Hi all.
So my cycle is going towards the end.
Started with 79,5kg and now I’m at 83,5, maybe will end cycle up on 84kg.
Lost a good amount of bodyfat, but won’t end up lean like this summer.
Anyways, this summer I ended cycle at 76kg, now I’ll end this semi bulking cycle at 84kg (my goal was 85kg lean)
So I’m planning my summer cycle, If BW is ok, I’d start in june and go till august, 12 weeks cycle.
I need some hints for doing it right till summer.
This was a bulking cycle, so I didn’t end up ripped and lean like I wanted to be in summer.
What should I do now?
I tell you, after my summer cycle, I wanted to bulk, so instead of loosing weight like its normal after a cycle, I gained 3,5 kg, fat obviously, but don’t think I lost muscle, because I was even stronger after the cycle.
Now I’m on my summer diet, to end up this cycle lean as possible. What should I do after cycle?? Go on maintaining my diet and remain lean, with a big possibility to loose some muscle, or should I start bulk again, and diet like crazy this summer???
My Idea is to maintain low BF until summer, I’m very ectomorph, so there is no doubt, I’ll loose a good amount of muscle.
What could I do to be safe from catabolism?
Now my cycle for the summer:
I was thinking of introducing some Dbol for a kick start, and gain some fast mass. If I’m lean, it won’t look bad I think.
I enjoyed 250mg sust EW last summer, good libido and no bloat. This time with 500mg EW, it was a little bit to strong, but maybe coincidence with bulking.
Now for the tren, I always used tren Ace, I went up 65mg ED, but Dbol + tren Ace, I think its too much, so maybe it would be better some tren E??? 4 weeks Dbol, and I’ll end Dbol when tren will start kickin in so sides won’t overlay.
The biggest reason I prefer tren Ace, is because I can control how much the stuff is underdosed, and can adjust dose ED.
With tren E, there is no way to control it. So if I choose a long ester tren, I’d need a good lab.
I could run tren E at 500mg EW, for 8 weeks, start june and end august.
I loved the hardening effect of proviron this summer, so I’d use it again, through the whole cycle, and due its not toxic, I could combine it with another oral example Dbol.
I’d introduce this time some masteron, cause everyone says its hardening effect is very good too (although its very similar to proviron).
Could I use it through the whole cycle?? It’s a mild thing, so maybe it won’t overlay sides with dbol and tren or what do you think?
Last thing, after using dbol, I could start anavar too for the remaining 8 weeks.
Or is it overkill for the liver after dbol?
What do you think of this cycle?
Stats: 28yo, 84kg 1,85m