just want to be safe with it and not worry about my system not going back to normal after.

  13. #13
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpg View Post
    i read that dont stay on for more then 3 weeks at a time go up, peak, then down to be safe. then i see post of people on it for months at a time? just want to be safe with it and not worry about my system not going back to normal after.
    Not true at all. No need to taper with it. Just use it until you're satisfied with about 300mg+ of test weekly.

  14. #14
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    Want opinion on my cycle...first im at about 4.5 weeks of the test 250 2cc a week and havent really noticed anything at all or feeling yet. When should i expect it and when it kicks in is it full change till the end? cycle is for 12 weeks. also i have about 3 weeks left of the t3 then thats over. my question is while im in the middle of all this is now a good time to start 30days of 50mg dbol to help out? im not looking to bloat up at all but the t3 took some strength away and i figure soon the test will kick in while on some dbol would benefit. also been taking .5 arex eod as needed.


  15. #15
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    Would of been a smarter idea to start the dbol at the beginning for 4 weeks
    What kind of test is it ?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpg View Post
    Want opinion on my cycle...first im at about 4.5 weeks of the test 250 2cc a week and havent really noticed anything at all or feeling yet. When should i expect it and when it kicks in is it full change till the end? cycle is for 12 weeks. also i have about 3 weeks left of the t3 then thats over. my question is while im in the middle of all this is now a good time to start 30days of 50mg dbol to help out? im not looking to bloat up at all but the t3 took some strength away and i figure soon the test will kick in while on some dbol would benefit. also been taking .5 arex eod as needed.

    You could add dbol, but don't do it because your being impatient. Patience is a virtue with long esters.

  17. #17
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    its bd test e 250. the dbol is just a thought im leaning not to take it since i lost so much weight on my own and now you're prob right i should just wait. i'd be pissed if i did all this work and bloated up alot and then lost it. been reading tho and it says between 4-6 weeks it starts im about 4.5 in and dont see or feel anything different. source is good not questioning if it is real or not i know that but im curious of when it will kick in and what to expect when it does? i have a good diet and gym twice a day good pumps but when i leave few hrs later go back to soft like before i started and weights are still about the same. hope this starts and i'll stick with just the test then had thoughts of after just to cut for summer with tren and eg or tren and winny. not going to worry about that yet.

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