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Thread: How to use IGF-1

  1. #1
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    Question How to use IGF-1

    Okay so what is a safe dosage to use? How often do I inject, safe procedures to use, etc. I have never used any anabolic steroid or anything like that. Need some guidance...

  2. #2
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    Read the stickies and search. This isn't an unique question

  3. #3
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    Search isn't turning back any results, answers would be helpful.

  4. #4
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    Des or lr3

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Des or lr3
    Des and/or Lr3 are at the same dosages? The reason I need the IGF-1 is for it's muscle hyperplasia... do these both create new muscle cells too?

  6. #6
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    I have much more research to do. What are your stats anyway

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    lr3 = waste of time and money

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    lr3 = waste of time and money
    Um...I think you have that backwards. Lr3 is the one that stays active in your system for much longer than any other version.

    The only one I have used is Lr3 and it did elevate my Igf-1 levels confirmed with blood work. I started with a very low dose to see how my body reacted and worked up to 50mcg per day.

    You need to do some research on this stuff, it needs to be reconsituted differenty that most other lypolized powders.

  9. #9
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    My igf levels are high from the hgh. I don't want a big hgh gut and grown intestines. So I use des pre workout for localized growth. Amazing pumps

  10. #10
    If you can get the real deal, igf-1, you're good to go. If you're using lr3 then there are two schools of thought. Take a little for longer period of time or take a lot for shorter duration. First thought, 50mcg every other day or every 3rd day for as long as 120days, bilaterally into muscles worked. 2nd thought, 100mcg/ed bilaterally into muscles worked for 30 days.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    My igf levels are high from the hgh. I don't want a big hgh gut and grown intestines. So I use des pre workout for localized growth. Amazing pumps
    Localized growth is exactly what I need, could you possibly send me a link for des pre-workout?

  12. #12
    Does IGF-1 really work? I've heard you might get a nice pump from it, but that is about it. Hence why i've always shied away from it. I'm currently on 5iu GH every day so i'd imagine my IGF-1 levels are quite high as is... would shooting igf-1 pre/post workout bilaterally really give me much results hyperplasia wise?

  13. #13
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu

    Um...I think you have that backwards. Lr3 is the one that stays active in your system for much longer than any other version.

    The only one I have used is Lr3 and it did elevate my Igf-1 levels confirmed with blood work. I started with a very low dose to see how my body reacted and worked up to 50mcg per day.

    You need to do some research on this stuff, it needs to be reconsituted differenty that most other lypolized powders.
    Des works way better

  14. #14
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Football47

    Localized growth is exactly what I need, could you possibly send me a link for des pre-workout?

    2/3 of the way through the workout works best for me

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by trackstar19 View Post
    Does IGF-1 really work? I've heard you might get a nice pump from it, but that is about it. Hence why i've always shied away from it. I'm currently on 5iu GH every day so i'd imagine my IGF-1 levels are quite high as is... would shooting igf-1 pre/post workout bilaterally really give me much results hyperplasia wise?
    Ohhhh does it! I know this girl that is diabetic, so she has to take insulin shots. She started getting incredibly jacked and muscle bound, and her joints ached really bad... she told me and I knew because I was doing a lot of research on IGF-1 that her body was using the insulin for the IGF-1. She had been really messed up dosage wise because she just couldn't get them right for a some odd reason... it's because she needed more because of the IGF-1 spike. IGF-1 is stronger than HGH... on HGH you can only gain like 2lbs a month I think and like 5lbs on IGF-1.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    Des works way better
    Isn't des in and out of your system really fast? Anyone else vouch for igf-1 des?

    Why is it better?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Football47

    Ohhhh does it! I know this girl that is diabetic, so she has to take insulin shots. She started getting incredibly jacked and muscle bound, and her joints ached really bad... she told me and I knew because I was doing a lot of research on IGF-1 that her body was using the insulin for the IGF-1. She had been really messed up dosage wise because she just couldn't get them right for a some odd reason... it's because she needed more because of the IGF-1 spike. IGF-1 is stronger than HGH... on HGH you can only gain like 2lbs a month I think and like 5lbs on IGF-1.
    Anyone who I've ever personally trusted has told me they igf in general is a waste of time ;only used by people trying to find a cheap rout to hgh effects that never come.... everyone has advised me to stick with hgh.... And get as much of it as possible.... That being said I seem to like the pump and vascularity that comes with the des.... I've never really noticed anything at all with lr3... I wish there was more actual studies done on it in human use...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    Anyone who I've ever personally trusted has told me they igf in general is a waste of time ;only used by people trying to find a cheap rout to hgh effects that never come.... everyone has advised me to stick with hgh.... And get as much of it as possible.... That being said I seem to like the pump and vascularity that comes with the des.... I've never really noticed anything at all with lr3... I wish there was more actual studies done on it in human use...
    If they had more studies done, than it would be FDA approved by now... IGF is stronger than HGH, but when you take IGF, it helps if your HGH is increased as well. Insulin feeds IGF, that's why in rare cases the person can become insulin resistant. Probably why this girl I know saw some huge muscle gains, she was pretty muscular, 6 pack abs, and rock solid massive legs. They really do need some more studies done, though from what I read, there are no real negative effects from it, obviously unless you abuse it. All my problems would be solved if they graphed on a third nut for me haha

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    Des works way better
    Why is des better?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Football47 View Post
    Okay so what is a safe dosage to use? How often do I inject, safe procedures to use, etc. I have never used any anabolic steroid or anything like that. Need some guidance...
    Do you have PHARM GRADE IGF-1? If not, pick it up and then smash on ground...

    If you haven't even cycled or used hgh why are you turning to IGF-1 first?

    Hgh would probably be your best bet as your body produces IGF-1 from HGH...

    Anyways, I would only add IGF-1 once you are in the COCKTAIL of hormones...Steroids, insulin, gh etc...

  21. #21
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    I gained 10lbs of muscle in my 3 week IGF-1 LR3 cycle... you just got proved wrong.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Football47
    I gained 10lbs of muscle in my 3 week IGF-1 LR3 cycle... you just got proved wrong.
    Highly unlikely.. Total weight gain I can believe not pure LBM

  23. #23
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Football47 View Post
    I gained 10lbs of muscle in my 3 week IGF-1 LR3 cycle... you just got proved wrong.
    Impossible. You have no idea

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Football47 View Post
    I gained 10lbs of muscle in my 3 week IGF-1 LR3 cycle... you just got proved wrong.
    LMFAO! So, just because you say it is so on an internet forum we are suppose to automatically take your word for it?! WOW! You must really think we are that gullible.

  25. #25
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Football47

    If they had more studies done, than it would be FDA approved by now... IGF is stronger than HGH, but when you take IGF, it helps if your HGH is increased as well. Insulin feeds IGF, that's why in rare cases the person can become insulin resistant. Probably why this girl I know saw some huge muscle gains, she was pretty muscular, 6 pack abs, and rock solid massive legs. They really do need some more studies done, though from what I read, there are no real negative effects from it, obviously unless you abuse it. All my problems would be solved if they graphed on a third nut for me haha
    I've personally used igf many many times and done basically all forms I've ever herd of and I've never noticed any substantial gains.... Any gains that I have gotten while taking igf I've usually attributed to something else I've taking at the time... Basically every time I venture into igf or basically any peptide its when my cycle has been maxed out in every other avenue which is about the time i come to terms with getting off everything and taking a break bc no further gains seem to come....

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