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Thread: Lean mass plan

  1. #1

    Lean mass plan

    my maintenance is 2500cals, roughly. Was going to eat at 2600 with a 50 30 20 split of PCF but realised this may not be enough Starts are

    5 11
    14% bodyfat roughly. Still fairly lean maybe a bit less

    I reallllllllllllllllllllllly wanna minimise fat gains as much as possible hence why the small surplus. Would 2600cals be alright or should i bump it up to 3000?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Diet forum
    Lower your protein by alot do you know how many calories it takes to digest protein alone? too many You will be wasting your money. also surplus of 50 calories is enough to start, gauge it every 2-3 weeks via measurements, strength gains or lack of gains in the gym and lots of mirror pictures. throw your scales in the garbage. Lean mass takes along time, years! be in it for the long haul... i have great genetics and i recently added 5lbs "real" lbm in a year so with that being said adding 50 calories every 2-3 weeks till u find your sweet spot isnt far fetched.

    As real lbm goes up ur calorie needs go up, but if its mostly fat increase your calorie needs go down. count calories on say a weekly figure, i use 8 days as mine.

    my maintenance is 2500cals, roughly
    this bothers me, please go get a accurate test done so you know what your RMR is, once you have that , it will be a lot easier to know what you should be eating for Lean gains. Guessing will just hold you back.

  3. #3
    I talked to 405 about my maintenance. LBM X 15. 169x 15 is 2535.

  4. #4
    196x0.14 27 44

    196-27 44 is 169.

    169x15 is 2535. My maintenance.

  5. #5
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    have you taken into account your brain and organ weight, your bone density?

  6. #6
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    You're just guessing and 405's x XX amount is what he found works for him, are you 405? no. u could be x 13 u could be x 17 ... go get a accurate bodypod test done and get real numbers and facts. lean mass gains have no room for guessing. Im sorry if you dont want to hear the truth.

  7. #7
    lol im sorry but he also helped me with dieting down and his forumula worked quite well for me. I like x15 so ill stick with that. If im not putting lean mass on ill adjust from there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    You're just guessing and 405's x XX amount is what he found works for him, are you 405? no. u could be x 13 u could be x 17 ... go get a accurate bodypod test down and get real numbers and facts. lean mass gains have no room for guessing. Im sorry if you dont want to hear the truth.
    If you don't want to do that, just monitor yourself, you will know if youre eating to much in a few weeks by what you look like in a mirror.Everyones bod is diff, and theres no magic formula.

  9. #9
    I Understand that but as i said 405 has helped with my diet a while back using the x15 formula and it works quite well. ahhh nevermind ill PM him
    cheers for the help

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Time1 View Post
    I Understand that but as i said 405 has helped with my diet a while back using the x15 formula and it works quite well. ahhh nevermind ill PM him
    cheers for the help
    so if it worked why did you stop?

  11. #11
    that was for dieting down. so a defict. 2100 cals with a 60 20 20 split. So just need some confirmation for a lean mass plan now

    but yeah lol ur right should still stick to a x15 formula. Just wondering about a split. Cos i might be using deca/test on this cycle hence why a big protein intake

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    40/40/20? Just eat a balanced diet dude. You don't need a "big" protein intake to grow either

  13. #13
    so say. 2600cals with a 40 40 20 split?

  14. #14
    I just dont wanna look all puffy with a high carb diet. with a 50 30 20 split of 2500cals it was 312g protein 200g carbs and like 55g of fat off the top of my head

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    So raise the fat then and lower the protein if you don't want more carbs

  16. #16
    Alright, but will 2600calories be a good start do u think?

  17. #17
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    Sep 2011
    time (LBM x 15) is just a rough starting maintenance estimate. from here u are to monitor ur progress and make adjustments based on results. if LBM x 15 worked well for you during ur cut thats good. i would suggest applying it again for ur lean bulk. BUT depending how long it has been since u finished ur cut, u may want to run maintenance for a little while before jumping into a bulk.

    when u eat at a deficit for an extended amount of time ur body makes all kinds of adjustments. u should, when u finish cutting, run maintenance for at least a few weeks before moving to a surplus to allow ur body to get out of "diet mode" and adjust hormonally from the deficit back closer to homeostasis. personally i would stay at maintenance for a month or longer depending how lean u want to stay and how lean u have cut down to as well as from how high u actually have come from. there are a lot of variables.

    how long has it been since u finished ur cut?

    have u been on maintenance cals since and if so how long?

    what was ur bf% before u started the cut?

    how long did u cut?

  18. #18
    bodyfat was over 20% lol. with a third chin at 102kg lol. Umm cut for a while not sure exactly. Nope havent been on maintenance since. Just taken time off my diet, eating whatever, not counting anything. not pigging out tho.

    so 405 my maintenance is 2550 roughly. What split should i go with?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    102kg = 224.4lbs

    89kg = 195.8lbs

    224.4 - 195.8 = 28.6lbs

    good work dude!

    how did u get ur bf tested to know ur at 14%?? i suggest u spend a little time getting ur diet back in check before considering adding mass.

    how long has it been since u quit cutting???

    for a lean bulk u could go with 40/40/20.. another good option would be to reduce carbs on non-training days.. id like u to answer my questions..

  20. #20
    Ive been on and off cutting for a about a month now mate. Umm ive been told im at 14ish percent, Also ive posted pics up on a few other forums whom all agree 14%

    thanks mate

    What do u mean diet back in check? Keep dieting down? Nah im over that now. Really wanna start building a bit of lean mass. I dieted for to long. Probably run my cut for a good half year or so lol. Was on and off tho.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    time (LBM x 15) is just a rough starting maintenance estimate. from here u are to monitor ur progress and make adjustments based on results. if LBM x 15 worked well for you during ur cut thats good. i would suggest applying it again for ur lean bulk. BUT depending how long it has been since u finished ur cut, u may want to run maintenance for a little while before jumping into a bulk.

    when u eat at a deficit for an extended amount of time ur body makes all kinds of adjustments. u should, when u finish cutting, run maintenance for at least a few weeks before moving to a surplus to allow ur body to get out of "diet mode" and adjust hormonally from the deficit back closer to homeostasis. personally i would stay at maintenance for a month or longer depending how lean u want to stay and how lean u have cut down to as well as from how high u actually have come from. there are a lot of variables.

    how long has it been since u finished ur cut? Been on and off cutting for about a month

    have u been on maintenance cals since and if so how long?

    what was ur bf% before u started the cut?

    id say over 20 percent

    how long did u cut?
    over half a year

  22. #22
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    Sep 2011
    Diet back in check: making good choices. U said u have been "eating whatever" since coming off the cut. I dont know what u look like or what u mean by whatever so am assuming u may have gained a little fat back which would not be unheard of. I do not mean continue cutting.

    If u are determined to go into a surplus at this point id start out slow. If ur maintenance is 2500cals id start at 2800 40/40/20 pro/carb/fat.

    280g pro
    280g carbs
    62g fat

    I sugest posting ur diet for review. I would also suggest reducing carbs on non workout days.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Diet back in check: making good choices. U said u have been "eating whatever" since coming off the cut. I dont know what u look like or what u mean by whatever so am assuming u may have gained a little fat back which would not be unheard of. I do not mean continue cutting.

    If u are determined to go into a surplus at this point id start out slow. If ur maintenance is 2500cals id start at 2800 40/40/20 pro/carb/fat.

    280g pro
    280g carbs
    62g fat

    I sugest posting ur diet for review. I would also suggest reducing carbs on non workout days.
    hahah i love u 405! always helping me out

    so u reckon dont start at maintenance 2500 cals with a 50 30 20 split? 312 p 200c 55f?

    Yeah basically just eating whatever i feel like, whenever not counting cals or anything mate. Just like an average everyday person would basically.

    But getting back into it tomorrow. Will create meal plan to hit those macros in a bit. Got work soon.

    So 2800cals with a 40 40 20 split? Or should i start at 2500cals first? Is there anything wrong with a 50 30 20 split?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Time1 View Post
    hahah i love u 405! always helping me out

    so u reckon dont start at maintenance 2500 cals with a 50 30 20 split? 312 p 200c 55f?

    Yeah basically just eating whatever i feel like, whenever not counting cals or anything mate. Just like an average everyday person would basically.

    But getting back into it tomorrow. Will create meal plan to hit those macros in a bit. Got work soon.

    So 2800cals with a 40 40 20 split? Or should i start at 2500cals first? Is there anything wrong with a 50 30 20 split?
    Eating this much protein with the stats providing is a waste of money and ur body will waste more calories digesting the protein u dont need and not covering your RMR needs. Not sure why i bother apprently u want to only listen to 405 lol

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    Eating this much protein with the stats providing is a waste of money and ur body will waste more calories digesting the protein u dont need and not covering your RMR needs. Not sure why i bother apprently u want to only listen to 405 lol

    Alright ill go with 2800cals on a 40 40 20 split.

  26. #26
    So im basically eating 1.7g of protein per pound of LEAN body mass correct?

  27. #27
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	NEWEST PLAN.jpg 
Views:	35122 
Size:	167.8 KB 
ID:	134853

    ok bros hows the plan. Havent listed all vegies as i leave them out and work them in later. Falling a bit short on carbs by about 20g but my protein is a bit higher as well as fat. Really tricky to try and manipulate things. Also starts becoming expensive to lol.

    But yeah best i could do. How is it. Yes im eating greens to haha

  28. #28
    if i add another 100g sweet potato it hits 280g carbs but yeh. Also wont be eating in that order. i re arrange that to lol. not eating cottage cheese with beef haha. As long as i hit my macros and calories

  29. #29
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    Sep 2011
    the diet looks ok. i think we're experiencing some miscommunication regarding when to start eating at a caloric surplus. i am still not extremely clear how long u have been since u stopped cutting. from the best i can tell its been about one month. u seemed determined to start bulking and then when i suggested 2800cals ur response caused me to think u were asking if u should eat 2500cals (maintenance) at 50/30/20 split so i am confused.

    lets try to simplify this:

    if it has been at least one solid month of eating 2500cals on average daily then u will be ok to start eating 2800cals. otherwise i would run 2500cals (maintenance) for at least a solid month before bulking.

    ur food choices above look ok to me but i would double check the basmati rice. 1/4 cup dry and 97g carbs seems a bit high to me. my brown rice only has 128g carbs in an entire cup measured dry. ur basmati in the same quantity would be approaching 400g! seems high.. id find some different rice if it were me and these numbers are correct.

    i would also consider reducing carbs down to 100-150g on non training days. this will lean up ur bulk for u and possibly allow u to increase calories further on ur training days.. itll take some time and playing around to see where u need to be..

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    the diet looks ok. i think we're experiencing some miscommunication regarding when to start eating at a caloric surplus. i am still not extremely clear how long u have been since u stopped cutting. from the best i can tell its been about one month. u seemed determined to start bulking and then when i suggested 2800cals ur response caused me to think u were asking if u should eat 2500cals (maintenance) at 50/30/20 split so i am confused.

    lets try to simplify this:

    if it has been at least one solid month of eating 2500cals on average daily then u will be ok to start eating 2800cals. otherwise i would run 2500cals (maintenance) for at least a solid month before bulking.

    ur food choices above look ok to me but i would double check the basmati rice. 1/4 cup dry and 97g carbs seems a bit high to me. my brown rice only has 128g carbs in an entire cup measured dry. ur basmati in the same quantity would be approaching 400g! seems high.. id find some different rice if it were me and these numbers are correct.

    i would also consider reducing carbs down to 100-150g on non training days. this will lean up ur bulk for u and possibly allow u to increase calories further on ur training days.. itll take some time and playing around to see where u need to be..

    OK so first off, are my number for the current meal plan alright? The macros?

    secondly that 1/4 cup of rice i believe always stays there, btw its 125grams of UNcooked rice and even if i put 100 or 50 or 500gram the 1/4 mark still stays there idk. But ive checked the package at home and yup the myfitnesspal is correct so just ignore the 1/4 thing.

    Ok after eating at maintenance is this diet G2G 405?

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