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Thread: tren cough kicking in, after 2 tren cycles....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    tren cough kicking in, after 2 tren cycles....

    Hi all,
    I'm at the end of my second tren cycle, never got the famous tren-cough until.... this week.
    It started the first time like a strange feeling in my lungs, but no cough, then next days a little bit of cough, but yesterday, there was no doubt that I got the cough, couldn't stop to cough for 2 minutes, and that kicked in 30-60 seconds after pin.
    In every forum, I read its the BA that causes the cough, but I'm not convinced. why should it kick in after 2 cycles??? and BTW, the batch I'm pinning, I'm shure there's less BA than in the previous ones.
    And it would be a tremendous coincidence that I never nicked a vein, and this last week I'm starting nickin veins

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Other than Leather Daddy I've never known anybody come on here with the amount of trauma's that you have when you cycle.

    Why is impossible for you to 'nick a vein'?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I'm convinced the reason is from a user nicking a vein.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Hi all,
    I'm at the end of my second tren cycle, never got the famous tren-cough until.... this week.
    It started the first time like a strange feeling in my lungs, but no cough, then next days a little bit of cough, but yesterday, there was no doubt that I got the cough, couldn't stop to cough for 2 minutes, and that kicked in 30-60 seconds after pin.
    In every forum, I read its the BA that causes the cough, but I'm not convinced. why should it kick in after 2 cycles??? and BTW, the batch I'm pinning, I'm shure there's less BA than in the previous ones.
    And it would be a tremendous coincidence that I never nicked a vein, and this last week I'm starting nickin veins
    I take a couple minutes to fully pin my 2.5mg test/tren and it seems to work real when I'm pushing it in I get the feeling like its coming on in my chest and I just stop and relax, take a deep breath, and then resume pinning....never got the cough so far.

    I couldn't tell you why you're getting yours now though..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX
    Hi all,
    I'm at the end of my second tren cycle, never got the famous tren-cough until.... this week.
    It started the first time like a strange feeling in my lungs, but no cough, then next days a little bit of cough, but yesterday, there was no doubt that I got the cough, couldn't stop to cough for 2 minutes, and that kicked in 30-60 seconds after pin.
    In every forum, I read its the BA that causes the cough, but I'm not convinced. why should it kick in after 2 cycles??? and BTW, the batch I'm pinning, I'm shure there's less BA than in the previous ones.
    And it would be a tremendous coincidence that I never nicked a vein, and this last week I'm starting nickin veins
    How can it be ba that gives the cough? And how do you know there's less ba in a pre sealed vial?
    It's caused by oil going into the blood system that's all.
    Its not just tren it can happen with any steroid I hate that its always attributed to tren.

  6. #6
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    The story of nicking a vein would be a crazy coincidence. Imagine my previous tren cycle was 6-7 weeks. if I pinned on ED it was something like 42-49 pins. now I'm in week 7 so add another 49 tren pins, it makes something like 100 pins, the possibility that I never nicked a vein in 93 pins, and start now in my last 5 pins nicking veins, is veeery low IMO.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    The story of nicking a vein would be a crazy coincidence. Imagine my previous tren cycle was 6-7 weeks. if I pinned on ED it was something like 42-49 pins. now I'm in week 7 so add another 49 tren pins, it makes something like 100 pins, the possibility that I never nicked a vein in 93 pins, and start now in my last 5 pins nicking veins, is veeery low IMO.
    Unless there's around a 1% chance of nicking a vein....maybe your ticket was up.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX
    The story of nicking a vein would be a crazy coincidence. Imagine my previous tren cycle was 6-7 weeks. if I pinned on ED it was something like 42-49 pins. now I'm in week 7 so add another 49 tren pins, it makes something like 100 pins, the possibility that I never nicked a vein in 93 pins, and start now in my last 5 pins nicking veins, is veeery low IMO.
    Are you a hypochondriac?

  9. #9
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    I'm not scared of the cough, its funny.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    The story of nicking a vein would be a crazy coincidence. Imagine my previous tren cycle was 6-7 weeks. if I pinned on ED it was something like 42-49 pins. now I'm in week 7 so add another 49 tren pins, it makes something like 100 pins, the possibility that I never nicked a vein in 93 pins, and start now in my last 5 pins nicking veins, is veeery low IMO.
    Kinda my point. It's too infrequent for it be much else.

  11. #11
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    Some guys just get it others dont.

  12. #12
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    but there must be a reason. just curious

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    How can it be ba that gives the cough? And how do you know there's less ba in a pre sealed vial?
    It's caused by oil going into the blood system that's all.
    Its not just tren it can happen with any steroid I hate that its always attributed to tren.
    I've had the cough, flulike symptoms post injection NUMEROUS times, and have never run tren.

    One cycle I had it happen every other injection. On another I actually switched suppliers because I was getting it every time. none of those involved tren.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Ender-

    I've had the cough, flulike symptoms post injection NUMEROUS times, and have never run tren.

    One cycle I had it happen every other injection. On another I actually switched suppliers because I was getting it every time. none of those involved tren.
    Exactly people always say tren cough etc its just bro science as usual

  15. #15
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    grillin chicken
    Ive got a huge Pail of used pins. Shot every muscle on my body and never a cough. Next pin now that I said this.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Any oil based injectable will cause a cough when too much enters the bloodstream too quickly.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I've had it once before and it was awful. God damn near coughed out a lung! It was TNT 450 (250mg Test E mixed with 200mg Tren E) 1.5CC in the quad.

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