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Thread: Interested in HGH.

  1. #1

    Interested in HGH.

    Just finished a test enanthate cycle, so won't be looking to do anything for a few months after PCT. Just want to start researching now. Heard good and bad things about HGH, anybody feel like giving a newbie a run down on the pros and cons and how it's compared to test? What's better?
    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by craig1414 View Post
    Just finished a test enanthate cycle, so won't be looking to do anything for a few months after PCT. Just want to start researching now. Heard good and bad things about HGH, anybody feel like giving a newbie a run down on the pros and cons and how it's compared to test? What's better?
    Thanks guys
    There are numerous threads here about HGH. Few people here will tell you HGH is superior; most will tell you to stick with AAS compounds. The biggest reason is HGH is one of the most counterfited peptides and it is very difficult (nearly impossible sometimes) to find legitimate HGH. Compared to test, it needs to be run much longer and is better at improving lean muscle mass and vascularity - the doses you would need to see any appreciable mass could easily be obtained at lower doses of test. HGH has side effects but most are managable. Again, the two biggest drawbacks to HGH are costs and availablilty. I personally run HGH all the time, but many do not because of the challenges I indicated.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    There are numerous threads here about HGH. Few people here will tell you HGH is superior; most will tell you to stick with AAS compounds. The biggest reason is HGH is one of the most counterfited peptides and it is very difficult (nearly impossible sometimes) to find legitimate HGH. Compared to test, it needs to be run much longer and is better at improving lean muscle mass and vascularity - the doses you would need to see any appreciable mass could easily be obtained at lower doses of test. HGH has side effects but most are managable. Again, the two biggest drawbacks to HGH are costs and availablilty. I personally run HGH all the time, but many do not because of the challenges I indicated.
    Hmm. So you can run test while using HGH? maybe I'll talk to my source and see what pricing is and stuff. A good friend of mine uses HGH so I will have to ask his opinion as well. I would imagine the results from a test cycle while on it would be great, dose dependent of course. Thanks for the reply muscleink.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    HGH is expensive, but one of the most underated of its properties is the ability to provide the user with quality sleep. After a couple years of crappy sleep and trying so many OTC supps as sleeping aids, I took the plunge and put up the cash to try GH... by the end of week 2, prblems solved and its such a low dose that the expense is really only as much as a mid range car paymet monthly... I value sleep more

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Or you can see your Doc, and get a Rx for sleep help, or try Valarian Root. Save the $ you would blow on Chinese fakes.
    I'd never poke fake shit in my body to sleep better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    HGH is expensive, but one of the most underated of its properties is the ability to provide the user with quality sleep. After a couple years of crappy sleep and trying so many OTC supps as sleeping aids, I took the plunge and put up the cash to try GH... by the end of week 2, prblems solved and its such a low dose that the expense is really only as much as a mid range car paymet monthly... I value sleep more

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