How many people smoke cigarettes? (sp?) With mid-terms being last week I had to resort to smoking to calm myself. I can't stop!!! How many of you out there smoke?
How many people smoke cigarettes? (sp?) With mid-terms being last week I had to resort to smoking to calm myself. I can't stop!!! How many of you out there smoke?
Never have never will.
never even tried it. 23yrs old and dont think i will
Sorry bro me neither
I you want to stop, and can't just quit, use the patch. My wife has used it a few times. She says it is great. But she always goes back to smoking again right when she has finished that diffucult first month - but that is a different story. I think she is just not really dedicated to quitting. You cannot do it if you don't want to do it for yourself.
I quit smoking after a brief period in college, but there was no patch then. I just weaned myself off by taking a 3 or four hits when I really needed it (I could go a few days at a time), and made myself put the damned cigarette out. Same idea as the patch. Try it.
Smoking is bad for you.![]()
this is such a funny post because i am not a smoker however just like you i have been going through midterms and haven't been able to have my weekly drinking night(nights if im naughty) and so i have started smoking to help release a little tension. now i kinda like it and look forward to my smoke breaks. i need to kick this nasty habit right in the balls. i already feel short of breath during my workouts.
i utterly hate ciragettes so much.......thank god smoking was banned in every public place...including clubs, bars, lounges New i dont have to be subjected to other peoples disguisting habit......but yes, it is an addiction.....i smoked ciragettes myself when i was young for a brief period of time........i quit around 16, 17..........but then again i started really young.......
i dont remember where i got this from but it really helped me quit.....and i still have it.......i know it's long....but its worth reading...............
According to the American Cancer Society, as soon as you snuff out that last cigarette, your body will begin a series of physiological changes......
within 20 minutes: blood pressure, body temperature and pulse rate will drop to normal
within 8 hours: smokers breath (ewww.....we all know that) disappears, carbon monoxide level in blood drops, oxygen rises to normal
within 24 hours: chance of heart attack decreases
within 48 hours: nerve ending start to regroup ability to taste and small improves
within 3 days: breathing is easier
within 2-3 months: circulation improves, lung capacity increase up to 40%
within 1-9 months: sinus congestion and decrease. cilia that sweep debris from your lungs grow back. energy increases
within 1 year: excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a person who smokes
with in 2 years: heart risk drops to near normal
within 5 years: lung cancer death rate for an average former pack-a-day smoker decrease by half. stroke risk is reduced
within 10 years: lung cancer death rate is similar to that of a person who does not smoke
within 15 years: risk of heart disease is that same as a person who has never picked up a cigarette in their life
......theres so much more to this...........its alot longer.................but i thought this would be some motivation to those who want to quit.............
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, THAT IS STRENGTH
Nope not here....I swear everytime someone blows smoke on me at the bars here I want to turn around and spit right in there face and say "You get your nasty habit on me then your going to get my nasty habit on you." I hate coming home wreaking of smoke.....
Originally Posted by Catamount
yup.....thats what i clothes, my hair,etc. reeked of that smell........ugh...........and lets not forget that a pack of ciragettes is $7+ in New these people are crazy to actually pay for that...........
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, THAT IS STRENGTH
I know I finally gave up putting on cologne when going out. What is the point?Originally Posted by Danielle
Originally Posted by Catamount
So your nasty habit is spitting on people is it?
Sorry I couldn't resist.
Actually anyone who smokes and dose not show enough respect for those that do not should be subjected to such treatment. It's just plain common curtasey.
Well, I did smoke, but I just quit when I found out that Danielle dosnt like smokers. If that is a pic of you in your avatar-your cute.
sometimes when i drink, but thats it.
I don't like for people to see me smoke. I smoke behind the dorm so I can be secluded from everyone else. I haven't had one since I posted this though so I guess that's good. Better to stop before you start I guess. When finals roll around though, I might have to resort to maybe one, who knows?
I smoke ciggarettes when i drink, and occasionally after dinner when I'm out with friends(they are all regualrs)
I do love a good pipe or cigar and enjoy that at home with a glass of wine after dinner a few times a month.
been quit for 3 for 8 yrs
I smoke about five a day during high stress moments,due to the stressful bussiness I'm in.But I don't like it,very ugly habit!!!!
...........i still think its funny when i see all those magazine ads for ciragettes and all the people in them have beautiful white teeth...........
.......its just not happening.........
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, THAT IS STRENGTH
What ever happened to the Marlboro man?
I smoke...fixing to quit though. Leave town Sunday morning for a 2 week business trip that I will be VERY busy on. I think it will be a good time to go ahead and kick the habit. Been thinking about it for a while now...just not convenient. Between the airports, hotel, meetings ,etc. I figure that it'll be very inconvenient to smoke anyway. Already have the patches and gum. We'll see how it goes. Been smoking over 12 years...even with all the working out etc, I still have always smoked.
him and all other brand characters were abolished with the stricter smoking mandates...companies are not allowed to advertise any more...flip to an older issue of sports illustrated and see all the newport/marlboro ads that used to grace their pages.Originally Posted by Da Bull
now, only alcohol is allowed to be advertised.
i smoke but i dont really have much of a habit, the only time is really smoke is while drinking, or if im bored at work. Otherwise i would hardly ever smoke, i only go tru a pack or two at the most a week.
I quit for 3 years and went back after I was getting stressed out from my now EX girlfriend who I owned a house with, I had started drinking a lot and the smoking just came naturally... at least I can still run 3 miles in 20 minutes after my regular lifting, but the only reason I wanna quit again is the price... I actually enjoy smoking... it's my last vice, no more drinking (well hardly) no more drugs (recreational) and I stopped going to NYC because I can't drink and not smoke so what's the point of me going to any of the clubs or bars over there now so I do all my partying in NJ.
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