Starting to plan and gear up for my next cycle. I always plan one cycle ahead. Just began PCT from my last cycle. Read through Antomini's epic Tren thread and noticed he mentioned skipping nandrolone and going straight to Tren. My original thought was to run a Prop/NPP cycle to see how I respond to 19 Nor sides and with the NPP being slightly less harsh, figured it would be a decent gauge of how I handle it and make for a good bulk cycle. I was also under the impression that NPP cleared the system way faster than the time mentioned by Antomini. I do get tested but know when usually with decent amount of advanced warning.
So, with all that in mind, is it feasible and responsible to run a Tren cycle opposed to an NPP cycle? Cycle would likely be 300 mg Tren per week and 150 test per week. Not a heavy dose by any means but, trying to be responsible with my first run at Tren. Don't want it to bite me too hard and leave me never wanting to return. Would be running Caber and a light dose Aromasin just to ensure limited E2 levels.
Anyone else skipped straight to Tren without hitting Deca/NPP? Thoughts for or against it? Open and appreciative of all views on this one.
Thanks in advance.
And since I know it will likely be asked:
29 yoa
231 lbs @ 12% BF
This would be my third cycle.
Goal would be a lean bulk